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Newcomers Brief

Posted on Sat Feb 1, 2020 @ 12:32am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

577 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Security Offices
Timeline: MD 09 11:00 hrs


"Lieutenant, the new arrivals are here. They're waiting for you in the briefing room."

As she knew they were expected soon, Annora had left orders for them to be given half an hour to get settled in before reporting for duty.

"Thanks Chief, let's go greet them."

While she requested more then the sixteen assigned to DS5, Annora would take as many as Personnel Command would send her. DS5 was a large station, but in the grand scheme of things was one of many installations needing more staff. Therefore as Commander Ryan advised her, "set your personnel requests high as your unlikely to get the full number."

As expected, the group was primarily enlisted, with an Ensign and Lieutenant J.G. being the only officers.

"Afternoon everyone, I'm Lieutenant Annora Tessaro, Chief Security Officer on DS5. I believe you've already met Chief Peterson. Next I want to go around the group and have everyone introduce themselves along with their previous duty station.
, pr
She pointed to the Lieutenant who conveniently was seated in the front row.
"We'll start here and go down the row."

Annora had read all their files, but this helped her solidify who was who. Thankfully it was a fairly mixed group. For six of them, DS5 was their first posting. Out of the remaining ten, four had previous experience on space stations. The rest were split evenly between starships, and planet based installations. Only two had served in the Dominion War, both as young crewman straight of training. One had previous experience in a diplomatic setting and four were first generation Starfleet.

Once the introductions were complete, Annora went over her expectations as well as aspects unique to DS5.

"...Everyone starts out on foot patrol, primarily on the promenade. Those of you with prior experience in specialized areas will soon be given an opportunity to transfer from foot patrol. Deck 60 contains the Diplomatic centers and Embassies for the various governments represented on the station. We maintain perimeter security on the deck, but internal security is handled by their own people. Decks 350-575 contain the main promenade, where you will have the most interactions with the civilian population. Decks 72 & 73 are Marine Country. Their primary focus is the security of the planet down below, Pangea, but they do help around the station as needed. In the coming days, someone from the Science Department will further brief you on the unique attributes of the planet."

She pointed out a few other important areas of the station, before finishing up with the SRU teams.
"In the wake of several high profile terror attacks on the station, I have developed Strategic Response Unit as a subsection of the Security Department. Each shift will have at least one team of six on patrol, with a second team on Standby in an auxiliary office on the Promenade. The teams are to be a rapid reaction force tasked with immediate intervention duties during periods of civil unrest, terrorist incidents,or other station wide emergencies. At the moment we only have four teams, but are working to add to their ranks. Prevention is always better than reaction, but I want to be prepared when the big emergencies do happen."

She finished up with a short Q&A session before dismissing the group.
"I'm sure you have a dozen other places to go to finish in-processing so I won't hold you up any further. "


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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