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A Matter of Honor

Posted on Wed Nov 13, 2019 @ 2:01am by Civilian Jason Haines & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,266 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD14, 1900


With that statement, given recent events with the Vulcans, Jason's world went red. Without knowing where the strength came from, with the heel of his palm, Jason slammed Korgal in the face. Then he flipped the surprised Klingon into the air and slammed him to the deck. Before he knew it Jason had his knee on the Klingons throat and his personal knife centimeters from his eye. If he moved, it would be sliced open.

"You can disparage and curse my father and family name, besmirch my honor, call my mother a whore and I will fight you as honor dictates, but if I ever hear you say that about anyone again, you will have pain and humiliation rained down on you like you can't imagine", Jason growled.

With that Jason got up and looked at the Ambassador and bowed his head, "I apologize for this dishonor Ambassador. I am sure that most of your warriors here are honorable men and women with many glorious tales, but I won't associate with the ones without. Forgive me, I do not belong here. I wish success to you and your warriors on your hunt and if you hunt the beast on the planet, hunt it as you see fit."


The Ambassador had been enjoying the festivities when the..spat had erupted. Like the rest he had been curious about how it would end. The Lieutenant's departure had been a surprise. Moving to where Korgal was still getting to his feet the warriors stepped back, distancing themselves from whatever was about to take place.

"My Lord I will..."

"You will do nothing! You underestimated your opponent and were beaten. Human or not Haines was victorious." Placing his hand on his shoulder, he quoted the old proverb " 'There is nothing shameful falling before a superior enemy', the dishonor comes from the foolishness you were about to swear yourself to. Fortunately your defeat was here and not elsewhere. Learn, so it doesn't happen again. There is an old saying, 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.' "

There were many puzzled expressions about his last words amongst many of his warriors and one spoke. "That wasn't Kahless. Was it Kor?"

Shaking his head he finishing off his drink as he moved to the door. He ignored the other guesses by his young warrior. Clearly there was work to be done.

"My Lord, who said it?"

Looking back as the doors parted with the typical clank. "A human." With that he left and had himself beamed to the station to see to guests injuries.


Jason staggered into sickbay. He was met by Henderson, the Marine combat medic from the planet's unit, who was doing cross training in sickbay.

"Ah, Lieutenant, what can I do for you?" Terry asked, wrinkling his nose at the smell of the excessive bloodwine.

"Hey Gunny", Jason said. "I could use something to make my world stop spinning and I think you might want to look at my hand."

"Punching the wall?", Terry asked, prepping a hypo and then injecting Jason with it.

"Arm wrestling Klingons", Jason said. "You would be surprised how much metal tables clang when your hand gets nearly smashed through it."

"I can only imagine", Terry replied scanning Jason's hand.

"Not too bad", Terry said. "I'll be right back."

Some flunky of a transport operator had tried to limit his transport site to one of the station's transport padds or the Klingon Embassy. He told the hapless operator that he was going to transport to deck 55 out side of the stations primary sickbay and if he wanted to make a diplomatic issue out of it he could have security try and detain him.

Needless to say his transport went without incident but he had been tempted to transport to his location and...educate the man.

He had been grumbling all down the corridor about the caliber of officer being produced but stopped out side sickbay and took a deep breath before entering.

Terry saw the large Klingon as he was walking back to where he was working on Jason. He had never worked on a Klingon before.

"Can I help you sir?" he asked.

Seeing that the Marine was heading towards the same biobed he replied. "Actually Gunny I'm hear to see your patient, but don't let me stop you." Clapping a hand firmly on Jason's shoulder, "Lieutenant Haines received his wounds in honorable combat."

"Given everything that the Lieutenant has been through lately", Terry said. "He should be staying out of combat, honorable or otherwise."

Shaking his head, Terry pressed a hypo against Jason's neck.

"I should make you sleep this off, like other patients", Terry remarked. "but seeming how you have guests."

Jason nodded in thanks to Terry and then looked at the Ambassador.

"Ambassador, how can I help you?", Jason asked.

"I wanted to see if you were going to be healthy enough for the hunt?"

"Do I have to worry about being stabbed by someone looking to regain honor?", Jason asked.

"When will this hunt take place?", Terry asked. "his body has taken a fair amount of damage lately. Nothing in the next 72 hours for certain."

Charg growled to himself as he thought, ~Medics...~ Looking back at Jason. "Not at all. There was no dishonor in his loss. He underestimated you and you defeated him. If there is any dishonor it is in his error and can not be redeemed in coming after you. Besides, there is no shame in a defeat to a superior foe. now have a status as a formattable opponent. You may be challenged from time to time. Of course you are under no obligation to accept any such challenge as you are not Klingon."

Jason nodded, "Ok, being human I am not up on all Klingon customs. If you and your hunters will accept me in the ranks, I'd be honored."

Nodding approvingly he dropped his fist twice onto the Lieutenant's leg. "Excellent! We will hunt, we will bring down this mystery beast and they will sing songs of the day!"

He had turned to leave but spun back towards Jason as the doors opened, his cloak thrown back as he turned. "You know there is a tradition of marking special occasions with a poem. You can present it at the feast after the hunt." With that he stepped through the doors and his escort fell in place as the doors closed.

Jason nodded, a stunned look on his face.

"Asshole", Jason muttered and Terry started laughing.

"I need a recording of this ok?", Terry said, finishing up with the work on Jason's hand. "Giant squirrel on my blade, rawr!"

"Are we done Gunny?", Jason asked, looking at him with mock anger.

"Oh, I think there are a number of tests I need to do sir", Terry replied. "I mean, I am sure I can come up with a number of other possible poetic suggestions while we are waiting for the test results to come back."

"I hear Yolanthe has amateur comedian night at her bar sometimes", Jason said, shaking his head as he got off the bio-bed. "Good night doc."

"Good night, sir", Terry said as he made his last notes on the case. A big smirk crept across his face.


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson
Combat Medic
Deep Space 5

Charghwl'Ih Head of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador


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