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For Better or Worse (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Aug 19, 2020 @ 6:01am by Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,452 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD06, 1400


"You're avoiding an uncomfortable topic," T'Lul told Alanna simply. "You're free to do so if you choose but not confronting your pains will only allow them to linger."

"I've had months to avoid confronting some them," she said. "Work and exploring is what I usually do to keep from thinking. I built a place on the planet where I can escape and do research at the same time."


"I should like to see what you have done down there. I have yet to go to Pangaea and I would like to explore it. Even so, avoidance normally causes more pain in the long run. I am sorry that nobody was here to assist you sooner."

"Thanks." Alanna took a bite of her croissant and chewed while she momentarily look at the crowds. "I'm used to using work as a panacea." She wished she could do more to help Jason, and she wished she wasn't so practiced at hiding her own still-tender emotions.

T'Lul pressed her own fingers lightly together. "It is not normal for non-Vulcans to avoid by the use of work. It does not give you time to reflect or understand your emotions and they are important for your mental and believe it or not, physical well-being, as well. I could go into those studies but I do not believe that they would be as interesting to you, as myself." She paused and finally replied, "And if you wish to have a healthy relationship with your Imzadi, he also will have to confront his past. I am willing to help but you and he must do the hard work."

"I know. I want to help him, but he's so angry right now." She felt his presence before she saw him. "He's here on the Promenade." She stood and looked for him.

"And you need to help yourself before you can truly help him," T'Lul advised Alanna before hearing that Jason was near. "It will be interesting to meet Jason," T'Lul told Alanna before nibbling on her tart.

Alanna nodded. T'Lul was right. She did need to stop running.

Alanna's suggestion to take to the planet after was all said and done was really starting to resonate with Jason. He knew he wouldn't have access to any Starfleet equipment if he did this, so he started to do a little shopping. When Alanna stood up, she could see him coming out of Quality Personal Comm. It didn't look like he had purchased anything, but he could have had it shipped to his room or be waiting for pickup. He looked about the promenade and if he saw her, there was no indication.

She raised her hand and waved to attract his attention, not wanting to yell as that would get everyone in the area looking at her.

Jason saw Alanna wave her hand and he went over to where she was. He wondered who the woman she was with, was.

"So, whatcha want?" he asked her before noting the pointed ears of the woman Alanna was eating with. His face grew cold.

T'Lul looked over at Alanna and then back again at Jason. She decided that she would let Alanna take the lead on this right now. She could give her own introduction later. After all, the question was addressed to Alanna, not her. Interfering immediately could make matters worse for everyone here.

"I wanted to invite you to join us. We're having some fresh pastries." She was a little disconcerted by his response to her. He was treating her like someone who was interrupting him. Someone he didn't particularly care to see. His reaction to T'Lul, unfortunately, made her realize that this was probably not the best way for him to meet the new counselor. Or any Vulcan, for that matter.

"That's ok", Jason said, casting a glance towards T'Lul. "I'm not really hungry. I hope you two enjoy."

Alanna could feel the irritation rolling off him.

"Okay." She should have thought before she invited him to meet a Vulcan. "I've had some cheese croissants and a bottle of wine delivered to my quarters if you want to stop by after Alpha Shift."

"Are we going to be alone?" Jason asked, once again glancing at T'Lul.

"Yes. I ran into the counselor and invited her to try Pierre's baking. I'll be alone tonight."

T'Lul raised her hand in the Vulcan salute to Jason. "Live long and prosper, Mr. Haines." She debated saying more but caution was required here. There had to be a building of trust. Any word that she said might lead Jason to attack or leave, neither which would be desirable for assisting him.

"Sure, whatever", Jason replied, eyeing T'Lul warily before turning from the table.

T'Lul said nothing. Certainly this response was better than an attack. Her presence with Alanna probably calmed him some. If this was a small step towards recognizing the difference between the alternate universe Vulcans and this universe's Vulcans, then so be it. Therapy was rarely fast. Patience had to be a virtue. She merely stayed calmly by Alanna and let her take the next step.

Alanna wasn't sure quite how to take Jason's response. "If you'd rather not... I thought it would be nice to spend a quiet evening together."

"I was speaking to the counselor Alanna", Jason replied. "A quiet evening would be nice."

Pleased that T'Lul got a mostly civil response from Jason, she decided perhaps she could try some humor to assist in breaking the ice. "Quiet evenings are wonderful. Peaceful meditation focuses the mind." Before Jason could react negatively, she backtracked just in case he took offense, "Of course, I am quite sure that you intended to spend your quiet evening with Alanna.' She gave a small nod towards Jason, which was as close as she would get to what a human smile would be.

"I look forward to it," Alanna said, smiling at Jason. "I'll get the food. After everything that's gone on this week, I could use a quiet night, too."

"Later tonight then", Jason said and started to walk off.

Ignored. Well, that's a positive step from hostility. Perhaps I should have the two of them in a joint session. Alanna's presence may comfort him. T'lul watched as Jason started to walk off and started formulating plans on her next meeting with Jason.

Alanna watched him go, relieved that he didn't shout at T'Lul and concerned about how bad his anger was getting. When he was out of sight, she sat down. "Well, for better or worse, that was Jason."

"I would say that was better," T'Lul told Alanna. "He was not overtly nasty and he did not attack me. I count that as progress on a first meeting." She considered Alanna and asked, "Do you think that you could bring you and him to my office tomorrow? Or if that is too much, perhaps we could all meet for lunch?"

"I honestly don't know if he'd come. He is very angry with all Vulcans right now."

"So you have said," T'Lul reminded Alanna. "That is why I suggested that perhaps lunch instead. I apologize if I confused you by making you think that I meant that to be in my office," T'Lul reflected when mentally remembering her words to Alanna. "Neutral territory would probably be easiest for him and I think that you will be comfort to him in any conversation."

"I'll ask him about it tonight, but I can't guarantee anything." Actually, she was pretty sure he'd say no, but she needed to ask him first, and then respect his decision.

T'Lul thought about that. Would another surprise visit be best? Logically, if she did that, he might start to feel stalked which would only deepen his resentment towards Vulcans. On the other hand, he would like refuse if told. However, if he refused, then she could engage Alanna more for times to meet where he would be required to interact. "I'm aware that you cannot make a guarantee. We will start with your asking him. If he refuses, we will adjust our strategy."

Alanna nodded. "We'll play it by ear." She took a bite of her croissant and sighed.

"Do not fret, Alanna," T'Lul replied with some human-like inflection. "We will help you and we will help him. Patience and time and understanding is all that it will take. Instant results will not happen."

Alanna nodded. "I know. It's only been a few days for him, and he needs time."

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor

Ensign Jason Haines
Lover of Vulcans in all Universes

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer and
desperate would-be peacekeeper
Deep Space Five


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