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Waterline Breach (Love on the rocks II)

Posted on Mon Apr 6, 2020 @ 3:51am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,696 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 2 1900

:::::Part 2::::

Later that evening he was just taking his seat at a corner table that Dorian had arranged for. Even though the assassin's assassin had been captured there was still the chance of another attempt.

Glancing up, expecting a waiter or waitress, he saw the manager approaching with a waitress in tow. "Mr. Lasuma, this is an unexpected honor. What can we get for you?"

"For now, just an ice cold ale until my guest arrives."

The manager looked back and the waitress was off to see to the order. "If there is anything you need, anything at all just let Bryanna know, she will be taking care of you and your party."

"Sounds great...thank you."

He didn't have to wait at all and soon he was sipping his ale waiting for Maritza to arrive.

"Evening Lasuma." His guest was not Maritza. Gevran sat himself in one of the chairs without an invitation. "Not too inconvenienced from yesterday I see."

Looking across the table he grinned. "Well this is unexpected. No really inconvenienced. I have good people that put in some extra hours to get everything back in order. There were a few casualties in the docks and some loss of inventory but inventory can be replaced. I don't think anyone came through yesterday's events unscathed."

Putting down his drink, "can I get you anything?"

"I'll have a Bolian Brandy." Gevran made a gesture and his own men stepped back. "So, you've been here a year now. How does DS5 suit you?"

Even as the server head off to get the brandy Geral chuckled as he lifted his glass. "Were does the time go? Well it definitely isn't boring that's for sure. And despite the original reason for my arrival I find that station life has grown on me. It has been most profitable, both professionally and personally."

Gev chuckled. "Yes, we've heard. I must admit, you've got ambition. I didn't believe you when you said you could seduce our young commander. And I never thought she'd look twice at a man almost old enough to be her father."

He was tempted to come clean about the timing of their little bet. He had already had had several dates with Maritza before their last meeting after the assassination attempt but stopped. Thinking to himself, ~Let the old man think what he wants...~

"Well, that really wasn't my intent, but I suppose when you got it you got it."

Gev snorted "You've got a big hairy pair. I'll give you that."

The waitress brought over the Bolian brandy and set it down. Gev waited and till she was walking away again before he said, "So, to business. My associates have encountered several operatives of the Orion Syndicate sniffing around."

"Really? What were they up to?"

"I'm not sure." Gev gave him a suspicious look. "I was hoping you might have heard something?"

Shaking his head. "They weren't working for me. Although, they may be trying to get a piece of action with my work with the Imersa in the Tarelis system. My dilithium and commercial contracts were bound to draw attention at some point."

"Hmm." Gevran sipped his brandy. "In that case, watch your back. And ours. And if you catch one, call me. I like to send some pointed reminders to not fuck with this station."

Geral nodded. "Agreed. A strong message and reminder that they are encroaching on occupied territory needs to be sent, but we should also be sure to find out what they are up to. It shouldn't be too hard to bait them into a trap of some kind."

Gev nodded approvingly. "What did you have in mind?"

"Perhaps rumors or a high value shipment whispered in the right direction."

"What would do. Where would you like to set our little trap?" Gev's was watching him carefully. This wasn't just planning. This was a test.

"Outside Federation space obviously. I could let slip that there is some high value cargo coming in from Tarelis. I'm sure an escort could be arranged and allow the Klingons, what I would imagine would be some welcomed, target practice."

"You'd bring the Klingons in on this?" Gev sounded a little surprised.

"Certainly. They are already in the system and bringing dilithium to the station, so we let them know that someone is sniffing around. Just in case it's the dilithium they are after," he added slyly "They will no doubt increase the security on their shipments.

"Then we go to them and ask for a favor. When the Orions show the Klingons can decloak and do what they do best. No risk to any of my ships, no need to hire additional muscle. Plus, whether or not we intervene and stop the engagement short of their utter destruction or the Orions find their ships taken out by Klingon weapons, they will think the Klingons are working with us behind the scenes."

"Well, they would be." Gev said philosophically. "That's not a deception, that's a fact." He swirled his drink, "We'll try it, see if they bite. IF not, then we'll switch to plan B."

Setting his now empty glass of to the side he nodded to their server, who was smart enough to remain out of earshot. As she disappeared to get him another drink. "Plan B? I take it you have something in mind?"

"I do." Gevran looked up, and nodded across the lounge. "I can see my time is up." Coming across the lounge was Maritza, looking tired, but not in overalls. "And while I remember," he drew a bar of latinum from his suit. "Didn't think I'd get to pay this off."

Seeing the real reason for his 'visit' he stared at the bar and then his gaze returned to Gev his eyes narrowing...but only just. Standing as Maritza approach he pickup up the bar to pocket it. There was no need to try and hide the bar as it both seen and heard hitting the table.

Turning his body to meet her he could see that it had been a hard day for her. He smiled to reassure her that she could soon relax, if only for a short time.

Gev inclined his head in farewell to Lasuma, then turned to Maritza. "Good evening Com- he saw her collar and corrected himself. "Captain." He shot a crafty look at Lasuma. "I'll leave you to your lover. He deserves to enjoy the benefits of his bet."

"His bet?" Martiza asked, puzzled.

"Oh yes," Gev rubbed his wrinkly hands together. "I bet him a bar of latinum he couldn't get inside your pants. Good night."

Her face turned a bright red, making her trill spots look bright against her embarrasment. She swung to Lasuma, the Yridian forgotton. "You had a bet!?"

He knew he was on the defensive and Gevran was not doubt enjoying him squirm. The question was why. Was he jealous at his recent successes? Surely he knew that with them together there were was he would benefit if only indirectly. Regardless of his reasons the why could wait.

"It wasn't like that..."

She pointed at his pocket with the latinum bar that Gev had very clearly passed him. "Really? Is that why he's paying up? You decided it was safe to claim victory?"

"No! Of course not. I have never told, nor would I ever tell anyone anything about..."

"Your friend certainly seemed to know a thing or two! Did you plan this since before you came here, or was it just a spur of the moment bet?"

"Will you calm down for just a second...and NO I didn't plan anything! He made some assumptions, was operating on rumor and I took advantage of his misinformation."

"I will not calm down! You used me! How many more people has he told? How many more people know?"

His forehead wrinkled in frustration, "Used you?! By being nice to looking out for you...even caring about you?!" Lifting his hands, "Besides, how the hell should I know who he's talked to? It wasn't like we were keeping things a big secret..."

"Looking out for me?!" Maritza gasped. "How is running a book on whether I turn into a notch on your bedpost looking out for me?"

Waving his head, "For all the Prophets...I wasn't running a book and never ever considered you a 'notch'. All I have EVER done is try to help you! He was the one that thought you a 'cast iron bitch', not me...."

Ignoring the growing number of eyes, he took a deep breath hoping if he lowered the tone the she would. "Maritza, please I've never done anything to harm you or that would undermine know this."

"Except have a bet." She pointed out the obvious evidence against his protestation of innocence. "Enjoy your latinum." she spat, and turned on her heel.

From the crowd that had form a voice was heard. "That was dignified." His head snapped in its direction but saw only the faces of onlookers and the back of a Cardassian as he was leaving.

Ignoring the voice he went after her and was about to catch her went Dorian stopped him. The anger he had at Gevran and the situation was let loose on his man. "Get out of my way!"

"Sorry boss, but I can't do that..." glancing over his should he saw the her still heading off. "You go grabbing her from behind you could end up in the brig. Let her go. Let her calm down. There's always tomorrow, and no need to prolong the public display."

Looking back the people began to disperse and return to whatever they had been doing. After such a public blow up the stations rumor mill was going to be working overtime.

Turning back to Dorian he let out a deep breath and clamped him on the shoulder, "you are right of course...thank you."

Across the way a Klingon finished his drink and headed off, this need to be reported to the Ambassador.


Captain Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner, Lasuma Enterprises


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