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Family Affair - Part 4

Posted on Thu May 21, 2020 @ 8:26am by Civilian Jason Haines

1,412 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: La Panini's
Timeline: MD 4, 1800 Hrs.


9 months ago…

Jason scowled a bit and then said, "Ok, so it does seem we are siblings. So, I will tell you where my father is. The last I checked, which was last week, he was on the Starfleet MIA, presumed dead list."

"Your data is stale then", N'varra replied. "Six days ago, his name came off the MIA list and did not make it to the killed in action list or any other listing of the dead."

Jason glared at her and before he could say anything, "Before you can ask, I know that because I have my sources."

She showed him a file that was indeed a valid personnel file.

"I figured you would have been notified by now", she continued as the realization started to hit Jason who had a look that crossed between anger and total sorrow.

"As you have no useful information", N'varra said starting to turn. "I will be leaving."

"So, after all this time, why are you looking for him", Jason asked. "I get the sense it isn't for a happy family re-union."

"I am going to kill him", N'varra answered coldly.

‘A Family Affair – Part II’

Jason led Rob to La Panini’s where they ordered a large pizza and pitcher of beer and sat at the tables outside the main restaurant. They spent the next half hour talking about Jason’s time on the station, the Fae and what he was going to do next.

“No matter what happens Jason”, Rob said to him. “I’m proud of you kid. You have to stand up for what you think is right. Just because someone has more pips on their collar it doesn’t automatically make them right. It does make it so they can make your life hell if they want, but doing right is important, especially in the situation you were in. Fighting for ones you care for is the right thing.”

“Is that so?” a voice said.

Jason and Rob looked up and say a balding, slightly pudgy man standing before them. Both smiled.

“Uncle Thomas”, Jason said, standing and giving the man a hug.

“Thomas”, Rob said standing up and shaking the hand of his brother. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, believe it or not big brother”, Thomas said sitting down. “You are not the only one with contacts. When I heard my nephew was in trouble, I had to come. Unfortunately, civilian ships don’t go quite as fast as Starfleet ones. I’ve been here for a couple of weeks and saw you guys from level 3. Thought I would come steal a slice and get a beer.”

“Please do”, Jason said and motioned for more drinks.

“I’ve got some of your stuff Jason”, Thomas said as the waiter brought the drinks.

“Thanks”, Jason said with a smile. He and his uncle always had a good relationship. “How’s Aunt Julia and Angela.”

“Both are doing fine”, Thomas said. “Although I don’t like Angela’s new agent. He’s a Bolian who seems to be crooked as a broken warp coil.”

Jason and Rob shook their heads and as they did, a female voice interrupted.

“Are you Robert Haines?”

Jason looked to the source of the voice and smirked.

“Dad, this is my sister N’varra”, Jason said. “N’varra, this is dad.”

“Sister?” Rob replied. “When were you going to tell me this?”

“Slipped my mind, sorry”, Jason answered with a smirk and shrug.

“Shut up!”, the woman said, a hand on her disruptor.

“I told you running around the galaxy like you were was going to get you in trouble”, Thomas said, his hands out to his sides. He knew the situation was in control but didn’t want to give the woman any reason to get more stressed than she was.

“Oh, yeah one more thing, she wants to kill you”, Jason said to Rob and took a bite of pizza.

“Kill me?” Rob said to Jason, who shrugged.

“I said shut up”, N’varra growled.

Turning to N’varra, Rob said, “Why do you want to kill me?”

“You took my mother’s mnhei'sahe and left her to bear me in shame”, N’varra spat. “And for that you must die.”

“Ihho”, Rob said, a nostalgic look crossing his face.

“Don’t you dare speak her name, swine”, N’varra growled.

“Look”, Rob said. “If you truly are here for your mother’s mnhei’sahe, then you know you need to listen to my side of the story. Then the elements will tell you if I am telling the truth.”

N’varra glared at him and said, “Speak, but I swear if you are just wasting time, I will make your death long and painful.”

Rob said, “No, I promise you I won’t. If I did, then I truly would be dishonoring your mother. I met your mother about ten years after Ambassador Spock’s visit to Romulus sparked greater interest in unification. Ihho was amongst those who were for unification. She was also what the Romulans call an elemental, a powerful one at that. The Tal’Shiar wanted her powers and so leaders in the movement knew she would need to escape out of Romulan territory.”

He paused momentarily.

“There was a planet not too far into the Neutral Zone which had a monastery where there were those who could train her”, Rob continued. “Apparently, Ambassador Spock had kept ties with the unification group close and asked Starfleet for help. Given my ability to speak and read Romulan and knowledge of the culture, I was the aid sent to escort your mother to the monastery. It took us six months of hiding, running, and some fighting to get there. Over the course of the time, we had become friendly as your mother was more tolerant of non-Romulans. It was about a week before we got to the monastery when there was a night when the stars seemed to be in alignment and she and I were together and apparently you came along. I never forced myself upon or dishonored your mother. She is one of the very few women I have ever loved in my life.”

Jason had been mesmerized by the story and surprised at his father’s confession of love. To hear his mom tell the stories of his father’s younger days he was an incorrigible swine to women.

“Liar!”, N’varra said loudly enough to garner a few looks from passers-by. Her face was growing dark green in anger.

“I will tell you one last thing and then you can judge”, Rob said. “But it is for your ears only. After that, if you still don’t believe me, you can shoot me right here, I won’t stop you.”

He got up slowly and she watched him warily. He walked over to her and whispered something in her ear. Navarra’s eyes grew wide and started to well with tears. She looked like she wanted to scream. She turned and walked away quickly, almost at a jog.

Rob stood there and watched her leave and sighed. He turned and sat back down.

“What did you say to her?”, Jason asked.

“In Romulan culture, names are viewed as having power”, Rob said. “A child’s name is chosen very carefully, often with guidance from priests and believe it or not astrologers. Romulans have a secret name only shared with those who they trust or love very deeply. Many tell their children, sort of a safe word so if anything, bad was happening, they could tell them without raising suspicion. When I had escorted Ihho to the monastery, I was brought home. Before I left, she told me her secret name. To remember me by, she said.”

Rob smiled, remembering the day.

“I was taking a risk, assuming Ihho had told N’varra”, Rob said. “Not all Romulan parents do, but I figured given the situation she was in, Ihho probably had.”

Thomas shook his head and said, “Always an adventure with you.”

“That’s why mom and dad liked you the most”, Rob said, somewhat lost in the past. He shook his head and said, “Another round?”

They all agreed and continued their meal and telling stories.


Jason Haines
Resident Misfit
Deep Space 5

Rob, Thomas, N'varra
The Happy Haines Family
NPC'ed by Jason Haines


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