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Military Intelligence

Posted on Tue Feb 4, 2020 @ 3:02am by Captain Lazanos Torena & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross

841 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: MD01 1300


One thing Laz had learned in all his time as a Marine, it was always good to get to know the local spooks. Marines often took action based on the work Intel did, and that could either be a blessing or a curse. A good intelligence officer who knew what they were doing and cared if the boots on the ground came back were worth their weight in gold. Laz had worked under all kinds, especially in his time with Recon, and he wanted to know who he was dealing with here.

That was why Intelligence was his first stop after reporting to Captain Soran, and why he came bearing gifts. Laz was wearing his uniform, carrying a white box in his hand when he entered the office. While there were station wide glitches, at least a pastry shop on the Promenade that was supposed to be good had been operational. He found the Chief’s office and walked to the door, which was...mostly open. Laz knocked on it and poked his head inside. “Lieutenant Cross? Do you have a minute?”

Coming over from a starship to a station definitely had it's learning curve. She was realizing why her staff was rather large, and that she needed to learn to delegate. Working on the Haines investigation and everything else was becoming a bit of a problem. Problem wasn't the work, it was hours and minutes in the day so when the knock came at her door she probably should have said yes, but instead she looked up from the PADD, and said. "Yes, please come in."

Laz entered, carrying the box in. “This morning, my replicator gave me a white fish hasperat. I’m told every replicator has been doing that. Luckily, I found this pastry shop that made their own pastries.” He set the box down on her desk. “I thought you and your people might like some.”

Having experienced her own set of issues with the replicator this morning she graciously the pastries. They were more for her team then her but nonetheless she was appreciative. "Thank you, Captain Torena." She stated. The two had yet to officially meet but that didn't mean that she didn't know who he was. She made a point of keeping an eye on incoming and outgoing crew members, especially the head of departments. "Please have a seat." She motioned to an empty chair cross from her. "What can I do for you?" She asked.

“Really, I just wanted to introduce myself,” Laz said as he sat down. “I usually work closely with the Intel department, and my life has always been easier when I know who’s giving information to the grunts on the ground. I understand you’re new in your spot, too.”

Natalie nodded. "Yes, I am. Recently transferred here. My old ship went in for a refit." She replied. Leaning back in her seat she didn't see harm in taking a couple of minutes to get to know him. Just like he said, they might find themselves working together often. "How about yourself?"

“I just transferred into command of the 21st MEU from special forces,” he said. “I’ve been with Recon since the end of the war. I heard there was a shake-up in your department recently, too.”

"Yes, unfortunate circumstances." Natalie sighed looking over to a pile of PADDs she had been looking over, reviewing, analyzing and hitting dead ends. "Lt. Haines, my predecessor, was unfortunately taken from the station by an individual that you might consider to be a ghost. We have been working around the clock to try and locate the lieutenant."

Laz took a moment to absorb that bit of information. “Seems like this place keeps busy. Is there anything we can do to help with that?”

"Just be ready. You and your team might have to act on information coming out of this officer sooner than you realized." Natalie replied.

“We can do that,” Laz said. “The plus side is, the Marines here are all experienced. An expeditionary unit like this isn’t full of green recruits. You point at it, we’ll knock it down for you.”

"Glad to hear that." Natalie said with a nod of approval. "Between you and I, Captain Torena, in my previous posting I hadn't had a need to work with a Marine unit, so I am glad you stopped by to introduce yourself. Let me know if I can do anything to make our work easier for both of us."

“Of course,” Laz said, standing up. He offered her his hand. “I’ve always appreciated things that make my work easier, Lieutenant. I’ll take you up on that, I’m sure. Come down to Marine Country sometime, the door’s always open.”

"Thank you, I'll make sure to stop by." She stood up from her seat. Shook his hand. "Have a good day, Captain."


Marine Captain Lazanos Torena
21st MEU CO
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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