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Loose Ends

Posted on Tue Dec 17, 2019 @ 1:06pm by Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Wed Dec 18, 2019 @ 2:39am

606 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: USS Marsielles
Timeline: MD 25, 1900


From Musical Interlude (part III) - Jailbreak

He adjusted the formula a few times in between evasive maneuvers and adjusting shield power. Two phaser strikes knocked the runabout’s shields out.

Shaking his head, he said, “Fortune favors the bold and the stupid.”

He pressed the button that would execute the commands he programmed in. Now it was up to his math and a little luck. The torpedo fired, the runabout lurched forward, and as the torpedo exploded, a tachyon beam lanced out. When the explosion subsided, the runabout was not there.

USS Marseilles

“What the hell just happened?”, Daniels snapped.

“Not sure”, his XO said as he looked at the data from tactical. “A torpedo detonated in front of the runabout. It must have been from the runabout. It looks like there might have been a tachyon pulse right before the runabout hit the explosion.”

“Any debris?”, Daniels asked.

“No, sir”, his XO said.

“What was he doing?”, Daniels mused aloud. “I don’t think he was committing suicide after all, a self-destruct would work for that.”

“Sir”, his science officer said from her station.

Daniels nodded to her.

“In theory, from the sensor readings, he might have created a sub-space corridor or perhaps a wormhole”, she continued. “With what I am reading, there was a, ten to fifteen percent chance of succeeding at best. With how something like that works, we wouldn’t necessarily have debris here if he failed.”

“Great, so he is either dead or somewhere else in the universe”, Daniels said more to himself than the bridge. “Very well, helm, set a course for the Menari sector and engage warp seven. XO, my ready room.”

The second officer took the captain’s chair as the Captain and Commander Billings went to the ready room.

“We are going to need a name change, transponder change, and some new records in personnel”, Daniels said, picking a bottle off his shelf and pouring two drinks.

“Do you think that is necessary”, his XO said, taking the drink that was offered. “We have plenty of footage showing him shooting people, we could just say he snapped.”

“Yeah, in his underwear”, Daniels said, taking a sip of his drink.

“That can be fixed”, Billings said.

“Yeah, but someone could discover the doctoring”, Daniels said, rubbing his temple. “We’ll list him as killed in action and let contacts know that on the off chance he survived and shows up that we want to know.”

“What do we get out of that?”, Billings asked and then took a drink.

Daniels smiled and said, “He must have had help escaping. There was no way he could have escaped without someone’s help unless he had a phaser shoved up his ass all along. That means we have a traitor or traitors on board. I have an idea on who at least one of them is, but we need to know why they helped Haines, and we need him for that, so we’ll let this play out a little bit. Alright, get to work, I’ve got a contact to make.”

Billings said, “Aye.” and left the office.

To be thorough, Daniel’s knew that he had to make a contact on Deep Space Five as that might be one of the places Haines would go to if he was alive. He might feel safe there. Daniels didn’t have anyone he knew he could trust in Starfleet on the station. That said, he was sure he could find non-Starfleet individuals to help.


Captain Daniels
Commanding Officer
USS Marsielles

APB Lt(jg) Jason Haines


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