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When the Levee Breaks (Part II of II)

Posted on Wed Dec 4, 2019 @ 11:46am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

2,457 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lasumas ship holodeck
Timeline: MD15 2015

Previously, in When the Levee Breaks...

Geral was side stroking right along side her. "So what's next?"

Maritza reached the boat and began to climb the ladder. out of the water, her now badly dishevelled braids hung to her hips, all the loose hair clinging to her back. "Dry out? Eat desert?"

Watching her go up the ladder as he waited his turn. Once on deck he tossed his respirator aside and began peeling off his wet suit. With the top half hang at his waist, "I would think both but you don't sound to sure." Stepping closer he moved a strand from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"More, I have no preferences. And no desire to make any decisions." She reached behind her, trying to find the zip for her wet suit.

"Let me help." Moving around behind her he gathered her hair and separated the strap draping her hair over her shoulder he began to unzip her wetsuit.

And now the conclusion

She stiffened for a moment, caught by surprise at the intimate gesture. She forced herself to relax. As the zip came down it revealed patches of black ink. With it fully down, Geral saw the extent of the tattoo, a dragon in a curling tribal style. It covered her right side, wing reaching over to her left shoulder and went to her waist, with more of the design worked along her right arm. Its tail curled over hip and wrapped around her thigh.

He had expected her to have had a bathing suit on under the wet suit but as he knew he was mistaken when she stiffened. He thought he may need to stop at just zipping but continued as she relaxed, kissing her shoulder. "Nice ink."

"Uh, thanks," She shifted to pull the wetsuit all the way off, and reached for a towel. It was just out of reach, and she found she didn't want to move away at all.

He was surprised she had stripped down completely while he was there. The boat gently bobbed with the tide. Seeing her failed attempt to reach the towel and that she hadn't moved taken the half step needed to close the distance has hands moved to her shoulders running down her upper arms. "You're trembling."

She swallowed. "I." This had felt like a good idea when she had got changed. Nothing digging under the suit, and she'd just have to nip back into the cabin to change again. "I'm just not really sure what I'm doing. I'm not. I've not had..."

Her hesitation was surprising but not completely unexpected. He stroked her arms some more giving her a reassuring squeeze. He then took the step she hadn't and draped the towel over her shoulders as he kissed her neck behind her ear.

With her now covered he turned her to face him his thumb brushing her cheek. "The last thing I want is for you to be unsure of anything."

She pressed her face into his fingers, covering his hand with her own. "Not unsure... just... inexperienced."

Now he hesitated, not exactly sure what she meant by inexperienced. To his mind she meant she never had or it had just been a while. Lifting her lips to his he kissed her tenderly then pulled back enough to look into her eyes.

She looked a little breathless, slightly flushed so that her pale spots started to stand out even more. Then a shudder ran through her, stress dropping away and she moved closer to him again, and returned the kiss, carefully, softly.

He cradled her cheeks in his hands as they kissed each other softly, then a little more firmly. Her arms slid around his waist and Geral could feel her heart beating in her chest, pounding away like a woodpecker, but she was returning his kiss now with increasing confidence, no longer a passive recipient, but an active participant.

Her towel had fallen off her shoulders when she had reached around him and his arms took its place. Ever since the two of them had fall asleep together he had wondered about the future. The feel of her skin next to his was intoxicating and he lifted he off the floor as they continued.

She wrapped herself around him, unwilling to let go, swept up with her feelings, and the desperate need to touch another human being and feel alive, all the worries and stresses far far away.

Stepping carefully, with the swaying of the boat, he made his way into the cabin. An unexpected shift nearly sent them to the floor but holding her tight with one arm the other steadied them.

Reaching the bed in the rear of the cabin he lowered her to its surface, stepping back to remove the rest of his wetsuit .

She propped herself up on one arm, and watched him undress. Even though the Bajoran occupation was disappearing into history, she fancied it had left a spareness to his frame that he'd never been able to lose, leaving him wiry after all this time. It made her glad she'd been raised in the comfort and affluence of Trill. He still had scars too, from a small neat burn, to long white lacerations. More evidence to a hard youth. She wondered why he'd never had them fixed.

After getting the wetsuit off he joined her on the bed. It was smaller that what he was used to but that didn't matter. Brushing a few random strands of hair from her face. His hand moved down her frame coming to rest on her hip. "Have I told you how beautiful you are lately?"

"I feel like a drowned rat. I need a comb." but she blushed so hard she was pink to the shoulders. "It doesn't matter how many clips or pins I use, once I get in the water, out it all comes." With a little hesitation her own hand settled on his waist.

Scooting closer to her he rubbed he nose with his. "It looks good. Nothing wrong with a little wild now and then."

She relaxed a bit more, nuzzling into him. "I should warn you. I've really don't know what I'm doing. There was one brief affair a few years ago. But then work gets in the way."

He shook his head, kissing the top of her head as he held her. "Not tonight it won't." As she leaned against him he caressed her. Kissing her ear, her neck, her cheek, then gently brushing her lips with his.

She was relaxing more and more, her fingers exploring his body, tracing along the lines of muscles, coursing over scars and stroking his back, returning his kisses with her own, carefully pressing her lips along his shoulders until she was nuzzling his neck.

Geral's hand moved up her side, over the smooth curve of her breast. He continued to the base of her neck then down her chest. Returning to her hip he reached down pulling he leg up and caressed her thigh.

Marita let him take the lead, curling herself to him. It was just as well her heart couldn't probably beat any faster. She'd probably explode. She sighed against his chest. It just felt so good to be touched.

Continuing to run his hand up and down her leg he slipped between he them to caress her inner thigh. As he did he began to slowly work his way up until he cupped her firmly.

She was definitely enjoying his attention, a flush of heat from her body confirming that as he touched her. She looked at him from under hooded eyes. "I may not know what I'm doing, but I do know I won’t break." she challenged him.

He returned her gaze. "Of that I have no doubt, I just thought you would like a slower approach but...". Rolling her onto her back he pinned her arm, by the wrist, over her head, "...I can certainly be more...aggressive." A wry smile spread as he swayed his head from side to side before diving at her neck tickling her playfully. "RrrrRrrrRrrr..."

She squealed and tried to twist away, but was too firmly pinned. "" she gasped out between giggles. "please... don't" she had to gulp in air and laugh at the same time, "...stop!"

Releasing her he raised himself up a knowing grin on his face. "Now I know your weakness..." He trailed off as he looked down at her. Her head framed by a mess of her golden hair, her face still held the remains of the innocence brought on from laughter, and her chest still lifting as she breathed deeply while she caught her breath. He remained there in the moment just looking down at her.

"I'm afraid you've made a mistake there." she told him archly.

"Oh, why is that?"

"Yes. You let me go." and she took fall of advantage of his holding himself up to tickle his unprotected sides mercilessly.

He watched her without reaction, as she tried to get her revenge. Shaking his head as she tried harder. "Sorry....I'm not ticklish."

She relented, letting her arms wrap round his neck. "You are very vexing." She kissed him. "Very very vexing".

He had been tempted to tickle her again but instead let her pull him to her for the kiss. After she spoke again he swayed his head back and forth again as it he was going to repeat his earlier attentions but as she was about to speak he instead was kissing her again. He maintained his 'push-up' position as their kiss intensified.

Lowering his weight onto an elbow he let a hand slip down her side. Turning his hand he let the tips of his fingers lightly brush over her abs causing an involuntary spasm. His and finally reaching her leg he gripped her lower thigh pulling her leg up to him.

She sighed, lifting her body to him, hooking her other leg around him, urging him on wordlessly. "As I said, I won’t break."

Shifting his hips slightly he placed himself and felt her part as he pressed. Slowly pressing further and further, savoring every bit of her until he could go no further. He began to draw back only to arch his back and re-enter her.

It was obvious she hadn't had much of a dating life, from the tightness around him. She moved a little awkwardly, not sure what do, until she just wrapped her arms and legs around him, and buried her face in his shoulder, making gasping and groaning sounds that were were tinged with more than a little awe.

Taking a deliberate and steady pace he savored the feel of her. The sounds coming from her muffled by his own body made her groans felt as much as heard. With her wrapping herself around him he pressed against her adding more pressure at the end of each stroke. His breath catching slightly as he turned his head kissing and giving her ear a gentle nibble.

She laughed, as the nibble tickled her and she nuzzled againt him happlily as she moved to meet his motions, her muscles pulling at him. "This feels good," she whispered, more to herself than him. "Please don't stop."

He had no intention of stopping and even as he continued to move in and out of her he moved his head from her neck, biting at her shoulder as he took her breast in his hand. Moments later he placed his lips over her nipple, pulling it into his mouth.

She simply sighed, her back arching up to the touch. Her hands tangled in his hair, fingers curling and opening as the waves of pleasure washed over her.

Raising himself up he supported himself on one hand as the other cradled her cheek. Slowing, he looked at her intently as he wondered what he had done for the prophets to bless him so. He added force to his stokes as his hand moved from caressing her cheek to a firmer grip at the back of her neck.

Maritza was beyond being able to manage anything as coherent as speech. It had been so long since she'd been able to relax, to enjoy another's touch, the sensation of someone else's flesh under her fingers. There was tension building in her now, but something delicious that edged out the trials and worries of the last week, changed the old tightness of stress into something refreshing and vital. "Geral!" she managed to get out, her voice urgent and full of need. "Geral!"

Hearing her call out his name was almost more than he could take. His strokes became thrusts and every conscious fiber of his being worked to stem the tide that was building within him. His abs clenched, his glutes and thighs tightened, and cramps began to build in his calves until he could take no more. He wanted to shout her name as well but all he could manage was, "AHHHHHHhhhhhhh!"

She felt him stiffen and then she was coming with him, clutching at him, her muscles tightening and she could only hang on whilst riding the wave, face buried in his shoulder, panting and gasping.

With a series of spasms he exploded with force. Once they subsided he lifted his head looking at her as his breathing slowed to normal pace. "So much for dessert...", he said smiling.

She giggled, and rolled into his side. "We do seem to keep forgetting it."

Laying next to her, his arm wrapping around her as she leaned against him. "We do...but I guess this was an adequate substitute." He added trying to keep a straight face as he prepared for her assault.

But she laughed. "Very adequate. And better for my blood pressure." She shivered slightly, now the heat of their exertions was wearing off, and reached to pull the light covers over them. "And more fun."

"Very true." Enjoying the warmth provided by the blanket he took several deep breaths then leaned in and kissed the top of her head. The prospect of being rocked to sleep by the waves with her in his arms was soothing beyond belief. Bringing his other arm around he wrapped her up, closing his eyes. A small chuckle rumbled in him as he thought.

Maritza was floating in a haze of contentment, and she slid her arm over his chest, snuggling in, closing her eyes. In a few moments she was sleeping, resting deeper than she had in a very long time.


Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five


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