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Getting to Know You

Posted on Sat Oct 26, 2019 @ 2:49am by Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann

2,045 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Corridors of DS5/Oaxaca's Quarters
Timeline: MD15, 2100 hours - Immediately after Pirate Island Adventure


Once they were in the corridor outside the holodeck, Brianthe slipped her hand into the crook of Erich's arm. "What do you like to do, when not picking up strange women on the promenade?" she asked, referring to their first meeting.

Hartmann smiled at her. “I play racquetball when I can; I was Academy intramural champion for three years. At my last assignment, we played card games or, if brave enough, played a random holodeck adventure to completion.”

"I know a number of card games," Brianthe said. "I also tell fortunes and dance."

“How do you tell them? Tarot? Palms? Tea leaves?”

"Yes." She grinned. "I prefer reading Tarot cards and palms, but I can give a reading from tea leaves--however, tea leaves are not very accurate."

The German had his doubts about the accuracy of any of it, but kept that to himself. Outwardly, he said, “Would you like to do me?”

Erich realized the double meaning of that phrase. “Fortune. My fortune.” He added.

Brianthe laughed. "As you wish," she teased.

“Suppose the fortune says something dark or dangerous? Such as: ‘no other date with this man will be as exciting as the last one.’

"I find many things to be exciting." She glanced at him. "I do not think you would ever be boring."

“Careful, that’s a lot of pressure to put on a man.” He replied.

She shrugged. "I'm not concerned." She stopped at the turbolift and pushed the button. "Do you read?" she asked him as they waited for the lift.

“My teachers in secondary school say so, but I think they are liars.” He retorted. “If you mean as a hobby, yes I do.”

The door to the turbolift opened. "What sort of books do you like to read?" she asked.

Hartmann thought briefly, trying to put his favorites in some kind of rank order. “Mysteries. Alternate history is fun. And of course the filthiest of romance novels.” He added jokingly.

The last comment made Brianthe laugh. "Then I must see your collection," she replied. "I like folk and fairy tales, and herb lore. I do enjoy a good mystery from time to time."

“My collection is actually nothing more than 150 copies of Vulcan Love Slave. Illustrated of course.”

She started laughing. The turbolift stopped and they both got off. "In that case, never mind. I don't want the visuals."

She turned down the corridor and around to her quarters. "Would you like to come in for a drink?"

Erich thought about the pros and cons of doing so. Would he appear too eager if he said yes? Or too prudish if he declined? He supposed there was no way to dishonor a lady who had control over the situation. So...

“Sure.” He said, his voice a few octaves higher than he’d have liked.

She pretended not to notice that he sounded uncomfortable. She palmed the door and walked in. "Have a seat. What can I get you to drink?"

There were several plants on a table along one wall. Because of the time of day, the lighting above them was a soft blue-white. A small bookcase held several old books, mostly herb lore and plant care. There were a couple of histories an bibliographies scattered among them and one collection of Sherlock Holmes.

“Any bourbon?” He asked. He pointed to the work of Sir Arthur. “Which Holmes work is that?”

"Replicated. The only real alcohol I have is wine." She glanced at her shelf. "The complete short stories."

The German’s ears perked up. “Wine actually sounds good. I’ll have whatever you are having häschen.”

She poured two glasses of red wine and handed one to him. Ten she sat on teh couch. "I didn't want to ask before, but what does that word mean?"

He tried to hide his flush. “It is a term of endearment in my native tongue, German. It means, literally, ‘bunny rabbit’.”

A smile spread across Brianthe's face. "I like it." He was cute when he blushed, too. "And I like you," she admitted.

“I was beginning to wonder.” He said. “I like you too.”

"And here I thought I was being obvious," she teased. "Seriously, though, tonight has been...memorable." In a good many ways, but meeting Erich was chief among them.

“For me as well.”

Hartmann took a sip of the wine to steady himself. He crafted an idea to break the tension. “Would you be able to teach me how you read palms?” He asked.

"Sure." She held out her hand to demonstrate. "Palm reading is more than just the lines in your palm. It's the size and shape of your hand and fingers. That helps me with your character traits. The easiest to start with are the lines. For example, this is the life line. It tells me if you will have a long or short life." She traced it with her finger. "I hate to disappoint you, but it looks like you will have a long, healthy life." She then explained a few other lines.

Erich tried to follow her on his own palm, but gave up trying to to decipher and decode upside down.

“May I?” He asked, motioning to her hand. Upon offering her own palm. Hartmann studies it’s lines and creases, it’s smoothness and landscape. He shook his head.

“Oh no. If what you told me is true, something bad is going to happen.”

She raised an eyebrow and smiled. "And what would that be?"

Hartmann leaned forward and placed his lips upon Brianthe’s, and when he wasn’t pushed away, gently put his right hand on her cheek to add to the tenderness of the moment.

It was a wonderful kiss. When they broke apart, she smiled. "No, I think something very good just happened."

“The bad thing was that I did not shave this morning, so you might have been stabbed by stubble.” He retorted.

"I don't think I'll mind." She smiled and took a sip of her wine. "Do you want me to tell your fortune?"

Hartmann laughed. “Sure, why not?” He set down his wine glass and held out his hands.

She took another sip of her wine and set her glass down. She held both of Erich's hands and looked at them. "Your left hand tells me about what you were born with physically. The right, your adult life. We shall focus on your right hand." She looked at his hand and ran her finger down his life line, looking at how it intertwined with other lines. "You will have a long and healthy life." She moved to another line. "Your heart line says you will fall in love, marry and have several children." She felt her cheeks grow warm, which was unusual for her. "You will have success on your chosen career, but I do not see much of a for Mr. Phoenix, I'm afraid."

He shrugged. "He was always a bit of a sluggard anyway."

"I like Erich better, anyway," she said, grinning.

“He likes you back.”

Erich felt emboldened enough to lean in for another kiss. It started off as tender, but the scent and taste of her drove him to place his hand on the back of her neck to pull her to him. The kiss began to deepen, becoming hungrier. It took enormous willpower not to place his hands all over the lady. Tongues began to dance, and Hartmann felt their bodies drawing closer together, the heat from Brianthe’s lithe body melding with his own. It made sweat begin to bead upon his back.

Brianthe wasn't doing anything to discourage him. On the contrary, she was a willing participant as the kiss deepened. A part of her wanted to pull back so he wouldn't think she was casual with her favors. She put a hand on his chest, then slid it around his neck to pull him closer.

Their kiss was turning scandalous. Before it could go to a tipping point, Erich gently broke it up, albeit every fiber within him shouted at himself to pounce.

“Wait.” He said, trying to take deep breathes so that the man remained in command of the beast. “I like you. A lot. I just don’t want you to think I’m the kind of man to leave in the middle of the night after casual love making. If you wish it to stop, I shall do so. If you do not though, I must warn you: my lips shall not leave yours tonight, and when morning comes, you’ll find my arms encircled around you.”

Light perspiration shined on his forehead, as he contemplated what choice she might make.

"I do not take lovemaking casually," she said. Well, not since she was a teenager, anyway, and that was once. "My feelings for you are not casual, either." She kissed him again. "Stay with me."

A beat passed as Erich Hartmann, Lieutenant of Starfleet, processed the words. His lips met Brianthe’s once more, pulling her to him almost desperately, his kisses wanton, his appetite awakened.

“I want to make love to you.” The German gasped out when he came up for air. He almost regretted saying it, such was the cliched possibility of that sentence.

She pushed Erich a way just enough so she could stand. Then she held out a hand. "Then come with me and be my love," she said, quoting a line from a famous Terran poem.

The German took the offered hand. He wished he could remember the rest of the poem, but all he could think about was the smell of Brianthe’s perfume, the feel of the warmth of her skin, the moisture of her lips, and the way the light shined upon her hair. He allowed her to lead to her bedroom, their kiss still unbroken the whole way.

—- later —

Brianthe ran her fingers tenderly through Erich's hair. For once, she had no words.

Sweat was cooling upon Erich’s chest as he held her close to him, as if afraid he’d float away if she was not his anchor. He smiled at her.

“I’m not sure my palm said anything about that.” More seriously, he stated “Are you alright?”

"Yes. I am definitely okay." She chuckled softly and kissed his chest. "No, your palm did not tell me this."

“Maybe I was seduced by your gypsy magic or love potions.” He opined. He chuckled himself, but started to grow red in the face as he thought about his next embarrassing question.

“So you want to keep this to ourselves, or should I put a note about our relationship in with the daily report to the Skipper?”

"I think it was you and your charm at fault here," she teased. She paused for amoment, considering his question. "No, you don't need to report this to the commander." Then she looked at him, to see his response. "Do you want to keep this to ourselves?"

He hesitated. “Honestly? I’d like to shout it from the promenade if you’d let me. What man would not wish to brag about wooing so fair a maiden?”

"Many have tried," Brianthe laughed. She'd never cared enough to let any of them close before. "Please, do not shout it from the promenade, but I would be honored to be seen on your arm." She kissed him. "To have you in my bed."

He smirked. “Careful. Talk like that and we’ll both be late for our shifts.” He kissed her back. “Or is that your plan? To get me fired and just keep me in your room like I’m an Orion Pleasure Slave?” He poked her in the side to show the farcical nature of his comment.

"Tempting as that may be, I do enjoy my job here. I would prefer you to enjoy yours s well." She kissed him again. "Although, being late just once may not go amiss."

Erich smirked again as he pulled the covers over their heads.

They were both, indeed, late for their shifts the next morning.


Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five


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