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Posted on Wed Nov 20, 2019 @ 10:07pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,607 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box of Delights Holodeck
Timeline: MD16 2100


They took the turbo lift to the third floor of the Box, and the holospa with its small private holosuites. And then Yolanthe took him into the locker room with the replicator dedicated to props and costumes. "so, what do i need to bring on this little adventure of yours?"

"Well for the second half, just a swim suit. The first part is a little more technical." Stepping up to the locker. "Computer two glide suits, and two Seleyan priests robes."

The requested items appeared a moment later. "How robust does my swimsuit need to be?" Yolanthe asked.

"Just strong enough to enjoy some sun and surf, but I'll leave that too you."

"Do you have preferences?"

He smirked. "Surprise me."

The final pieces added, she picked up the pile. "I'll be right back." True to her word, she was back not long after, wearing the robes. "Not the most attractive thing I've ever had to wear," she looked deprecatingly at the voluminous robes that hid every bump and curve.

While she had went to change he had linked to his personal database and loaded the pair of programs. Upon her return he chuckled at her comment. "Well Vulcan monks aren't known for their sense of fashion."

They walked round to holosuite 4. With the doors shut, Yolanthe told the computer to load Dorian's program.

When the doors opened they were on the steps leading to the temple on Mt. Seleya. Just as he had programmed, they were alone for the time being. As they set off up the steps he pulled his hood up and linked arms and explained their objective. "We need to make it past the temple. After that it's a short climb to our jump point. Vulcan's don't like outsiders in their sacred temples and the really don't like them using them for base jumping. Once we are airborne the trick is to keep them from locking on with a transporter. Whoever gets the farthest wins."

"There sounds like there's a story behind this. I think you've done it before."

"A long story short I was challenged by a friend from the war and we both ended up being banned from Vulcan."

"War?" She looked at him, puzzled. He couldn't have been in the Dominion war. That was twenty years over. He would have been little more than a boy

"I was 16 when I joined my father and other veterans from Angosia to help against the Dominion. I had inherited my parents genetic modifications and given the need, and that I looked old questions were asked."

Yolanthe shook her head. "Your mother should have put her foot down."

He had to maintain appearance or he would have turned towards her. "Angosian veterans are a different breed than most. She would have joined as well, but had to remain to look after my younger brother and sister."

Yolanthe made a noise of disapproval as they rounded the back of a Monastery outhouse. A quick peek through the window showed no one inside, just gardening implements. "Where I come from, we do it the other way round. Boys don't fight. They stay home with the babies."

"I understand there are several cultures where that is true. But it wasn't male dominance that kept my mother at home. My father had more experience, he out ranked her, and she had to have he lower leg replaced. She wasn't handicapped by any means, but all combined it was the better decision...militarily speaking."

He lifted he head to get a better view. "We're nearly there. There are usually a few guards and other monks near the main temple complex. Once we are on the far side we should be able to ditch the robes."

"So, what do I get when I win?" She pulled her hood up. Dorian's colour may have fallen within Vulcan biological norms, but her's were several hues out of possible. "Because I am going to win this."

They neared the Temple. It's monolithic stones rising high. On the far side was the bridge that led to the open air altar area that held historical importance to all Vulcans. A procession of priests was exiting the area and he stepped aside and bowed slowly.

Yolanthe followed his lead, standing next to him and repeating his motions, trying to keep her hands and face out of sight. "I mean it," she whispered. "Whats my prize?"

Tilting his head from the procession back to her as he rose. "To be honest I hadn't thought about the stakes...we'll just have see what comes up. Come on it's not far."

Once the Vulcan priests had left the area, they moved over the bridge to the high point of the monastery, buffeted by the winds rushing over the mountain. Yolanthe went to the far edge of the ritual space and looked out over the long drop to the plains below. It some four thousand meters of sheer drop from the top of the mountain to where the old dried riverbed was a rainbow of layered stone.

She turned to Dorian. "So now we jump?"

Tossing back his hood he removed the robes. "Once we do the Vulcans will detect us. The goal is to get as far as you can before they can lock on and beam you into detention."

Yolanthe threw off her robes. "Alright. You know I've never done this before, right?"

Putting his goggle on he replied. "I know...oh all right. Computer. Alter program to compensate for Angosian bio-stealth capabilities."

"Bio Stealth?" She asked, not having any real idea what it meant. "Were you going to mention that before we landed?"

He grinned devilishly. "You didn't know that Angosians were almost impossible to detect on sensors?"

"I thought you were human." She shuffled a pace or two sideways. "You know. Normally when I jump off something several kilometers up, there's a hell of a lot further down to break the fall. I'm more of a normal squirrel, not a flying one."

"It's a common mistake. As to the rest, then you should enjoy the rush of a new experience."

"Hmm." She backed up a step or two, and adjusted her goggles. "See you at the bottom." And then with two light steps she ran forward, opened her arms, and leapt into empty air.

Grinning he bolted into a run and arched into a backflip. Hugging the cliff face he laid his hands back to gain speed and soaring passed before opening his arms. Almost immediately he began jinking randomly back and forth.

The rush of wind screaming past her face had taken her breath away as she hurtled down, but seeing him shoot past her seh growled, focused on the only thing she could do now the wing suit was rigid with air, holding the straight line, and hope his tricks would cut his forward motion enough she could zip past him before anyone got a transporter lock.

He kept himself as close as he dared with him escorting a rookie. As the shear cliff face began to shallow he turned to the left aiming to pass between the mountain and an upcoming spire. He inverted himself onto his back, showing off a bit, to lookback and ensure she was following then returned to normal flight as spire loomed nearer.

For a moment, seeing the kilometer tall pillar of rock rushing closer, Yolanthe went a deep dark green, then remembered the safeties couldn't let anything happen, and threw her weight to the left to head closer to him, and get ridiculously closer to the cliff face.

The tracker added to the program to compensate for his Angosian biology was beginning to glow. He glanced behind and saw that she was closing on him. With a grin he bladed his hands and bent his arms slightly. By creating a pocket in his wing it act as a bit of a break and he moved in above her.

She was gaining on him. She might still win this. She grinned and leaned into the wind, willing herself forward

The moment she flew beneath him her body killed his lift and together the fell just as the lock grabbed them both.

"Lock established, program terminated." The computer lowered them to their feet.

She gave a scream of delight, and turned deep blue. "That was awesome!" Then she punched him lightly in the arm. "You forced a draw. Thats cheating."

"True...." he said grinning ear to ear. "If you like that there are several other locations where we can go. Normally you would have a parachute on...." He trailed off as a thought occurred.

"Noramlly? I thought we were building up to wild monkey sex, not a funeral" she raised a ultramarine eyebrow.

Dorian laughed, then raised a brow. "In the program ya never get far enough to pop the chute so why bother. Now if we were jumping elsewhere or for real...chute definitely."

As he began pulling off the wing suit the landscaped shifted to that of a tropical paradise. A white sand beach stretched out before them, shaded with sporadic palms and a dock led out to a bungalow sitting above the water as the iridescent water rolled rhythmically along the shore.

Tossing the wing suit against the trunk of a nearby palm he turned walking backwards toward the shore. "Coming?"

She finished kicking off her own suit, and left it on the floor, "Hopefully." she replied following him.

To be continued.

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard and henchman for Geral Lasuma


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