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Olive Branch - Love On The Rocks Part 9

Posted on Tue Sep 1, 2020 @ 11:13pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

607 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Personal Quarters
Timeline: MD 05 2000


Geral was rarely nervous but for some reason tonight he was. What ever Charghwl and his wife had done he owed then for this chance patch things up with Maritza. All his efforts has failed to even get a reply from her until the other morning when he got a visit from Lady X'aedell.

She was frank and to the point, asking his intentions where her friend was concerned and after seeming to be satisfied with his answers she merely told him to try again. So he did.

Geral didn't send Dorian, Sha'rae or any of his staff to deliver an invitation, drop off more flowers, or attempt to deliver another gift. Like so many of his earlier attempts he used the person touch. After returning to his office he sat back and took a deep breath and tapped the communications pad on his desk. "Computer open a private channel to Captain Soran."


Maritza glanced at the terminal. She was only doing this for X'ae. And she was only doing it because X'ae had given in on the bloodwine and she should know better than to drink blood wine. Thank the heavens for antidotes and hangover cures.

Angry at everything, herself, at interfering klingons, at idiot bajorans, she opened the channel. "You have two minutes, not a second more. Go."

He took a deep breath. "Two minutes. I can see that this...whole situation still has you upset. I just want the chance to put things into context. I'm mean look at the source of the who started this whole thing...someone who spends most of his time in the shadows.

"If you wanna believe him or not at least hear me out." Leaning back abruptly and exasperated, "If one of your crew got in trouble you would at least hear their side of it before convicting them. Wouldn't you?"

She glanced at the clock. "One minute and twelve seconds."

"All I'm asking is for the same. At least hear me out. If after that we're over...then it's over." He hoped he didn't look as miserable as he felt saying those words but he pushed on before his time ran up.

Leaning forward again he took Sha'rae's advice went for broke. "Maritza, I care for you. I have never told or shown anyone the things I have you. If I had to step aside and let others run things in order for us to be...I would.

"Please. Just meet tomorrow night at my shop, just you me a nice dinner and the truth."

"I've already made arrangements for tomorrow night." Maritza said. Which was true, though technically it was a business meeting, and one she'd only agreed to to spite Geral.

He highly doubted she was one to jump into a rebound relationship, so it was either official or just a ploy to get to him.
Thinking to himself, ~Man she could hold a grudge~. "Fine. Then at your earliest convenience."

She should shut him off and tell him that would be when the local sun went supernova. "The following evening." That would be the last night before the Xeod operation. A distraction might be good. "Not at your shop though. Or your ship. The Officers Club." It was a quieter restaurant, less fancy than Anatole's. She double checked the clock. "Seventeen seconds."

He nodded. "Perfect. I will see you then. Thank you."

She cut the channel. She was angry at him. Furious in fact. So why was she agreeing to this? And why did her evening suddenly feel slightly better?


Captain Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises


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