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A New Development (part II)

Posted on Sat Oct 26, 2019 @ 4:41am by Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Dilthium Chamber - Executive Operations Centre
Timeline: MD 14 0930
Tags: Raddon, Lu'Xin, Toussaint

Tai Lu’Xin nonchalantly spun his dagger on his desk as he waited for the others to arrive at his office for the improptu meeting he had called. He preferred the privacy of his office because it allowed them to talk without the constant paranoia of station security or any outsiders. Since the attack on the Embassy Deck, Security Ops had begun tightening the screws on anybody they deemed as "suspicious".

Lu’Xin looked up as the other two Humans finally arrived in his office and shut the door. Karl Marshall had been a part of the Raddon Corporation security staff for several years, mostly serving on Tyco City on the Moon within the Raddon hydrogen 3 facility. Beside him was Jhene Waugh, she was the Assistant Operations Officer for the Entertainment Complex and oversaw that every thing was in place for the guests to enjoy their experience within the Dilithium Chamber.
The two had served as the eyes and ears for Raymond in regards to the day-to-day operations of the facility.
Lu’Xin waited until the door was closed and locked by Jhene before he looked at the two and smiled. He was certain that no one else was coming to interrupt, but he still enjoyed the look of impatience growing on Karl’s face.

"Ok Lucy. . ., so what was so important that you had to meet with us here in your office?" He asked, leaning against the wall.
"I'll be quick, since you seem to have more interesting things to attend to." Lu’Xin said sarcastically. "The Klingons have sent a new Ambassador to the station and I want to give him a very warm reception" Lu’Xin said with a slight smile. "You still screwing that Petty Officer in Engineering?" He asked Karl, never being one to mince words.

Karl stiffened at the question. How the fuck did he know that? Karl thought as he looked nervously from Lu’Xin to Jhene who sat next to him. He was certain that he had been pretty careful in hiding his trysts with the young Cailalian Assistant Engineer. "W-w- what the hell does that have to do with anything!?" He retorted defensively.

Lu’Xin smiled at the Security Consultant’s squirming. "Because, you're going to use her access codes to slip this into the maintenance storage facility in Auxiliary Engineering Control" the Acting Security Chief answered. "It's where the station Engineers store extra parts they use to repair various things on the promenade." He added. "There is going to be a technical difficulty at the Qe'" He said as he continued to flip his dagger in his hand.
"The Klingon restaurant?" Karl asked incredulously. "Did you run this by Dorian? He's gone and I don't think he woul---" Karl's sentence was interrupted by the whistling noise of Tai’s dagger sailing through the air and impaling itself just inches beside his head.

Tai was particularly fond of the dagger in her hand. He had "picked it up" it during the Klingon invasion of the Arcanis Sector. He earned it during an unfortunate run-in with a Klingon fighter named Kor'Toth. The hairy bastard enjoyed a hobby of collecting Human skulls as trophies. Tai was able to walk away from the bloody fight, but not without receiving a noticeable scar across the side of his face. He could have easily fixed it or had it covered up by Starfleet Medical, but he kept it as a reminder. It was a reminder to never forget the true nature of Klingons: violent and savage animals.

Tai gently rubbed his scar as his thought slowly returned to the present company before him. Marshall continued. "I don't give a damn about what Dorian would or would not approve of!” He said, his chest quickly rising and falling. He slowly rose to his feet and continued to address the other two, “We are at war with those aliens bastards on this station and I'm not going to sit around impotently because everybody else is too scared to take action!" Lu’Xin said angrily.

"Dorian is off-station running errands for the old man, we don't have time to sit around and decide action through a committee" Jhene interjected from where she was sitting. The Operations Officer for the company had been listening contently, but she realized that Lu’Xin had a point. "There is a lot that Dorian has just let slip through the cracks. Like finding out who was responsible for killing two of our own and beaming them onto the patio of the Dilithium Chamber**"

Karl looked from Lu’Xin to the dagger and then back again. "I--wa--I—look Lucy! All I'm saying is that we can bring a lot of heat down on us if we screw this up!" He said, slowly sliding away from the still-impaled dagger. "Are you sure you want to do it this way?" He asked carefully.

"Why not? It worked on those Boslics, didn't it?" Jhene said with a slight huff. "The 'fleeters still can't explain what happened with the 6 bodies that are currently taking up space in Sick Bay’s morgue. " The Woman said non-nonchalantly.

Lu’Xin smirked as he walked from his chair and went over to the wall and yanked the dagger out. "Look. . .you two just do your part, I'll handle everything else." He said as he walked back to his chair and sat down again. "Other than that, standby and wait for further word from me and only me" The Acting Security Head said as he began to spin the dagger again.

Karl and Jhene exchanged looks with one another before standing up and heading out the door. But as Jhene stood up to walk, she turned towards Lu'Xin's desk and slid a small padd across his desk and gave a slight smirk. Lu'Xin he looked down at the padd and enjoyed a smile of his own.

She watched the smile on his face and then turned and slowly walked out of the room. Lu'Xin watched the shapely woman deliberately walk away. As the doors hissed shut, he leaned back in his chair and smiled.

He knew that things were going to change for the better.



Tai Lu’Xin
Acting Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation

Karl Marshall
Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation

Jhene Waugh
Operations Officer
Raddon Corporation


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