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Posted on Sun Dec 22, 2019 @ 2:58pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

897 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Zadal’s firing range: Square Mile
Timeline: MD 13 17:40 hrs

“Evening Zadal, the crowd looks a bit light. You scare them away?”

The Tellarite snarled at the Andorian security officer.
“No, they left voluntarily when they heard you were coming. Might be able to catch a few if you hurry.”

Ron gave a dismissive wave.
“Or I could just arrest you for aiding and abetting. But I’m in a “
good mood so I’ll overlook it today.”

The customary bickering finished, Zadal pulled up the reservation screen on his computer.
“Deal, now what can I do for you?”

“Give me an hour for archery, the Lieutenant should be arriving shortly to join me.”

Ron set a case on the counter before opening it up to display the contents.
“I picked up a new bow from a shopkeeper on Deck 400, this will be the first time I’ve tested it.”

Petty Officer Keraan Ch'ezhakrohr, ‘Ron’ for short, had been brought in by Annora to fill a vacancy in the security department. Having served in the Andorian Imperial Guard before joining Starfleet and the Sundsvall’s crew, he offered a unique perspective.

When Annora arrived at the range, she was directed to the correct lane where Ron had laid out the bows and arrows.
“New bow I see, looks nice.”

“Thanks. I’m excited to see how it performs. Figured we’d start at 25 yards, and go from there.”

Picking up her own bow and arrows, Annora checked them over for damage. She didn’t expect to find any, but it never hurt to inspect your own equipment.
“Sounds like a plan.”

Once both of them settled into a routine, the conversation turned to work.
“I heard about what happened. Glad all our people survived.”

Annora let another arrow fly which landed high and to the right. Shifting her aim according, she responded to the question as the next arrow landed closer to the center.

“Me too, although I wish we could have saved the others. Considering that was our primary objective, I’d say the mission was a failure.”

“True, but I wouldn’t take it too hard. An ambush by definition is hard to detect. It sounds like the Vulcans had plenty of time to prepare.”

With their arrows expended, both stepped forward to collect them and go again. When they returned to the firing line, Ron continued the conversation with a question.
“Were you there when we liberated the Narn?”

While freeing worlds controlled by the Romulans wasn’t the main goal, it became a secondary objective when feasible. Quickly running through the engagements she’d been involved in, Annora shook her head.
“Not directly, the 55th was focused on generating footholds for a push to Romulus. Why?”

Ron’s arrow landed just outside the bullseye.
“All intelligence pointed to an easy victory on Cupelara. Aside from a small group of Nausicaan mercenaries, there wasn’t supposed to be any resistance. With that info in mind, the decision was made to land only half the planned number of troops and send the rest to re enforce Lunope. Turns out the planet was heavily fortified and we took heavy casualties with little to show for it. You had sketchy Intel, we had what appeared to be good intel. In both cases, it was merely a set up. On the bright side, I heard Hines rescued Lieutenant Wells.”

“You could say that, yes.”

Her arrow landed in the center of the target.

“Despite his heroics, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Commander reads him the riot act for his actions. Two things they drilled into us from day one; never leave your wingman and always know where your rifle is.”

If he had been one of her own troops, Jason would have been given remedial training and at least a month’s worth of desk duty.

Ron wondered why Annorra made it a point to remind each shift to stick with their assigned patrol partner, and now he knew.
“Did he give a reason?”

“Not really. He said something about an Intel mission before running off. I’m grateful he knew of Lt Well’s location, but he almost got both of them killed. I’m not sure what Intel stood to gain, there was no evidence of advanced tech.”

Ron set his bow down momentarily.
“I’ve only had a limited interaction with the Lieutenant. Is it possible he’s mixed up with some rogue faction in Starfleet?”

It wasn’t a pleasant thought but unfortunately not unheard of. Annora quickly reviewed her interactions with the man.
“Maybe. If he is, there was no evidence to support that theory. Of course no one suspected the crew of the Svikari had competing loyalties until they attacked.”

While it wouldn’t be entirely out of her scope to investigate the incident, one bad decision wasn’t enough evidence to start questioning the loyalties of a fellow Starfleet Officer.
“I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt this time, but there will be consequences. For the time being if he joins us in any off station missions, he will be given a security escort. Any formal investigation beyond the normal After Action Review will have to come from a Command directive.”

Ron picked his bow back up.
“Sounds like a smart move. Shall we move the target another 10 yards? Loser buys supper.”

Annora followed suite.



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