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Consolidating Resources

Posted on Thu Dec 19, 2019 @ 10:57pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Miral Annhwi

1,353 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Romulan Embassy, Deck 60
Timeline: MD 16 1100


Miral hated paperwork, even if it was electronic. She'd filed more reports since arriving on DS5 than her past two positions. She hoped it was simply because she was new and working on increasing the Romulan presence on the station. The Cardassians and Ferengi had been given the run of the place for far too long.

Charg left the Klingon compound, his escort in tow, and made his way to the Romulan area. Despite the history of the two powers both he and his benefactor had maintained amicable relations by dealing directly with certain families within the Romulan Empire. He was curious if their mutual distaste of the Cardassians would be enough to base an alliance.

Entering the Romulan Embassy he nodded to the receptionist, his tone even and cordial. "Ambassador Charghwl'IH to see Ambassador Annhwi."

"Just a moment, sir." The old Romulan walked through a door in the back of the room. A minute later, he returned. "The Ambassador will see you now."

He led the Ambassador to the door and stepped through, leaving the way clear for the Klingon.

Motioning to his escort to remain he entered the Ambassador's office alone. "My apologies Ambassador for just dropping in on you like this but I think, given recent events, we might have an opportunity. I hope we just haven't missed it."

The door closed as the Romulan went back to his desk.

"You are always welcome, Ambassador," she said, bowing politely to the Klingon. She indicated a small conversation area near the back of her office. "Please have a seat. Tell me, what is this opportunity of which you speak?" She paused by a bottle on a side table. "Would you care for a glass of Romulan Ale?"

Accepting her offer as he took a seat. "Yes, thank you. The opportunity I referred to was the current upheaval within the ranks of our Cardassian friends. Their efforts to destabilize the area by cutting the Federation off from their dilithium supplies on Xi'Cadia were negated by the securing of a new source. The recent arrest of their ambassador, etc."

She poured two glasses of ale and handed one to the Klingon before taking her seat.

Taking his drink and downing a fair portion of it he continued. "The Romulans, be it good or bad for the Federation, has had a strong influence in the area, as it should being so close to the boarder. The Cardassian's, and the Klingon Empire for that matter, are further from their territories. But not only do the Cardassians continue to antagonize their host, they continue to believe their own propaganda. Their self arrogance borders on stupidity.

Miral nodded. She'd read all the reports and agreed. She couldn't believe how much he Cardassians got away with in this sector.

"Both of our governments have, or seem to have, ignored this region for too long and as such the Cardassian, even the Ferengi have filled that void. I propose we correct that oversight. Relations between our governments have had their...issues in the past, but I think a common goal will unite them enough to put the Cardassians on their heels."

"I agree," she said firmly. "I would like nothing better than to see the surprise on the face of the Cardassian Ambassadors when we build on the ashes of their broken promises and forge ties in this sector. I think it high time both or empires have a place on Pangaea and this station."

Raising his glass in a toast. "To our Empires..and there greater glory. Not to mention sticking it to the Cardassians."

She chuckled softly and raised her glass. "To the glory of our Empires, and putting the Cardassians in their place."

Downing the rest of his ale he sat the glass on her desk. "So where do we strike first; the planet, their activities on the station, interrupt their operations on Xi'Cadia....or do we hit them everywhere at once?

"As many strikes as we can," she replied. "As Starfleet oversees the colony settlement, a well-worded request for equal treatment should be sufficient. There are two Romulan scientists working with Starfleet personnel. They will ensure that my people are not left out. Do you have scientists here? If not, request some. As far as I know there are no Cardassian or Ferengi scientists working on Federation projects. That will ensure that we are included in their exploration. Pangaea is, after all, utilized more for scientific purposes than for colonization. It will give us another reason to have a presence in the colony. As to the other items, what do you suggest?'

"Getting established on the planet will be the easiest by far. I have served with the Commander in the past and I highly doubt she would deny my request. As the the others..." He was cut of by a beeping from his communicator, and having left strict instructions not to disturb him it had to be important.

Looking to the Ambassador, "Excuse me."

She waved a hand for him to go ahead.

Acknowledging the transmission, "What is it?"

=/= My Lord, forgive the interruption but a Federation ship was destroyed in the Xi'Cadia system. =/=

His eyes had never left his counterpart and he closed the communicatio. "Understood, request an a meeting with Commander Soran at her earliest convenience. Prepare a statement of support for our Federation allies."

=/= Yes My Lord. =/=

As the channel closed he leaded back. It appears we have been given our opening."

"Indeed," she acknowledged. "An opening, and a cause for concern. I, too, shall send my condolences, along with a promise of support from the Romulan Empire."

"Excellent. I can set a meeting with the Commander. I assume you would want to be there so we can make not only our joint request but a joint show of support?"

A slow smile spread across Miral's face. "Yes, I would. A show of solidarity will go far right now."

Dropping his fist on her desk with a double bump. "I will summon a science team and dispatch a ship to keep a covert eye on Xi'cadia as well."

She nodded. "Good. I'll have some of mine keep an eye on the science colony on Pangaea. Until we get formal approval to set up permanent residence."

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "I would almost give anything to see the reaction of the Cardassians when they see us united against them again."

Miral grinned. "As would I." She leaned forward. "You know, I find I'm quite looking forward to putting the Cardassians in their place--and to making an alliance."

Placing his now empty glass on the edge of the table. Either one of them could have acted by themselves at different or even similar occasions and achieved the same goals. However by acting together they would definitely shift the power on the station. "And I look forward to working with you to ensure the...proper structure on the station."

Miral grinned. She finished her drink and took the two glasses away. When she returned, she had a suggestion. "Why not go see the commander now?"

Given the recent events there was no reason to delay. The seeds of, at least his part, their request for a presence on the planet had already been laid so there would be no harm in readdressing it. Nodding as he returned he grin, "An excellent idea."

Pulling out his communicator. "Charghwl'IH to Commander Soran."

There was only a brief pause before her voice came through his communicator, barked with a very klingon sense of urgency "Qapla'!?"

Replying with a bit of a chuckle, "You seem unsure Maritza. Do you have a moment? My Romulan counterpart and I need to speak with you."

A long pause met that. Then the reply "I'll let me yeoman know, come along when you're ready."

"Perfect! We shall be there shortly." Why she seemed to hesitate he knew not. Hopefully their pending offer would ease her doubts.


Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador


Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Deep Space Five


Commander Soran


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