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Broken Ribs are easier than Broken Hearts (Love on the rocks Part 6)

Posted on Thu May 21, 2020 @ 5:42am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,652 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: MD04 1400


Maritza managed to make it to Sickbay largely on her own two feet, supported by Charg, whilst X'ae cleared the way. Thankfully it was relatively short walk between turbolifts. It was just as well because by the end of it she was slick and sweaty from the pain and shock was starting to set in.

Amia was unusually at the main entrance due to having just returned from lunch. She turned to see who was breathing that raspingly and that irregularly. Instantly recognising the CO she grabbed a medcorder but she didn't really need it since the more obvious wounds were flashing symptoms and consequences like neon lights to her.

"Help me get her to Cubical 5c -that's where there is a neck brace already set up and heavy Ortho gear too" she explained briefly but needlessly as these probably meant nothing to Charg or X'ae. All they needed to hear was cubicle 5c and in their efficient and brusque manner they were in and organised before Amia was even ready herself.

"On the bio-bed please" she added and it was done.

"Thanks. Anyone know who or what did this to the CO?" she asked as a last thought before they felt themselves surplus to requirements.

Charg lifted and placed Maritza on the biobed and stepped out while answering the question. "The Captain and I were sparring. You could say she needed to work something out."

Maritza gave him a deathglare, not wanting anymore of her personal life to be added to the constant miasma of scuttlebutt on DS5 than there already was. "Painkillers" she gasped "Now. Please."

X'ae too looked at him. Though she only had picked up a few details from him through their bond she knew better than to use the word issues.

Seeing their combined reaction, and getting the mental Really... from his mate he knew he had erred. "If you will all excuse me I need to return to the Embassy and see that the children are settled." Looking to Xae he bowed his head. "My Lady...see to our friend and I join you latter."

Placing a hand on Martiza's shoulder, he nodded sharply. He had said what he needed to say earlier so he merely said "Good match" before turning to leave.

Amia had already loaded up a good strength hypo-syringe dose and was already trying to administer it but she felt the placing of that large hand, even in the most gentle way, onto the damaged shoulder and instinctively she drew in an in-breath in virtual and imagined empathy. The rest of the hypo emptied itself within split seconds and the tension in the room lowered itself exponentially.

"I take it you want the report on these injuries to be filed under "lecture from that nagging CMO number 587"? Amia muttered, keeping it low and discussing it totally between them now, with the others dispatched/diverted subtly and with a smoothness that indicated some previous (if not quite so many times as the 587 quoted - although not too far off either!)

Maritza sighed as the analgesics took hold, and everything went fuzzy around the edges. "The round filing cabinet is ready and waiting." she confirmed, "So at your leisure."

"understood Ma'am" Amia nodded but rolled her eyes as she made a Triage of the injuries in order to prioritise the order in which she should start treating them. Raising the bio-bed's med arch she stabilised the oncoming shock symptoms by regulating the patient's breathing and glucose levels, warming her up a little until she regained normal temperature and leveling it there with the all enveloping force-field which provided all life support if and when required. It could also be adjusted to give varying amounts and degrees of whatever 'element' of life support might be needed.

Amia was moving about, her fingers adeptly flying over the control LCARS.

"Are you here to check up on me or is this a genuine concern for this patient who has been beaten to within an inch of her life for amusement?" Amia asked Xae who hadn't made any attempt to leave, despite being clearly un-necessary to the CO's recovery. There was no tone change to indicate the annoyance the Amia was feeling but there had to have been sufficient Aura for a betazoid even of the lowest abilities to pick up.

X'ae stood at the foot of the bed to stay out of the way and ignored the doctors feelings; such annoyance seemed to typical of the profession. Looking from Maritza to the doctor she smiled, "She is my friend. Besides, once you are done you no doubt tell her to rest or give other instructions. You will need someone to ensure your instructions are followed...someone not under her command." Xae patted her friends legs and gave her a wink.

[Outside Sickbay]

Charg approached a set of lifts just down the corridor when one opened and Geral came rushing out.

"What happened? I heard that she was hurt you had been seen helping her to sickbay."

"We were sparring and she ended up with a few broken ribs. The doctor is fixing her up, she will be fine and has been through gar worse."

He looked down the corridor towards the medical facility, hos concern clear on hos face. Moving to step around the Klingon, "I need to go see her."

Stopping Geral he put a hand on his shoulder. "Now is not the time. Maritza has a temper like a wounded grishnar cat. Give her time."

Push against the arm gripping him, "But..."

Charg grinned at the attempt but reassured him. "You have my word she will know you were here."

Geral looked up at the Ambassador. "Why would you help me and not take her side?"

Lifting his chin slightly. "I stand with my friends, all of them. Maritza can be stubborn, but I will always stand with her...even if she thinks I am not. Besides have you forgotten our conversation in your office?"

Geral smiled and huffed slightly. "How can I forget. I'm still waiting on a new desk."

Charg grinned and clapped his shoulder. "And you will have it. Come. My wife will see to your love, let me introduce you to my children."

[Back In Sickbay]

X'ae glanced at the bulkhead in the direction of the the man in the corridor. She detected his concern and look back to Maritza.

Amia began with the most acute or threatening injuries but fortunately, on closer examination, the long list was generally for fixable things like broken bones or the like which she regenerated smoothly and quickly. She put the damaged rib that was precariously close to puncturing her left lung, on the top priority and then moved on with like choices. She delegated some routing regeneration of bruises and contusions to some of her nurses and the whole repair was completed in an hour. Amia offered a sedative to help Maritza sleep and made preps for her to stay the night.

"Ma'am" she began. "I know we did all this in only an hour but regeneration always needs proper sleep to allow it to take properly so it's essential that you rest. We can monitor you here 24/7 and it's about time that you took some time to keep yourself well. Is that okay?" she asked already preparing to move the CO to a more comfortable overnight bed.

"I'm not staying in sickbay." Maritza said, "I've got a thousand things to do, Important things to plan. I've already lost too much of my time. My yeoman will be going crazy."

Amia planted her feet solidly and crossed her arms. "Your Yeoman can do her job for ONE night. You can get up and be discharged after tests first thing." was her means of a compromise but there wasn't any other ground she was giving. Moving over to load a hypospray she turned back to the CO. "You know I'm entitled to use this to keep you here as long as I think you need ongoing care. Do you want to make me use it, or shall we do it my way which you must agree is much more civilised....... and dignified!" she explained calmly.

X'ae smirked as she felt the irritation brewing within her friend and she interjected. "Ladies. Before there is another fight allow me to offer a compromise and keep everyone's pride intact.

"I will see the Captain to her quarters and ensure she gets the rest required without her having to feel like being on display here in sickbay or you having to use drugs or medical justifications to keep her here" Glancing to Maritza, "She can delegate things to he XO until tomorrow morning, but be available if anything critical happens."

Placing a hand on Maritza's arm with a warm smile, "It will be just like old times again."

Maritza grimaced. "I hope not. I'm not sure i'm still able to eat live gagh."

She laughed. "No gagh. Maybe a margarita or two..."

"No alcohol either " Amia added, happy to play in to the Demon role. The amount of drugs inside her right now there maybe a seismic chemical reaction if you let her add alcohol." she added, glad to have a nice compromise instead of a battle of the titans.

"I'll sign her off into your care Madam Ambassador. Any problems or developments I need you to let us know here at once, please" Amia asked Xae to confirm how serious a trust this was.

X'ae nodded to the doctor before turning to Maritza. "Come on let's get you home...sooo much has happened since we all left the Vaq'bach."


Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space Five

X’aedell Kelan
Wife of Charghwl'IH

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Cmdr Amia Telamon


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