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Annora/Laz JP

Posted on Tue Apr 14, 2020 @ 10:28pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Captain Lazanos Torena

1,755 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Chief Security Officer’s Office
Timeline: MD 2 0820 hrs


It wasn’t often that Laz interacted with Starfleet Security in his recent career. When he served on a ship, it had been a more regular occurrence. If land assaults were called for, there were often Starfleet officers along for the action to perform specialist work, and anywhere they went, security also followed. He’d always got along with them, for the most part. Ended up sitting in a brig once or twice when he was young, but never for anything serious enough to cause trouble. And when he was older, most of his work was as an operator, without much crossover with non-Marine combat personnel.

There was always a different feeling in security offices than most places on a Starfleet facility. A little more raucous, a bit less welcoming. Although that might’ve just been his memories of being dropped into brigs. The word was that the security chief was a time-displaced former MACO, and he had to admit to being curious about her; he’d learned a good deal about the MACO teams in his training. He told the officer manning the front desk he was here to see Tessaro. They had him wait, and he ignored the irrational feel somebody was going to come and arrest him.

While power was slowly returning to the station, there was still a lot of work to get done. Engineering and Ops were leading the investigation, with security providing assistance. At the request of the Ambassadors, extra security had been dispatched to the Diplomatic Deck, and the Promenade remained a point of concern. Annora was finishing a meeting with concerned merchants when she was informed of a Captain Torena waiting for her. Using the Captain as an excuse to quickly wrap things up, she headed to the Security Offices.

It wasn't hard to pick out the one person in Marine Green among a sea of yellow.
"Captain, sorry to keep you waiting. Come on in and we can talk."

Opening the door to her office, Annora took a seat behind her desk.

“Thanks for meeting with me, Lieutenant,” Laz said as he sat down across the desk from her. He looked at the awards and ribbons, and the old style phasers. “I know you’re pretty busy right now.”

"We're always busy Captain. Nature of the beast. Especially when on a station out on the edge of Federation space. The power loss has resulted in less people on the Promenade, but has created its own set of challenges."

“I can believe it,” he replied, then pointed at the display case. “Is that an old type 2? I had a drill sergeant who carried one. He hated the new phaser, until they upgraded to the new pistol configuration for the Marines.”

Annora looked over at the display case.
"Yes they are. Don't worry they're all inert or replicas. I considered a chart showing how the phaser evolved, but I like the display case better. I can sympathize with your drill sergeant. Having originally carried a phase pistol, I prefer a pistol design. What can I do for our comrades in green?"

“A couple things, actually. One, I was hoping to pick your brain about the human...separatists I guess, that have been making some noise lately. Since we’ll be backing you up if anything goes sideways, I wanted your view on them, whatever you can share.”

"Not sure I'd call them Separatists, terrorists would be a better term. The Free Earth movement was just a blip on the RADAR until the Svikiri incident. Then there was the bombing of the Diplomatic Deck, and most recently the kidnapping of the Captain's yeoman."

She slid over a Data PADD.
"This is everything we have on them. While there's no direct ties to the Raddon Corporation, they certainly share a distaste for non-humans."

“Raddon,” Laz said as he picked up the PADD and downloaded the information onto his network. He pulled up the information. “You think they’re secretly bankrolling the Free Earthers?”

He wasn't the first to suggest that idea, but Annora had yet to see concrete evidence connecting the two.
"Maybe. We served a search warrant on their HQ a months back, but that was due to actions on the planet rather than any ties to Free Earth. Intel was in charge of the investigation while Security provided the muscle. If they are bankrolling the group, they're being careful about it."

“I read about what they were up to on the planet. I’m going to keep an eye out for anything down there, too.” Laz pursed his lips. “Do they have any weapons or combat capability you suspect?”

"I'm sure the employees of the Raddon Corporation have personal weapons. They primarily deal in dilithium, so they'd be foolish not to arm their ships. Could they pose a threat if they wanted to? Based on numbers alone I'd say yes. Although I feel they would have more to lose than gain by doing so."

“An attack on the Federation would certainly limit their business options. I don’t know what they’d have to gain by it, either.” He shook his head. She had her work cut out for her, and he was glad his entire job was shooting wherever he was pointed. “We’ll be ready to assist if you need us. I had another reason for coming in. Word is you’ve been building a crisis response team in your department.”

The man was on-top of his Intel, a good trait to have for a Marine Commander.
"I see you're staying well informed. Much like Captain Archer taking aboard the MACO because he needed extra firepower, I've put together what I call Strategic Response Units. Teams of six, who receive extra gear and training. We're still filling the ranks, but the plan is to have one team on duty every shift and second one on standby."

Laz nodded. It was a smart move to have a dedicated unit ready for action, just in case. “I want to help, and maybe you’ll scratch my back, too. I’d like to offer you and your SRU teams training time with us. Use of our holodecks, some specialized tactical drills and class time, some other things that the Marines can offer in terms of logistical and tactical help to make your guys as good as they can be.”

It made sense to have the two groups work together. Due to the nature of their job the Marines received more combat related training.
"Certainly. I'll put you in touch with Ensign Criteser & Petty Officer Lecesse. They're the one's in charge of the SRU teams after myself and the Chief. I'll join in when my schedule permits. Would be interesting to compare training regimens. What can we do for you in exchange?"

“I’d like my Marines to shadow your security officers. If they’re going to potentially be called on to back you up on the station, I want them familiar with it and familiar with security. So, follow your people on patrol, doing their jobs, that sort of thing. Think of it like a ride-along program.”

"They have already been called in for backup a few times. Your Marines are welcome to shadow the security patrols, it might raise a few eyebrows among the general population but that's their problem. Rifles stay in the armory though. For a standard patrol, SRU Aside, we stick to regular type 2 phasers."

She didn't mind cracking a few skulls when the need arose, but also didn't want to unnecessarily alarm the general population.

“Understood, that’s not a problem. More than enough civilians here, we don’t need them thinking we’re enacting martial law. I’ll get you a list of Marines and we’ll work out a schedule. Can I ask you a personal question?”

"You can ask."

Whether she answered the question was a different matter. He was still welcome to ask it.

Laz smiled at the implication and nodded his understanding. “Is it true you served with the MACOs, back in the day?”

Pulling a challenge coin from her pocket, Annora handed it to the Marine.
"I was awarded this in 2149 upon completion of Basic Training on Delta Pavonis. Less than a decade later I graduated West Point in time to fight the Romulans. Once the war ended, I transferred to Starfleet."

Laz took the challenge coin from her and looked it over. It had the symbol of the MACOs on it. He’d seen challenge coins like this at boot camp, old MACO antiques on display in classrooms. This was a bit of living history in his hand. “That’s...damn,” he said, handing her back the coin. He took out his own from the Marines. “This is what they give us now.” His coin was a little lighter, a little more colorful. “That’s the one they gave me out of boot. I don’t know how I held onto it for twenty years.”

"Glad they keep the tradition alive. Next time I see some of your Marines at a bar I'll make sure to issue a challenge. I've created some for the SRU members and should probably make some for the rest of the security teams. Anything else Captain?"

She had a few other coins from her time with the MACO but that coin was what she regularly carried.

“I think that’ll do it. When you’re free, it’d be my honor to buy you a drink sometime, though. Not many people get to chew the fat with an old school soldier these days.”

She wasn't used to being called an old solider, but understand where he was coming from. Before she could respond, a message came across her console about an altercation on the Promenade.
"If you want to shadow us security folks Captain, now's your chance. People are trying to take advantage of the blackouts to cause some trouble."

“I’m right behind you, Lieutenant,” Laz replied. He’d worked with security on a ship plenty of times before, but never on a Starbase, and the interaction with a civilian population that that required. It would certainly be a novel experience for him. “Luckily, I left my rifle at home this time.”

Standing up, Annora grabbed her gear on the way out the door.
"Lucky for them. Let's go see what the excitement's all about."


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Marine Captain Lazanos Torena
21st MEU


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