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Dinner For 4, err 5 - Part 1

Posted on Sat Sep 12, 2020 @ 8:50am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,813 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Anatoles D’Ors Houvre
Timeline: MD 4, 2000 Hrs.


It was 2000 hours when the chime to Alanna's quarters rang. A touch late for visitors arriving unannounced.

Alanna was stretched out on the sofa, reading articles on the most recent archaeological excavations. She marked where she was reading on the PADD and then went over to open the door.

Standing at the door was Jason, the man Alanna had been sure was Jason's dad, and another man who looked a touch like the other two except for a slightly receding hairline and evidence that he didn't spend a ton of time in the gym.

"Come on, it's a Haines' family reunion", Jason said with a smile. His cheeks had a slight rosy glow to them.

For a moment she stared at the three of them, surprised. Then she raised an eyebrow and wondered what led up to this. "Okay, but two questions first. How much have you been drinking, and can I change clothes?" Her jeans and t-shirt were probably good enough, but she would at least like to change into a blouse.

"I have only had two drinks", Jason said. "but I think Yolanthe made them a bit stronger since I wasn't dead again. And yes, you can change, but you don't have to. And this is my father Robert and Uncle Thomas."

"A pleasure", his uncle said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you," Alanna said, smiling at Thomas.

"I believe we may have run into each other once", Rob said, remembering how he evaded her asking if he was Jason's father.

"We did. You claimed not to know anyone named Jason Haines." Her smile grew broader. "You two bear a strong resemblance to each other. Nice to officially meet you."

She would feel better if she changed, so she excused herself and slipped into the bedroom for a minute to change into a cerulean blue blouse, run a comb through her hair, and slip on a pair of shoes.

"Okay, I'm ready," she said when she rejoined them.

When she came back out, Rob said, "For the record, I thought you meant Jason Haynes, with a y not Haines with an i."

There was a pause and then he laughed.

"So, where are we going?" Jason's uncle asked.

Jason looked at Alanna and said, "Lady's choice."

Alanna didn't believe for a moment that Rob thought she meant another Jason Haines, but she wasn't going to say so. "There's a French restaurant on the promenade. They have excellent soup and steak."

"That sounds great", Thomas said. "Is it real stuff or replicated? I've had nothing but replicated food for the last few months on my way out here."

Alanna grinned. "It's as fresh as they can get it. They buy what they can from local markets and have the rest shipped in. They even have a collection of French wines. All their desserts are from a bakery on the promenade."

An 'mmm' escaped Jason's uncle.

Rob chuckled and said, "There isn't a croissant that can stand up to me brother."

"Yeah, and there isn't a floor in the universe that can't catch you and the wine", Tom shot back.

"Touché", Rob replied with a laugh putting his arm around his brother.

"Shall we?" Jason asked, shaking his head at his father and uncle.

"Yes. I'm looking forward to watching the three of you interact," she admitted, slipping her hand through the crook of Jason's arm.

"It can get kind of quiet around the table when there is food and drink at the table", Jason replied. "When it's only drink, well look out.

"Hey, I have never lost control when drinking", Rob said.

"What about the time in Ireland when you kissed the horse and it bit you?", Jason asked.

"Hey, your mother dared me to kiss it", Rob said with a smirk. "She was drunk too strangely enough."

"Aren't you supposed to ride the horse and kiss the Blarney Stone?" Alanna asked facetiously.

"I had already done that", Rob answered with a chuckle. "I can't remember what I had said, but Jason's mom said, 'You can kiss the horse before you get to kiss me again after that comment'. I had a hard time letting the challenge go."

"I think I'll just walk away from that one." Alanna shook her head. "So, what are you celebrating?"

"You never need a reason to celebrate", Thomas said as they walked along. "Life is too short. Tonight, we will celebrate being up right and breathing and being accompanied by someone much better looking than the three of us combined."

"That would be Brianthe," Alanna replied, his mood was contagious. "But as she's probably busy elsewhere, I'll have to do."

"A word from the old and possibly wise", Rob said. "Never sell yourself short. Always oversell, then say the parameters changed for the evaluation."

He chuckled.

"I prefer to be underestimated." Alanna's eyes twinkled. "Then I have the element of surprise."

The promenade was crowded, as usual. Alanna led them around until they got to the door of the restaurant. It was only half-full. "Where do you want to sit?" she asked.

"Lady's choice", Jason replied, to which both his father and uncle nodded affirmatively to.

Knowing Jason's preference, she found a table on the edge of the room where he and his father could have a good view of the door from the promenade and the one from the kitchen. "This will do." In deference to the men, she chose the seat with her back to the room.

Jason pulled the chair out for Alanna and for her to sit, smiling at her. Once they were all settled Thomas spoke up.

"So, you are a scientist Miss Wells", he said. "What is your field of study?"

She smiled her thanks to Jason before answering. "Archaeology, anthropology and history. They overlap so much I couldn't pick just one."

"So, from what I understand of the area, a rare gem of an assignment here for you then", Thomas said.

"Oh, yes. There are so many possibilities here." She smiled. "I know I'm fortunate to have this opportunity."

"So, what's been the biggest find so to speak?" Rob asked.

"Besides Jason?" she teased, casting a sideways glance at him. "I'm fascinated by the Fae," she continued. "I've seen some of their ancient sites and I want to learn more."

Rob gave Jason a brief look and Jason barely moved his head left to right in a 'no' manner. Jason's attention was then drawn to the front of the room. He stuck his hand up and made a waving motion, then sighed, a slight scowl crossing his face.

Alanna looked from Rob to Jason, wondering what the unspoken communication meant. Knowing Jason, it was something he couldn't talk about. Then she turned to see who just came in.

"It's N’varra", Jason said getting up and moving to the entrance.

"You don't think she's still looking to pop you, do ya?", Thomas asked Rob.

Rob shrugged.

"I hope not." One way or another, they'd soon know. Alanna hoped the half-Romulan had changed her mind about killing her father.

The group at the table could see Jason talking to N’varra through the window and after a few minutes, it looked like whatever Jason said worked as they came to the table. Rob stood and smiled. Meanwhile Sam pulled a chair from another table over to theirs.

Rob said, extending his hand to the chair, "Please join us, I think you."

She looked at them and replied, "I just wanted to say that I don't believe you are lying. What you told me, no one else would know. Now I need to figure out what to do with my life."

Thomas looked at her and said, "Self-reflection is much easier on a full stomach."

"And we'd like you to consider us friends," Alanna added.

"I am not sure if anyone should have a friend like me", N’varra replied, the smell of all the foods making her stomach growl just a little bit.

"Why do you think we wouldn't want to be your friend?" Alanna asked. "Sit down, have some food, and tell us."

"Fine", she said with a bit of a scowl. "Why wouldn't you want me to be a friend? The things I have done in the past twenty years. How I have used and manipulated people. The things I have agreed to."

"She is her father's daughter", Thomas said with a smirk.

Alanna let Thomas' comment sink in but responded to N’varra. "Everyone has a chance to change. Who or what you were does not mean that's who you are, or who you will become."

Rob nodded in agreement and said, "Very true. Sometimes we must do what it takes to survive, despite the costs. Let's order and get more bread before we talk ourselves into starvation."

"Agreed", N’varra said coolly. "I do not know anything about human food though. What is good?"

"The steak is good. So are the soups and salads." Alanna grinned. "And the pastries."

N’varra looked at the menu and the prices and flatly said, "I do not have the funds to pay for this type of food."

"Don't worry", Rob said. "I was already planning on paying for everyone, so order what you want."

"Well then", Thomas said with a chuckle. "Let's play how deep is my brother's pockets?"

Rob laughed and responded, "Deep enough to keep you from being hungry for an hour or two."

A waiter came over to the table. "Are you ready to order?"

Alanna looked at the others. "I am, what about the rest of you?"

Everyone nodded and N’varra was interesting as she ordered eight different things. After the waiter left, she looked at everyone staring and said, "What? I am very hungry."

"That's a good enough reason." The other woman grinned. "The food here is definitely worth it. So, while we wait for our food, what have you been up to recently?"

"Does there need to be another reason for eating?" N’varra asked. "I thought the purpose of a meal was to replenish nutrients. As to what I have been doing, I have been thinking."

"I hope it was productive. I've had need to do a lot of thinking myself recently. Sometimes life throws you into a spin and you need time to figure things out. At least that's been my experience. I hope I'm not being too presumptuous, but I hope you've found the answers you need." She intended her words to be supportive rather than bossy.

"I have indeed found my answers", N’varra said to Alanna matter of factly, as she turned and looked at Rob. "Father, I have decided not to kill you."

To Be Continued...


Jason and the Family Haines

Alanna Wells
Science Officer and not quite sure what else


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