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Attention, Attention, Incoming Wounded

Posted on Fri Nov 22, 2019 @ 1:20am by Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan

472 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commlink
Timeline: MD 11, 2300 Hrs


Terry had finished washing blood off his hand and then went to the comm. panel to contact the station sickbay. He knew they didn't like getting unannounced wounded.

"Computer, initiate comm. channel with Deep Space 5 primary sickbay", he said.

The computer beeped in compliance.

=^= Morgan here, go ahead =^= River responded instantly and awaited a report or request to be relayed. She wasn't far wrong.

Terry went to the video screen and activated it. He smiled when he saw River.

"How's my favorite doctor? he asked with a smile.

=^=You'd better not be on audio only and thinking this is Amia =^= River laughed, teasing. =^= What can we do for you Prodigy? =^= she returned to being a little more serious.

"I'm sending you multiple wounded", he answered. "The details are in the file, but I wanted to be in contact in case you had questions of my treatment. Most are superficial at this point, but I still need your sign off on them. A couple are a bit beyond my paygrade. First, Lt. Wells, victim of sexual assault, forceful extraction of a tooth, blunt trauma, most likely fist, disruptor burns, possible nerve damage, and slight hypothermia. Second, Lieutenant Haines, severe broken jaw, one cut in the left shoulder that I am not confident that I have tended to properly, broken rib close to the heart, burn treatment I need you to verify, concussion, and I believe damage to the auditory canal."

=^= Wow, that sounds a lot of work..... where did you get the idea we weren't busy this week? =^= River smiled, but noted the seriousness of those two last cases and Terry's sensible caution over bringing them back to get the specialist care. =^= But I do hear you. Send them up on emergency medical transporter please, it doesn't sound as if there needs to be any delay or confusion getting them straight into Triage. Good work Terry, it sounds like you've been having a rough time down there. Are you okay yourself? =^= the seriousness got more into place now.

"I can't transport yet doctor", Terry said. "There was a portal event, so protocol has us shuttle only. I'm aboard and monitoring the patients. And I am ok, thanks for asking."

He smiled at her and nodded.

"Shuttle it is" she shook her head. "Transport as soon as you're aboard" she advised and set up to wait for their arrival. She caught herself pacing a bit and so went to the office to send an alert to Amia to check in. There was a lot to do and this wasn't going to be a walk in the park to fix, she reckoned.

"Aye, ma'am", Terry said as he closed the channel and went back to the patients.


Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson
Combat Medic
Deep Space 5


Lt Cmdr River Morgan


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