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Lunch at Sunset (part I of II)

Posted on Sun Oct 27, 2019 @ 11:08pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,276 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Public Holodecks
Timeline: MD 15 1200


Geral looked down on his shop from the upper level. The first of the transports had already returned from his new clientele. He had to give it to the Imersa; not only had their people bought up his wares and placed orders for much much more, they paid whatever prices he asked. Curiosity was probably the driving force for the demand but he had a whole planet to sell to. He had also received an overture from several other worlds the Imersa had dealings with. He had already had to add extra transports to the Imersa run as well as increase the number of transports moving to and from his suppliers. Plenty of work for Gevran's displaced crews and other associates.

The thought of the man still raised suspicions in him. He still considered him, or at least someone in his organization, of being behind the assassination attempt. It was possible Maritza had actually been the target, but he had not been able to get anything concrete on that. He knew there were thing going on with the Cardassians but that seemed to be a regular thing on the station. There were things related to the planet below but thus far he had yet to even attempt to expand his sources into that particular area.

Nodding his head as he continued his observations. It was a risk, but he needed information and the best source of information on a Federation station was involved in the day to day operations of the station. The people doing the leg work had access and also tend to be the first ones shit on by those running their areas and thus the first to be dissatisfied.

Letting out a breath he smiled as his thoughts shifted. He lifted his head to follow Sha'rae as she made her way to a lift that would that her Ops with a light lunch for Maritza.

He and Maritza had spoken over the comm, but hadn't seen each other since leaving security the morning after Dorian took down the would be assassin. They both had had full plates over the last few days but he to admit to himself...he missed her company.

Stepping away from the windows they darkened and he headed down to interact with his customers.

Entering the lower level Dorian was there to meet him and if he had done his job, as he always did, there were several new body guards mingling with the people in and outside the shop.

It was particularly crowded this afternoon, as two mustard trimmed security officers loomed menacingly. Or at least tried to in the absence of any obvious threat. Waiting with them was Commander Soran. "Good afternoon, Mr. Lasuma."

The voice behind him put a instant smile on his face but was the last thing he expected hear. Turning he handed an item off to a clerk, "This should be what they are looking for."

"Well Commander," since she was keeping things official, "What do we oh the pleasure? Was there something wrong with your lunch?"

"That's why I'm here. I'd like to get some. I need to get away from my desk for a few moments." She gestured at some of the other diners in the cafe portion of his store. "And you come highly recommended."

Placing a hand to his chest he bowed slightly with a smile. "I'm flattered." Moving a little closer, "But if you are needing to get away from your desk I would recommend an work up an appetite."

"Maybe I could do with stretching my legs. I've been sat down all morning." She looked at him, "where shall we go today. Perhaps not the Arboretum?"

With a gesture he snapped his fingers, "I know the perfect setting and I can have my chef prepare something. If memory serves, there is a holodeck not far away?"

"There are, up on Prom Two. A little way down from the Box of delights. I'll show you."

Fortunately, as it was still relatively early, there was one free for forty five minutes. Maritza gave her override code and the two entered.

Dorian had followed, along with the two security guards that had arrived with Maritza. "Please allow Jeffers in when he arrives. Have him prepare..." leaning in he whispered the items Dorian before stepping in and allowing the doors to close leaving the trio behind.

He took he hands in his. "Alone at last."

"Yes, we are." Privacy was harder to come by than she thought, given her now ever present shadows. "Though it could probably be more comfortable if we actually activated a program."

With a wide grin he replied, "You are right. Computer. Link holo database on my private ship authorization code 354132latinum82910."

"Link established."

"Download and run Sanctuary3. Setting mid-fall, 30 minutes before sunset."

Bajor materialised around them, and they were standing on the shore of a lake, mirror smooth, reflecting a blaze of colour from autumn leaves, reflecting the last of the warm golden sun. At the far end of the lake she recognised Geral's retreat cabin. It was golden and beautiful with the yellow sun, low in the sky that was streaked with pink and mauve and yellow.

"Lovely." She sighed. "a three month sabbatical to go Bajor looks more and more appealing."

"Just say the word and I will make it happen, but in the mean time, care for a little hike before we eat?"

"Why Not." She put her arm through his and they started off. "So. Has anyone else tried to kill you? Or has life been calmer the last few days.?"

As they head up the trail he put his hand on hers. "Oh nothing recent. Dorian as been a bit of a nursemaid though. And you? Keeping everything in the system safe and sound I assume."

"I've got a traumatised Science officer. I arrested Hydel Turvan for espionage, and my Yeoman's gone missing. So, fairly quiet." There was obvious frustration in her voice.

"Well you've been busy." He wasn't surprised by the news concerning the Cardassian ambassador. "Hopefully nothing has run afoul of your crewmember. Do you think something's wrong...maybe associated with our last incident? If you like I can put out some discrete inquiries."

"I've got my people on it. Lieutenant Tessaro is very good. I trust her to exhaust every possible lead."

He nodded. He was sure that her head off security was a competent officer, but officer were bound by rules and regulation. "No doubt she will, but her given power and authority limit what and how she can act. Someone doesn't get to where I am with dealing with those that know how hide, how to get around things, and how to use the rules against those in power."

He stopped them, over his shoulder the sun was setting and the sky was set a blaze. "I don't like being shot at any more than you or anyone else and your Yeoman would be a valuable source of information for anyone looking to do harm to you or even the station. Let me help. While on Bajor there was many a time I got word that Sisko had to twist Quark's arm to get...assistance. Let me send someone into grey where she can't go."

She kicked restlessly at a pile of leaves in shades of ruby , scarlet and flame. "You know I can't give you permission for that."

To Be Continued

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard and Henchman for Geral Lasuma

Chef for Geral Lasuma


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