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Picking up the Check - Part 2

Posted on Thu Sep 10, 2020 @ 2:58am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Dorian Torel

2,126 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD03 0150


Good to his word he walked into the Box shortly before closing. He nodded to Yolanthe as he walked past the bar and head up to the holosuites. He had planned on putting on the crab bib as he walked in and smirked at the memory. No doubt she was wondering why he had such a smile on his face but could tell her later.

When she saw him, she turned a delicate shade of pink, her hair like cotton candy. She nodded back, even if she was undressing him with her eyes.

Once up in the holosuite he set up the program. The massage table was centered, the canopy letting in just enough of the sun to keep things bright and warm, the sides gathered and tied back to the corner posts and the sounds of surf gently rolling against the shore completed the scene. The "staff" all went about their programmed business and he took his place and waited for his cue.

It was maybe twenty minutes later when the doors whispered open and she walked in. She had changed out of the black pants and shirt she'd warn in the bar, and now all she wore was gossamer fine white silk, a column draped over each shoulder coming together at her hips, held in pace by gold cord tied around them, so that the rest of the silk would fall between her thighs. Her hair was loose, and already blood red. The sides of the silk didn't meet, there was nothing underneath. The strawberry pink of her skin was plain to see.

She gave him the smile of a predator, "So, are you hungry now?"

Standing next to the massage bed he was slowly rubbing his hands together. He had changed into a white linen beach shirt, the was unbuttoned, and pair of white shorts that where getting tighter by the moment. "Famished...but first things first." Motioning to the bed. "You've been on your feet for hours, nothing like a massage for tired extremities."

She walked up to him, the sea breeze making the silk she wore flutter. "Sounds divine. You do me," she pressed her hand into his crotch, running over the length of him, "Then I'll do you. Sound fair?"

Inhaling her fragrance as he ran his lips from the nape of her neck to her ear. "Sounds perfect."

She gave a shuddering breath, her skin deepening to cherry. "Yes, it does." She returned to the table, unknotting the gold cord and letting the silk practically billow away. She settled herself onto it, pulling her hair away from her neck and shoulders.

Oiling up his hands he started on her shoulders, neck, and upper back kneading firmly. After several minutes he move his way down her back working the muscles on either side of her spine. Once at her waist he used the tips of his fingers the massage the cluster of muscles at the base of her spine and slow worked his way to her sides. He then reversed his path until he was back up to her neck working the muscle at the base of her skull then back down her back moving out to her sides.

After a few minutes of his warm strong hands working at her flesh, easing the tension, she let out a sigh, and the cherry red faded into violet again. By the time he reached the bottom of her back, she was amethyst, relaxed and content. "You are very good at that." Her voice was slurring as he chased away the tension. By the time his hands were back at her neck, her skin was plum, and her hair was darker, like a ripe aubergine.

After reoiling again he ran his hands down her sides, grinning as his pinky reached out and traced the curve of her breast. Sliding down her waist and over her hips he then moved down over the back of her legs. Working one leg at a time he kneaded her hamstrings then her calves then back up her leg crossing over slowly to the other leg making sure he didn't miss her inner thigh.

"Tease," she murmured, her knees moving to give him room. "You'll pay for this later." It was all the strength she had for words, so deeply relaxed she'd become, her skin slowly darkening again.

Once finished with her legs, while getting more oil, he used his foot to move a stool into place near her feet. "I need ya to turn over now."

"I don't want to move," she protested, her body too loose to immediately respond. But after a moment of infinite will, she obliged, resting her hands behind her head, eyes closed against the light of the setting sun.

Once she had settled herself he went to work on her feet. Taking her foot in his hands he ran his thumbs up the center repeatedly before working each toe area one at a time.

He worked in silence, though every so often she would let out a sigh that was almost indecent, and another ounce of tension would slip away, and the depth of colour in her skin would build again.

Her breathing was slow and deep. The foot in his hand was warm, the nails were painted with a silver glitter, and they looked like stars in the night against her midnight hued flesh. "My feet are very sensitive," Her voice was low, husky, and promised slow, sensual movements under the stars. "So please don't stop."

Smiling he continued his attentions moving over the tops of her foot before squeezing her heel and pressing in the center with a circular motion. He spent a good deal of time on her foot ensuring every zone was attended to. Again he repeated everything before moving to the next.

He finished her other foot and rose, moving to the head of the table. As he moved his finger traced along her body until he was looking down at her and began to work her temples, face, and scalp.

For a moment his touch had brought a flush of blood red rising out of the deep purple, but once his fingers passed her core it was swallowed up by the rich dark purple again. But that was the only reaction he could draw from her, her body now practically liquid with the deep relaxation he had kneaded into her. "I may have to revise the plan," she admitted. "I'm not sure I'm capable of anything more than speech right now."

Dorian chuckled as he leaned in kissing her. "Well I guess you'll owe me for once."

"Such a terrible thing, to be in your debt," she murmured. "I hope your interest rates are reasonable."

Taking a seat next to her, by her shoulder, as she lay there relaxed. "Well they can be...all depends on what being put up as collateral".

She smiled. Her skin had gone a brilliant black, like a ravens wing, glimmering with hints of purple, and her teeth were bright white against it. "What would you like? Right now I'd be prepared to steal the stars, or raze your enemies to ash and bone."

He had never seen her change shading so many times in such a short span. But what surprised him most was the acts themselves. "Really? You'd steal the stars for me...and here I thought you couldn't move?"

"I didn't say I'd do it right now," she purred, "Just at some point. You'd have to wait a bit."

He smirked a bit. "Fair enough. Now...what to do??? Hhmmmm?"

She looked up at him, white eyes gleaming, "I guess I'm at your mercy."

"But you're so relaxed...I'd hate to get you all tensed up."

She chuckled, and reached for him, pulling him closer "Well, the tension would only last for a little bit. Then there would be more relaxing. For both of us."

"Very true..." He took her mouth with his as he stood using her grip on him to lift her off the massage bed as he wrapped his arms around her.

She chased his tongue with her own for a moment. "Not the sand. It gets everywhere." She warned him before burying her face against his neck to kiss a gentle line from his ear to his shoulder.

Sitting on the edge of the table he lifted her and moved her so they faced each other. His hands then moved over her, up from her sides over her breasts until he held her face in his hands. He began at her lips moving to her cheek, nibbling at her ear. Slipping a hand into her hair he gripped it pulling her head back slightly as he scrapped his teeth down down her neck.

Her hands were on the button of his fly, pulling at the awkward fastening as best as she could with his teeth making her breath stutter. She glanced down, and the contrast of her body to his, black as obsidian skin against his white clothes, made her heart skip a beat. The same thought it inspired ruined it, the gleaming black blossomed into blood red as desire took over. Fuck it she thought and bunched the linen in her hands and ripped it open.

Her passion only fueled his and he stood again sitting down on the bed as he pulled his shirt off and threw it to the wind. On hand took her leg at the knee lifting he leg as he pressed against her. His other arm wrapping around and pulling her to him.

"I think it's your turn to lie down." She murmured, tugging at his bottom lip with her teeth. She pushed him down to the table firmly, her expression brooking no refusal, and settled down over his hips. She rolled them once, grinding down on him, muscles in her thighs and stomach flexing. "Don't you think?"

"Yes ma'am." His hands had moved to and with her hips. His left sliding up he stomach between her breasts and gripped the side of her neck. He was gritting his teeth as he arched to meet her movements.

"Good boy," she purred.

This was nice, she decided as they finished and she looked down on him. The dark red of her skin lightened, changed, became bright tropical blue. "You look pretty like this," She trailed a finger across his chest.

He grinned. "You look pretty good yourself. I need to give you a massage more often."

"Yes you do." She purred. She cocked her head at him. Trying to imagine him dressed up like the boys of her homeworld. "I'm thinking you also need to grow your hair." She ran her hand threw the short cut, barely two fingers width long. "I want something I can properly hang on to."

His hand rubbed over her thighs. "Hmm... I keep it short for a reason. If it gets too long it goes curly and has a mind of its own."

"Oh I don't mind that." She gave him an impish smile. "I'd braid it for you."

Giving her ass cheek a playful spank. "I wouldn't grow it out that long."

"Its sweet you think its up to you. Where I come from, once a boy is old enough to do the Duty, he's not allowed to cut it again. Short hair is for children."

Chuckling. "Is that right?? I've heard of cultures like that. Guess I'm just a kid at heart," adding with smile.

Yolanthe looked down at him, where their bodies were still joined. "Children don't do this. Are you sure you want to be a child?"

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"Just pointing out the flaws in your logic."

"Ahhh... Well I might be convinced to grow the top out, at least a bit. Wouldn't want your hands to slip."

She laughed. "So considerate." She leaned down and kissed him. "Massages are fun, but tables are not big enough for cuddles after. An oversight in your program, I think."

He arched an eyebrow, smiling. "Easily fixed. Computer, alter massage bed to a king sized bed with the cover and top sheet pulled aside and increase canopy pavilion to match."

The program shifted and the king sized bed materialized beneath the pair. Pulling her down to him he reached off to the side and pulled the sheet and cover over the top of them. "All better?"

"Much better," she agreed, spooning up against him. "Is it too late to say welcome home?"

His arm wrapping around her as they laid there. "I think you already did."


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Dorian "Magic Fingers" Torel
Bodyguard and Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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