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Xi'Cadian Defensive Operations

Posted on Tue Nov 12, 2019 @ 12:00am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Tue Nov 12, 2019 @ 2:59am

1,890 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Xi'Cadia Space
Timeline: Day 14 1500

"Sir, we're detecting a vessel dropping out of warp, just outside of station Xeta's sensor field." The Nav-Com Officer reported from her station. The Ascension was an Intruder-Class Destroyer assigned to patrol the Border of Xi'Cadian space from unauthorized intrusions by enemy forces. Since the Incident had occurred, as the new government had begun to refer to the situation that had given rise to the emergency actions that had been taken by Supreme-Governor Arkul and his newly-constituted administration, the Xi'Cadian Space Guard has been put on high alert for enemy encounters.

"Bring it on screen as soon as it's in range." The Commander of the Xi'Cadian Destroyer said he stood from his chair and awaited the updated information to download to his unit.

== USS Atlantis==

"Great", the Andorian captain said. "Cardassians. Hail them."

=/\= "This is the Xi'Cadian Galactic Union vessel Ascension, Star Fleet vessel, state your purpose for crossing into our territory without authorization." The Xi'Cadian Commander said tersely.

"I'm Captain Torvil of the USS Atlantis", the Andorian replied. "We were examining some unusual readings in the area. And from the star charts that both the Federation and your government agreed upon, we are on our side of the border. If there is any discrepancy, perhaps the energy reading we are investigating have affected our navigational array. And if that is the case, I apologize and I will move off some to get back on our side of the border."

Out of sight of the viewscreen stood Cardassian Intelligence Bureau Officer, Gul Natomi Kyren. Ordinarily, the Intelligence Officer would not have involved herself in the day-to-day operations of the Xi'Cadians and their border patrols; however, this mission was part of a series of tests that the Cardassian government was running for their Project Oasis. The arrival of the Starfleet vessel was an unexpected and undesired interruption to her plans.

Gul Kyren was almost certain the the Starfleet vessel was responding to the burst of beta-tachyon particles that were released by the Warship Dar'heel as it activated its experimental warp drive. A typical transphasic warp drive resulted in the destruction of a vessel due to the devastating pressure that was applied by the subspace fields as it accelerated. Such a strain would have caused a Cardassian vessel to buckle under the intense pressure and shake itself to oblivion.

However, Project Oasis had accomplished a great feat by developing a Trans-phasic Matter/Antimatter Reactor Assembly that was able to sustain the necessary pressure and maintain the propulsion speed and the shields to protect the ship. This technological feat was possible through the use of reverse-engineering a Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser's warp system and integrating it into a the Warship Dar'heel Thus, creating the necessary hybrid system. Once the Trans-phasic drive begins the acceleration process beyond the standard sub-space field, the Dar'heel will use the Dominion's meta-phasic drive to create a superluminal overlapping subspace field. The overlapping fields provide the protection necessary to survive the intense stress that would otherwise tear the vessel to pieces.

Unfortunately, the arrival of the Starfleet vessel meant that the Xi'Cadian would have to explain the existence of the beta-tachyon burst. Such an explanation would be difficult since the Xi'Cadians were at least 15 years behind the Federation in terms of propulsion technology. It would not take long for Starfleet's advanced scientists to determine that the beta-tachyon burst came from a warp engine and not just a natural phenomena.

Gul Kyren knew that this obstacle had to be removed without Cardassia showing its hand.

== USS Ascension ==

Torvil made a signal to cut the audio and said, "Tactical, be ready to raise shields."

He then opened the channel again.

"Captain?", Torvil said suspicious of why the Xi'Cadian commanding officer hadn't responded.

Xi'Cadian Commander Vi'sat sat for several seconds as he studied the screen before him. "Starfleet vessel, we have had numerous reports of smuggling attempts across our border. Stand by as we prepare to structural scan to satisfy our security concerns." He said. "Set you sensor ports to theta-level 22." He said. "Your cooperation will make this go much faster."

"I'm sorry", Torvil replied, bringing his fingers together, steeple fashion. He wasn't going to leave his ship systems open to a hack. "I can not allow that. In the interest of peace, I will let you come aboard and inspect our cargo and shuttle bays to show you that we are not carrying anything that interstellar law considers contraband."

Gul Kyren took the escalating conversation between the vessel commanders as an opportunity to activate a tight-beam connection with the Xeta Station's sensor nodes. Ordinarily, the sensors operated in a passive mode that merely detected nearby vessels and transmitted the information to larger orbiting stations. However, since the rapid withdraw of Starfleet from Xi'Cadian space, there had not been enough time to fully purge the systems of Federation channel access does.

The Cardassian Intelligence Bureau Officer knew that the Starfleet vessel would not activate its security protocols in response to a "test signal" sent from a friendly non-manned station such as the Xeta station less than 1 km away. The USS Atlantis primary focus was on the Xi'Cadian Destroyer before it and not low-level maintenance programs.

"This is a very standard procedure, if you have nothing to hide then you should have no problem with us performing a thorough scan of your vessel!" Commander Vi'sat said more forcefully. "We will not allow the violation of our sovereign borders, we are prepared to take whatever necessary steps we need in order to preserve its integrity." He said intently.

"It might be standard procedure amongst your government", Torvil replied. "However, my security protocols won't allow that. I have offered you a compromise. It will only cause you a slight delay."

Meanwhile, Gul Kyren had managed to create a connection with the Atlantis' tertiary communication node used primarily for maintenance drones cleaning the vessels outer hull. Once the station began its "test signal", she uploaded a self-replicating macro program that would access the vessel's friend-or-foe detection grid. Once activated, the program would cause the ship's navigational sensor suite to detect a large spacial obstruction closing in on the vessel. In response, the ship would fire at the target in order to prevent a collision with the vessel.

On the Atlantis, the science officer, noticed some odd activity.

"Captain, I am detecting unusual activity amongst our maintenance routines", she said. "I am trying to verify the exact nature.

Torvil looked at Vi'sat. It didn't take a genius to figure out that someone was trying to override systems on the ship.

"Come now, I am trying to be reasonable", Torvil said. "Is this type of action really necessary."

Vi'sat was unware of what GUl Kyren had done from her station and was genuinely confused by the Andorian's statement, "What are you talking ab--" before he could finish the sentence, his Nav-Com Officer spun in her chair to face him. "Sir! The Starfleet vessel's targeting systems have come online!"

"What!?" Vi'sat asked incredulously. "Raise shields, target the Atlantis and open fire!" He shouted without waiting for any kind of further explanation. He was not going to allow Starfleet to get off the first shot.

Almost immediately, the Ascension's upgraded disruptor beams lanced forward toward the Starfleet vessel and penetrated its un-shielded hull. The disruptor blasts was followed by the discharge or two torpedo's centered on the Atlantis' propulsion systems.

"Shields!", Torvil called, but it was too late and he was thrown to the deck. "Get us out of here, Deep Space Five."

The ship shook violently as the torpedoes hit the ship before shields could come up. Alarm klaxons rang as some of the panels on the bridge blew from energy overload.

"Damage report", Torvil called out.

"Hull breaches on decks seven, ten", his tactical officer started calling out before another shot from the Ascension hit closer to the bridge causing a small panel officer that took the woman down.

"Keep firing! I don't want those smuggling bastards to get away so they can get reinforcements!" Commander Vi'sat said to his weapons crew. He wanted to send a message that the Xi'Cadian Home Guard would defend its territory against any and all threats.

Torvil wondered why the ship wasn't moving. He looked to the helm and noticed the helm officer was on the deck.

Getting up, he sat at the helm. He tried to get them underway, but the warp and impulse drives were down. They wouldn't get anywhere on thrusters.

"Return fire", Torvil called.

"Weapons are down sir", his tactical officer called out.

The ship rocked again and the computer called out, "Warp core breach imminent."

Torvil shook his head and started to say, "All hands abandon..."

Before he could finish the words, the warp core of the Atlantis lost containment and the ship was unceremoniously blown apart. The only record of the incident and the brave crew were the scant few remnants that survived the explosion.

"Cease fire. . .dispatch jamming buoys in case they dispatched a communication probe prior to the ship going critical." The Bridge Commander said as he turned to the Cardassian Gul walking towards him.

"Well, it's good to know that the old Starfleet codes still worked." Gul Kyren said with a smile of satisfaction her face.

"What are you talking about?" Vi'sat asked with a bewildered look on his face.

"The Atlantis, while you were arguing with the Andorian I was able to insert a self-replicating computer virus into one of its minor systems that set off the targeting mechanism." She explained. "The Xeta stations satellite was able to make a connection to the ship through an out-dated test signal feedback protocol." The Intelligence Cardassian Officer said.

"Wa-- that was you!?" The Xi'Cadian said, his fists balling in a reactionary fashion. "I thought that vessel was preparing to fire on us! I thought I had proper provoca--" He began to say excitedly as he realized what had happened.

"Stop." Gul Kyren said, raising her hand in a dismissive fashion. "You had all the provocation you needed. That Starfleet vessel purposely violated Xi'Cadian sovereign territory in order to spy on our tests with the Warship Dar'heel. It was espionage, plain and simple. If you had allowed them to continue their charade, there's no telling how much data would have been stolen and taken back to the Federation." The Female Gul responded.

. . .there was silence on the bridge for several moments as the Xi'Cadian Commander took in what was said. There was no way he could face the Xi'Cadian Adjutant General and say that he had murdered a Starfleet vessel and its crew. The Cardassian was right. . .the Federation agitators were spying on them and he had every right to defend his crew.

"Send a message to Home Command, inform them of what took place." He said as he took his seat and focused intently on the burning husk of the Atlantis as it spun lifelessly.

"Aye, Commander" The Nav-Com responded.

Captain Torvil (NPC- APB LTJG Jason Haines)
Commanding Officer
USS Atlantis

Bridge Commander Vi'Shat
Commanding Officer
XGU Ascension

Gul Natomi Kyren
Cardassian Intelligence Bureau
Cardassian Empire


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