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Time Off

Posted on Sat Dec 7, 2019 @ 12:09am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Edited on on Tue Nov 3, 2020 @ 11:05am

1,980 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck 14
Timeline: MD 16: 09:45 hrs


Despite the high tempo of DS5, Annora knew she needed to take advantage of her days off. A crisis big enough to require her presence, likely would disrupt any recreation plans in the first place. Even if there was a smaller incident, one could reach her on the comm system.
Her blue jeans and sneakers were topped off by a gray t-shirt with a drawing of the Golden Gate Bridge.

After breakfast, she headed towards the holodecks to revisit an old favorite.
“Computer, run program Annora Dragon 1...”


The standard yellow and black grid lines were soon replaced by a mid 22nd century street. In the center of the street stood a stone building with chimneys on either end of the structure, and a large dragon statue sitting on the front lawn. Two wooden doors were placed in the center with a wooden sign hanging between them containing the words, ‘Dusty Dragon Tavern’. (
Inside, it was laid out much like one would expect a Tavern. A large bar with stools was placed along the right wall. Behind it stood two bartenders, ready to serve up whatever requests came their way. A large display case in the middle of the wall contained various MACO patches, as well as a few from United Earth Starfleet. The walls were decorated with recruiting posters and pictures from past West Point graduating classes. The flags of United Earth, MACO, and Starfleet were hung along the back wall. Several computer monitors were spread throughout the main room for the entertainment of patrons.
In the left front corner stood a single small round table with a white tablecloth. A single empty chair was placed on the back side of the table. An empty plate was set for one, with a folded black napkin placed next to the fork. A smaller plate, containing two lemon slices was placed to the upper left of the first plate. A salt shaker was placed just to the left of the second plate. An upturned glass, single red rose in a vase with a red ribbon, and a yellow candle completed the table setting. On the wall behind the table, hung a black POW-MIA flag.

As she entered the building she was met by Sam Yao, The holographic owner/operator of the tavern. ( There were several holographic patrons, but Annora was the only ‘real’ customer at present.
“Just you today Lieutenant?”

Shaking his hand, Annora answered the question.

“For now. A few others said they might swing by later...”


A bit later, the doors opened up to reveal an unfamiliar face to Sam. Considering the size of the Security Department, he wasn’t surprised they were a newcomer. The blue-silver hair stood out to the man.
“Welcome to the Dusty Dragon, I’m Sam Yao.’

Elleese Elloyia was not normally the sort of woman to walk in on someone else's holodeck program, but there was a notice on this one that it was "open" to visitors. She was intrigued by what sort of program that would be and imagined there was one of her new crewmates inside, so she permitted herself a chance to learn of this place and see who was here.

The hologram was who greeted her. She knew him instantly for what he was, since Betazoids could tell, but she smiled all the same. "I'm Elleese," she introduced herself. "I just...happened to be passing."

Sam smiled.
"Sometimes you find the best items when you're just passing. Make yourself at home while I get the Lieutenant."

"Thank you," Ell said easily, moving to take a seat nearby.

Moving to the game room in the rear of the bar, he poked his head in.
"Hate to interrupt your game of skiball, but you have a visitor."

"It's fine Sam, I was losing anyway."

Turning to her Tellarite opponent, Annora took her leave.
"I've enjoyed our game and debate. We'll pick this up later."

Returning to the main room, she headed towards the woman indicated by Sam.
."Hello Elleese, Sam tells me you were just passing by. I'm Annora, welcome to the best holographic tavern."

She held out a hand in greeting.

"Thank you, Annora," the Betazoid said, taking the offered hand with a small, polite smile. "I hope that I am not intruding. I saw that the program was open and I confess that I was curious."

"Intruding,? No. Not many outside of Security know of the program, but it's not exclusive. This is a recreation of a popular hang out spot for Cadets. The Fleeters had The 602 club, and we had the Dusty Dragon. Nothing against the real establishments on base, but sometimes it's nice to have a location where one has more control over the clientele."

She motioned towards the bar.
"Pull up a stool. They can make just about any kind of drink, even if it is Synthahol."

Elleese laughed softly. "I do not really drink, even synthahol, but I hope perhaps they can make a cup of tea?" This question was directed in a rather general sense, in case Annora could answer but also toward the bar itself and whoever might be there to take the order as she moved nearer and took a seat there. "I do like the atmosphere here," she added to the other actual person in the room.

"Tea's not the normal order of patrons, but it can be arraigned."

Sam motioned towards the Andorian standing off to the right.
"Otyllia will make the tea, just tell her the type. Annora, I'll get you a Shark-bite Surprise."

Ell thanked him and then gave her order to the Andorian.

As Sam moved back behind the Bar, Annora responded to Elleese's comment.
"Thanks. The actual place was designated a historical landmark early last century so I was able to revisit the Dragon when creating the program. Although I spent enough time here as a Cadet, a lot of it could be done from memory."

She motioned towards the monitors.
"When West Point played at Starfleet Academy, those of us not at the game would pack in here to watch it."

"I wish I had chanced to visit it during my own time at the academy," Ell commented easily, her pale eyes roving around to take in all the details. "I cannot say that I ever did."

"The Dusty Dragon? It's in New York not 'Frisco, but with the prevalence of transporter technology it's real simple to pop over for a visit. Quicker than taking a shuttlepod"

Otyllia set the tea in front of Ell while Sam set a tall glass in front of Annora filled with a fizzy purple liquid.

Her guest was Starfleet, but beyond 'not security' Annora was unsure of her position.
"So what brings you way out here to DS5?"

Elleese sipped her tea with a small, polite smile. "I have just recently come aboard. I am the station's new chief counselor." She inclined her head slightly, respectfully. "I believe you are...Annora Tessaro? The chief of security?"

"Ah, I see Chief Peterson has been telling tales on me during in-processing. Welcome to the craziness that is Deep Space Five. We solve one crisis just to have another crop up."

She laughed.
"It almost makes me miss the days of being in combat, almost."

Elleese joined in the laugh with a quiet one of her own. "Chief Peterson is innocent, I assure you," the counselor offered. "I simply have a mind for names and faces, and a need to know who my fellow department heads are when I came aboard."

"Good skill to have in any job, but especially our respective positions. Was quite useful when I worked in embassy security, has come in handy here as well."

Annora set down her half finished drink.
"So Doc, any questions for me?"

"Should I?" the counselor returned with a small, bemused smile. "I did not come here for professional reasons, I assure you, so I have nothing to ask of that nature. I am curious about my new home, though, so if you have anything to share to help me acclimate myself, I would appreciate that."

"My past life is fairly well documented, but that's a story for another time."

She didn't want to repeat the security briefing, so Annora tried to give the newcomer an insider's perspective.

"The station is basically a large self contained city. The exact population varies but usually there's usually more Starfleet than civilians. If you want to expand your palate, there's a fair amount of restaurants on Deck 400 in an area known as 'Gourmet Alley'. Deck 60 is where the embassies are located. After some recent attacks, we've beefed up security on the Diplomatic Deck. It's not off limits to Starfleet or civilians, but expect extra scrutiny should you wish to visit. You found the holodecks, so I don't have to tell you of their location. The portals planet-side can be troublesome, but you'll have to talk to the scientists for more info on that."

Ell listened attentively, nodding a little. "Well, I believe I have more than enough to explore and learn here on the station without yet adding the planet to that," she said with a small smile, though she had already read and then heard a bit about the portals. "Is there an arboretum or something of that nature on the station?"

"Yes there is."

She paused to remember just where it was located.

"It starts on deck 412. It's the middle of the Main Promenade. It's a nice place of real nature among all the artificial construct of the space station."

"It is always one of the first places I find on a new ship or starbase posting whenever I have the chance," Ell said. "Do you spend much time there?"

That fact likely meant the new counselor wasn't a boomer. In her experience, Annora found that those who grew up in space didn't care as much about arboretums and similar locations.

"From time to time I'll take a stroll. Probably not as much as I should. I spent a fair amount of my career on various planets, but I guess I've acclimatized to a true life in space."

"That is a useful trait," Ell said with a smile. "I grew up in a mountain colony, and while I am...comfortable with life in space, I do miss the scenery and the peace of nature."

"There is something relaxing about nature. Thankfully the station designers created a nature space."

Changing topics, Annora motioned towards the side room.
"There's plenty of games in the rec room. Care to try one out?"

Fortunately, Elleese--in her profession--was rather used to such sudden switches. "Sure. I enjoy games," she said. "Do you have a particular one that you enjoy?"

"I was playing ski-ball when you arrived, but there are several other options. This is the biggest area where creative liberties were taken by expanding the offerings. There's Foosball, ping-pong, table hockey, and a second dart board. There's an area than be configured for shuffleboard, bowling or prayko. A few of other non human offerings include Kadis-Kot, Sharash'di, and Dom-Jot."

There were several arcade games and pinball machines, but they were more designed for individual play.

Ell thought these over, not very familiar with most of them. "Which one do you like best?"

Considering the options, Annora made her choice.
"Computer, create a single bowling lane."

Once the computer indicated it was ready, she headed towards the doorway.
"Sam, we'll be in the back if anyone comes looking."

For a first meeting with the new counselor, this was one of the better ways for it to occur. Entering their names into the computer terminal, she turned to Elleese.
"Visitors first."


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Elleese Elloyia
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five


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