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For Better or Worse (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Aug 19, 2020 @ 5:56am by Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,126 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD06, 1400


Alanna was weaving her way through the crowds on the Promenade as she made her way to her favorite French pastry shop. It was time for the afternoon pastries to come out and she often stopped by to get fresh croissants and an occasional pan du chocolat.

She was only paying partial attention to where she was going when she almost bumped into the new counselor. "Sorry," she said automatically, then noticed the other woman. "Oh, hello, Lieutenant."

T'Lul gave a curious look at Alanna and gave her a polite nod. "Hello, Alanna. If it makes you more comfortable, you can call me Counselor, Doctor, or T'Lul, if you wish. Although, the latter, you probably should reserve for private sessions and off duty." After a pause where normally a smile might go, T'Lul continued, "You seem distracted."

"It's been...a crazy week. I thought some fresh croissants would help. There's a place near here that makes them fresh, if you're interested."

"I believe that humans have a curious phrasing for this and I will try to use it appropriately." T'Lul paused, coming up with the idiom. "I would not mind a nosh. And, I certainly would like to hear what is on your mind."

"All right. The shop is over this way." Alanna lead her around to the shop. "They bake twice a day, once in the early morning and once in the afternoon. I don't want to get up that early, so I stop by in the afternoon." She opened the door so T'Lul could go in first.

T'Lul noticed the courtesy and entered first. Once she was through the door, she waited for Alanna to enter as well. "What would you recommend, Alanna?"

"Everything," she replied with a laugh.

An older man in a white apron came from the back room. "Alanna! My dear, you have not graced my fine establishment in weeks." He came around the counter and kissed her on both cheeks. "The cheese croissants are fresh."

The scientist smiled. "Definitely. And a bottle of wine." She turned to indicate the Vulcan. "This is Lieutenant T'Lul, the new counselor. T'Lul, this is Pierre, the best baker on the Promenade."

T'Lul knew that his had to be an expression as she saw no signs of a competition having been won. Furthermore, the fact that they were obviously well acquainted indicated a mutual relationship of sorts, probably a strong friendship, which influenced her opinion. T'Lul gave the Vulcan salute at the baker, "Live long and prosper, Pierre. Alanna insisted that I must stop by here with her. However, I will pass on the wine. I do not indulge in alcohol except on special situations."

"Of course you must. Please, I have samples if you wish to try anything." He indicated a tray on the counter with small pieces of his pastries.

"I'll take a dozen cheese croissants and a bottle of wine sent to my quarters," Alanna said. "And something for here...give me a few minutes to look around."

"But of course," Pierre said cheerfully, turning back to T'Lul. "And what would madam like to try?"

"It appears that Alanna thinks quite highly of your cheese croissants, so I will sample one of those."

With a gallant flourish, Pierre held out the tray, several pieces of cheese croissant at the end nearest the Vulcan. "Zey are fresh."

T'Lul took one of the pieces of the cheese croissant and placed it in her mouth. She chewed it academically and then swallowed. "These croissants are fluffy, delicate, and palatable. Thank you."

Pierre raised an eyebrow. "But of course. They are the best you will find outside of Paris. Is there something else you wish to sample? I have pan du chocolát, muffins, tarts, pastries..."

"I will sample one of each. This question may sound unusual, but with all of these sweets, would you happen to have some freshly made licorice?"

"I have anise, but it is baked into bread. There is a confectioners shop not far from here," Pierre replied, turning the tray so she could sample more of his goods.

Alanna, familiar with what he made, was looking through the glass counter to decide what she wanted next.

"I will sample one of the breads with the anise," T'Lul told Pierre with a hint of a twinkle in her eye.

He smiled and set the tray back on the counter. With a bow he went to a side display and took out one small round bread. He cut it into pieces and held out the tray for T'Lul to sample.

T'Lul took a sample of the bread and put it into her mouth. She let it roll around her teeth and mouth, savoring each moment, not that the Vulcan would admit to savoring anything. After a long period of time, she swallowed. "The taste is acceptable. Please have a loaf delivered to my quarters each week."

Pierre laughed. "High praise from a Vulcan. Done. Give me your details and I will send you a loaf every week."

He turned to Alanna. "And what would you like today?"

"A lemon tart and a custard cream."

"And a cheese croissant?"

She smiled. "But of course. And a bottle of your sparkling white cider."

Pierre nodded and put together her order.

When he was done, he turned to T'Lul. "And you, mademoiselle? What would you like today?"

"I will indulge with an apple tart and I will have some water to go with it. Thank you." T'Lul waited until Pierre left and she addressed Alanna, "So, tell me of your distractions."

Pierre got the Vulcan her order and made arrangements to send her a loaf of anise bread, then moved on to help another customer.

Alanna headed out of the shop to sit at a table. She enjoyed people watching and she could do so while eating. When she was settled, she answered the question. "Besides Jason? I spend time exploring Pangaea and I'm learning to play the guitar."

"But I suspect this has nothing to do with Pangaea or playing the guitar, correct?"

"The pastry? Not really. This has to do with a weakness for breads and pastries."

"You're avoiding an uncomfortable topic," T'Lul told Alanna simply. "You're free to do so if you choose but not confronting your pains will only allow them to linger."

"I've had months to avoid confronting some them," she said. "Work and exploring is what I usually do to keep from thinking. I built a place on the planet where I can escape and do research at the same time."

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor

Ensign Jason Haines
Lover of Vulcans in all Universes

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer and
desperate would-be peacekeeper
Deep Space Five


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