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Stop that Boat!

Posted on Wed Nov 20, 2019 @ 10:05pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,458 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Docking bay 4
Timeline: MD21 1300


Captain Daniels leaned against the wall next to the docking ring his runabout was docked with. He was surprised that Soran wasn't here or hadn't communicated with him. He also noticed that Lieutenant Haines wasn't here yet and it was almost time to leave. He wondered if Soran had intercepted the young Lieutenant.

As if his thought had summoned her, she appeared in the corridor, her security escort floating behind her. Mouth a thin line, she marched over to him. "Sir, with all due respect, I was quite clear that Ensign Haines was staying here. I'm asking you to reconsider."

Daniels looked at her and chuckled and replied, "Oh, no that wasn't what you made quite clear Commander. I believe after my offer, you said something along the lines of, 'If you want Mr. Haines, Captain, then by all means submit a requisition through OPM. I will abide by any transfer orders once passed through my chain of command.'

He paused a moment before continuing.

"You laid out the requirements for Ensign Hanes to be transferred to my ship", Daniels said. "I did just that and the orders passed through OPM and your chain of command. So, why do I need to reconsider? You didn't ask me to reconsider the other day. You just laid out how you wanted the transfer of Ensign Haines done. I did what you asked of me. Why are you rescinding your offer? Do you do that with all the offers you make. "

Goodnight Sweetheart...
The turbolift hummed along and a few minutes later came to a stop. When they got out, down the hall just a little ways was his berth. Standing near it was Commander Soran and another Starfleet officer, a man that Jason didn't recognize. It didn't seem they were catching up on good times with each other.

Alanna squeezed Jason's hand. This did not look good.

Jason stopped and returned Alanna's hand squeeze. He looked a touch confused as he heard some of the conversation.

Alanna didn't like the sound of the conversation, either. She couldn't get a reading on the other man, which bothered her. Why was he so closed?

Martiza clenched her jaw. Any reasonable person would have understood those words for the Fuck off they actually were and left it alone. "I was quite clear that Ensign Haines is needed here. That has not changed." And I don't know how you managed to swing it so that I wasn't even notified before the orders were signed, but I'm not rolling over for this. "He is vital to several matters pertaining directly to the best functioning of this station, and I urge to relinquish your claim."

Daniels smiled and he said, "I find it hard to believe he is so vital to your station, after all you did say, 'Mr. Haines is unreliable, and liable to have loyalties entirely elsewhere', did you not?

Hearing this part with no problem, Jason muttered, "Interesting."

He let go of Alanna's hand. He wondered why he was such a hot topic. There was only one way to find out. He approached the two.

"Captain, Commander, forgive me for interrupting", he said. "You seem to be having a heated debate over my future, so I thought I would chime in."

Daniels chuckled and said, "Like father, like son."

Jason turned to face Soran so his back was to the Captain.

"Commander, I think this transfer might be for the best", Jason said. "After all, I am unreliable and you don't like cheeky junior officers, which is probably what I will always be, and I don't like the inside of the brig. The cots are too hard and the food is horrible. Plus, I am packed already."

He then winked at her.

Maritza frowned; she was suspicious of Daniels motives, and reluctant to let Alanna's partner go, especially so soon after... But if Jason was okay with it? She wasn't sure what to do about it now. "Thank you, Mr Haines," she said crisply. "Nevertheless sir, I promise you that he is needed here."

Alanna frowned at Jason. "Ensign Haines needs to stay," she said. "He's instrumental to a project we're doing under the direction of Federation Sciences. I cannot possibly complete it without his assistance." The more time she spent with Daniels, the more uncomfortable she became. She wasn't sure why. She hadn't felt this way since she was on Cetara IV. Then it was a slimy Governor who wanted to shut down an archaeological site. In the end, the Governor was sent to a penal colony for selling artifacts on the black market. She didn't trust this man, and she didn't want Jason going with him.

"Commander, do you really want to disobey direct orders from Starfleet and a higher ranking officer as well as develop a reputation as a liar?", Daniels asked.

"Commander", Jason said calmly. "Trust me. This is for the best and I wouldn't want you to get in trouble."

Still with his back to Daniels, Jason winked at her again.

Jason knew that Daniels was up to something, what exactly he had no idea. Daniels had a very keen interest in him. That meant, if Jason stayed on the station, he could be a danger to it. And if stayed on the station, he would have a much harder time figuring out what the man wanted.

"Well Commander", Daniels said. "The young man here seems to have a level head on his shoulders about this and some loyalty to you. If you had called me unreliable, I would let you dig your own grave."

Jason was up to something. Alanna could feel him slip from being sad to leave to cool and calculating. Daniels mentioned Jason's father, too. That made Alanna worry. Jason's wink worried her more.

You're a lot worse than unreliable, Maritza thought. Smug, suspicious and sinister is what you are "Well, since Mr. Haines appears to have no objections, I won't stand in his way." even though I should, you oily piece of scum. "I trust you will return him in one piece."

Alanna had objections. She had a lot of objections. Why was Jason not fighting this? Why, when Commander Soran was ready to go to bat to keep him here, was he arguing to go? To leave her?

"You are assuming some other CO won't try to steal him out from under me", Daniels said with a smirk.

"Thank you Commander", Jason said to Soran. "I am sure it will only be a matter of a few days before the Captain will want to make me your problem again. Permission to disembark?"

She took a scant second to compose herself. This situation made her neck itch, it was all wrong. "Permission granted," she said after moment.

Although it wasn't quite decorum for the situation, Jason went and gave Alanna a hug.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful and back soon enough", he whispered before letting her go.

"I'll worry until you're back," she whispered. "I love you." She still didn't trust Daniels. There was something...smarmy...about him.

Jason gave her the sign language symbol for I love you.

As Jason started to turn to the run about pad Daniels said, "Alright Romeo, let's get going. I have a lot to stuff in your brain."

Looking at Soran, Daniels said, "I am glad we could work this out. I will get out of your hair. I won't forget that I owe you one Commander."

"I'm just following orders, sir." In other words, get bent Maritza put her hands behind her back. "Please, don't let me detain you."

Daniels smirked a little and then looked at Jason and said, "Let's go Ensign."

"Aye, Captain", Jason said and followed him to the docked runabout and hopefully some answers.

Alanna waited until they were out of sight, then went over to Maritza. "I don't trust that man. There's something...wrong...about him." She'd picked up on the commander's strong thoughts and emotions and knew the other woman felt the same. "I hope Jason's going to be okay."

Maritza frowned at the closed door to the docking arm. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Alanna wrapped her arms around her middle and nodded. "A very bad feeling." She wondered why the commander agreed to the transfer, but now was not the time to ask. Later, perhaps, but not now.


Ensign Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five

Captain Aaron Daniels (NPC)
Commanding Officer
USS Marseilles
APB Ensign Jason Haines

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Commander Maritza Soran


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