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When the levee breaks (Part I of II)

Posted on Mon Dec 2, 2019 @ 10:25am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,987 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lasumas ship holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1930


In the end, Maritza was fifteen minutes late, ambushed by yet one more never-ending decision. She arrived straight from the office, the uniform she'd donned over twelve hours ago now rumpled, and there were a few stray hairs making a desperate bid for freedom from her braids. But she got there, into the spacious docking bay that held Lasuma's Yacht.

Geral had almost expected her to be early but wasn't a bit surprised that she was running behind. Sitting back he enjoyed a coffee as he waited. this display in his office was a split screen of every possible entrance to the bay, including the forcefielded landing port through which larger craft like his came and went.

Given recent events a perimeter around his yacht had been established then had become a mix of both the stations security and his own private security. there had been the expected barbs between the two groups but nothing more. In fact, he had been informed there was some friendly competition and a good rapport developing.

His eyes caught a familiar shape making its way, under escort, across the bay. Sitting up he deactivated the monitor and it returned to another bit of art decorating the wall. With another command the yachts hatch was opened.

Sha'rae was already in the bay as the Commander passed through the ring of security without issue. "It's good to see you again, Commander."

"Good evening." Maritza smiled. "I hope I've not inconvenienced anyone too much. The Cardassians..."

"Say no more, and not at all. She cocked her head towards the yacht behind her. "The ships all yours."

"Thank you." Soran continued up the gangway and into the yacht, "Hello? Lasuma?"

He finished setting the table for their dessert has she called out and he shook his head replying playfully. "Seriously are you ever going to start calling me Geral?"

When she entered the room he gestured with a smile. " promised."

Maritza held up an isolinear rod. "And I brought a relaxing swim. Which would you like to do first?"

"Decisions decisions..." He made a show of contemplation, not that it really mattered to him. "...let's see this destination of yours." He said reaching out for the chip.

She handed it over. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It’s one of the more beautiful parts of the planet."

Their hand touched as he took the chip and together they moved towards the holo-lounge, his hand at the small of her back.

Opening the port he inserted the chip and the computer automatically scanned the contents and displayed his options. After choosing to run the program the door opened into a small cabin of a boat. There was the smell of salt and ozone in the air, and the whole thing was rocking gently.

"Go on up," Maritza pointed to another door, at the top of a narrow, steep flight of stairs. "Open the storage unit on the left. I'm going to get changed here."

Bowing his head with a grin, "As you wish."

He head up the stairs, letting change in privacy. He already had a swimsuit on under his clothes and was tempted to kick everything off and head back down quickly to see if she was ready. Grinning at the idea but deciding not to he removed his clothes but grabbed a linen beach shirt before heading up on deck to wait for her.

There wasn't much to see except blue. Beautiful, glorious blue. The sky was clear and there was nothing around them but water in shades of azure and turquoise. Glancing over the side, he saw through crystal clear water a riotous collection of colours. A myriad cornucopia of corals were growing barely ten feet below the surface, and amongst them darted a hundred different fish, as well as turtles and rays lazily swimming along.

She emerged a few minutes later holding one wet suit and wearing another. She held the full body suit out to him. "I hope it fits. Not too tight or too baggy."

Removing the shirt he had put on. " we are going diving. I haven't been diving in years."

"This is the Great Barrier Reef of Earth. I came here a couple of times when I was on recuperation. It’s probably the most beautiful place on the whole planet. There's nothing quite like it."

Sealing his wetsuit he rolled his shoulder to test his mobility. Looking at her, in her own form fitting wetsuit, directly in her eyes, "I couldn't agree more...definitely one of a kind."

She opened another storage box and took out the equipment, "I know forcefields are easier, but I like the feel of the water. Have you used these models?" She offered him one of the small microtanks and its connected regulator.

He smirked a bit, guessing that she missed his remark. Oh well, he thought to himself....just be more direct next time.

Taking the equipment he nodded. "Oh yeah, but like I said it's been a while. Pressing the relief he tested the gear, not that it wasn't going to work anyway. "Ready to get wet," he added enthusiastically.

She arched an eyebrow, "Is there an innuendo in there?"

"Me...use innuendo?"

"hmmm," she said suspiciously, and then climbed down the ladder at the side of the boat and into the water with a happy sigh. She sculled away from the boat side and beckoned him in.

Watching her move away from the boat, as it rocked with the rolling waves. He placed a foot on the edge and called out as he jumped. "Look out below."

Maritza turned her face away and he landed, letting the splash wash over her. "Happy now?" she smiled, pulling her goggles into place and reaching for her mouthpiece.

Rubbing the inside of his mask he smiled back. "Whenever you are around...always."

She blushed, flushing a pink not out of keeping with the coral below. "well, thats... very kind of you... " she was a little lost for words, “Shall we?" she put the breathing apparatus in, and dived down into the world below the surface.

Grinning Geral put his respirator in and dove beneath the waves. The water was crystal clear and beneath him was another world. Corals, sea grasses, and all manner of fish swam below him. In front of all that was this woman, her normally braided and bound hair trailing behind her. Kicking a bit harder he began to close the gap between them.

She paused once she got to nearest reef. They were barely four meters from the surface, and yet huge spreading corals the size of dinner plates in shades of rust and orange and pink. In amongst them darted a rainbow of fish, Black and white angel fish, blue surgeon fish, big lipped turquoise wrasse and bright yellow butterfly fish. Turning to him and gave him an okay sign to check that all was in order.

He nodded that he was good to go but pointed for he to turn around. They had some company as a few dolphins were swimming up to check out the new arrivals.

The small pod of bottlenosed dolphins swam closer, bumping up against them gently, pushing them closer together as the dolphins tried to rub against them in catlike fashion.

Unable to laugh through her breathing equipment Martiza could only give one a pat and push it away to soar over the reef. Its pod joined it, and she stroked them as they swam past.

His hand reached up with hers as the last swam by, giving them a nod and an odd series of clicks. Bajor no longer had such creatures...thanks to the Cardassians. He looked at them for a moments long and for the thousandth time wondered where Bajor would be had the Cardassians not ravaged his home.

Maritza pointed further down the reef, and swam on, to where small shoals of fish moved in and out of each other. It was like a ballet, graceful and complex. But also instinctive. She never stopped marvelling at how beautiful it was. How serene it was, and locked away beneath the waves, so free of all the pressures of the surface world. Sometimes it was tempting just to hide down here forever.

Nodding he swam with her, taking in the wonders of the experience. The whole place was a vast array of creatures all reacting and interacting as intended...a perfect balance. Looking to his guide her could see the change in her. She was more relaxed than he had ever seen her. Her hair rippling through the water.

A few dozen meters away, a pair of small hammer head sharks were prodding at the sandy seafloor between two giant fans of coral, looking for stingrays. Seahorses and long, snakelike fish with tubelike snouts flitted inside the waving fingers of the polyps, and others, red-orange with rows of blue spots poked at the fronds. It was peaceful, and alive, and even though the predators lurked, none were interested in them.

Tapping his arm to get his attention Maritza pointed out delicate spined finned lion fish and bright green wolf eels barely visible in their hidey-holes and white and yellow striped butterfly fish, and half a dozen more bright pretty little fish she didn't know the names of. Sunlight scattered by the gentle roll of the ocean made the whole reef sparkle.

He had stared intently at the sight of the sharks. He had heard of the predators and had seen displays but never had he seen them in their element. The wide array of life in such a small space was fascinating to his own surprise he was in awe. Looking back at her Maritza was backlight by beams of light penetrating the surface from above. Swimming closer to her he reached out a hand for hers.

She laced her fingers through his and squeezed lightly. Every time they turned round there was something new, something beautiful to see. Foraging turtles and tiny clownfish, or parrotfish nibbling away and coral cod sailing by.

But it couldn't last. She had reached the limits of her tank and made the sign to resurface, and giving a small kick to start the rise.

Together they broke the surface and he removed his respirator as they treaded water. "That was Amazing."

Maritza stripped off her goggles and wiped the water from her face. "Isn't it?" She orientated on the boat just fifty meters away and began to swim towards it with a lazy breaststroke. "When I went to the real thing, the manta rays -the ones that look like they are flying- were in season, and that was breathtaking. They do this mating dance, well, swim and that’s beautiful to watch."

He was side stroking right along side her. "I bet that was a sight to see. So what's next?"

Maritza reached the boat and began to climb the ladder. out of the water, her now badly dishevelled braids hung to her hips, all the loose hair clinging to her back. "Dry out? Eat desert?"

Watching her go up the ladder as he waited his turn. Once on deck he tossed his respirator aside and began peeling off his wet suit. With the top half hang at his waist, "I would think both but you don't sound to sure." Stepping closer he moved a strand from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"More, I have no preferences. And no desire to make any decisions." She reached behind her, trying to find the zip for her wet suit.

"Let me help." Moving around behind her he gathered her hair and separated the strap draping her hair over her shoulder he began to unzip her wetsuit.

To Be Continued

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five


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