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Little girl lost - conclusion

Posted on Mon Apr 6, 2020 @ 10:19pm by Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

864 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Bajor
Timeline: Approximately 3 years before En et Arcada Ego

The light faded away and Silk blinked as the surroundings seemed familiar again. She was in the Shrine and the Vedek was closing the doors to the box.

She blinked. "How long was I away?"

He smiled, "You never left, the door was open but a moment."

"That cannot be! I was there in the past back on Betazed back when I was a little girl!" Silk insisted.

"The Prophets say that time is not linear. We accept that. The Orb here was sent to us by Them to guide us sometimes in those ways. Obviously there was something that guided you. Not all that gaze upon the Orb receive that gift and when they do I must say I am curious and would ask you share if you may. I have looked upon the Tear and never experienced anything but wonder at what it was. Will you share then?"

Silk nodded. "I will. It was most amazing Vedek Kil'an."

He smiled and then gestured toward the bench again just outside the shrine. They moved toward it but just before they left the actual threshold of the shrine holding the box Silk stopped and then turned. She bowed deeply and formally as one would with a highly honoured person in one's presence. Again that alien formality but again it seemed fitting.

"Arigatōgozaimasu hijō ni Yogensha o hyōshō,*" Silk said just above a whisper and held the bow for several seconds before standing again, backing a few steps and then turned to come to the Vedek's side.

Vedek Kil'an did not interfere nor did he ask her what it meant. The feeling and the respect was quite evident that this young woman was giving toward the Orb. He moved to the bench waiting until she finished and then again patted it.

Silk took the seat next to him and though she looked at him, there was still a bit of distance in her eyes.

"So you got to go back in time then?" The Vedek prompted after a moment.

"Yes, I guess, I mean there is a part of me that now feels as if it was real. A memory forgotten until now." Silk could now sort of remember the incident as though it had happened.

Vedek Kil'an did not say more but he obviously was more interested in what had happened. Silk looked at him and told him her story.

"When I was a little girl on Earth, there came a time when all I could hear is voices, constantly. It was like being in a noisy room with a hundred conversations going.
A Betazoid doctor visiting where I lived realized I was telepathic."

Vedek Kil'an nodded at that information. "Hence why my presence earlier did not startle you. You were already aware that I was there, interesting. Please though go on."

Silk nodded. "I was seven years old at the time and he told my parents that I needed training. So I went to Betazid. I had never been anywhere before and I was scared to leave home, scared to be away from all I knew and that caused me to be resentful. Though my foster family was kind, and struggled with me they were always guiding. Even so, I never really learned much more than the basics of what I should have learned. I always hated this gift, called it curse. I is to my shame that I did not acquire the discipline at the time."

The Vedek looked puzzled. "If anything I have personally observed you have more discipline than most that come here. It was that which impressed me to let you gaze into the Tear."

"Later, it came later, Vedek Kil'an, even so I have struggled at times with other tasks but am learning to do what I did to do. Far from perfect." Silk bowed her head a moment.

"We all are, but continue your story please," he asked.

"It was not long, maybe less than a day but I got to tell my foster father thank you for his patience and I got to tell my younger self something important." Silk replied.

"And what did you tell yourself?" Vedek Kil'an asked quietly.

"I told myself not to be scared anymore." Silk replied and looked toward the box in the shrine. "And I don't feel scared anymore. I don't feel lost. I am not a lost little girl which I have been for quite awhile and never realized it."

Vedek turned his gaze toward where the box with the Orb sat and intoned, "lata impara no takash." Unlike Silk he translated for her, "With humility and gratitude we accept this gift."

He then turned his attention back to Silk and stood and smiled. "Child, you are welcome here amongst us any time. May the Prophets continue to guide you wherever you travel."

Silk bowed her head at the benediction. "Thank you Vedek Kil'an." It was simple but there was feeling in the simple words, nothing more needed to said. He turned and left and Silk continued to sit on the bench for quite awhile contemplating all that had happened.


*Thank you very much honoured prophets


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