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Ducats (Part II of II)

Posted on Fri Oct 25, 2019 @ 9:03pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,188 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The bowels of DS5
Timeline: MD14 0200

Previously in Ducats
Geral looked at Lasuma. "Its my job to make sure no-one goes out of business, Mr Lasuma. Not get replaced by young turks. I'm going to require some recompense for the inconvenience to my people whilst they secure new lines of revenue."

And now the conclusion...

"I did offer to employ them. Perhaps if Lasuma Enterprises where to completely buyout those involved, providing an additional shield of legitimacy and employment for all involved. Everyone stays where they are doing what they were doing, maybe with a tweak here and there. You get the payment I spoke of as a...compensation...for rocking the boat and everyone continues to make their latinum."

"I'll put it to them." Gevran said, noncommittally. "In the mean time, why not show you're part of the team. A reassurance, if you like."

"What did you have in mind?"

[Outer entrance]

Dorian slipped out of the jefferies tube and quietly sealed the hatch behind him. Peering around the corner he as a set of guards standing about chatting among themselves.

In a flash he moved and incapacitated them both before they even saw him. The first was out on his feet and looked as he was still on duty, the other he dragged off to the jefferies tube. Both wore an emblem of affiliation that could be concealed so he took one, placing on his own clothing.

Taking the hand of guard still 'standing' his post he opened the door and walked right in.

[Viewing area]

Geral looked out as another match started as he waited to find out what reassurances Gevran wanted of him.

Gev nodded down at the pit. "A contender. I'm told you've got an accomplished ex-solder on your staff. Bring him down one night. I'll wave entry, and you'll get the same prize terms as anyone else. No funny business, fights as fair as we can manage. New faces make the latinum flow."

He had several former military types in his employ but he knew who he was referring to. "His anonymity is a great asset to me, as are his other abilities. If that can be maintained and he his willing, I think that can be arranged."

"Do what you need to do. Just let me know when he's ready, and I'll line up some contenders." Down below, the Klingon fighting a small Gorn drew first blood, and a loud hiss cut across the baying crowd. Gev didn't look away. "Just don't wait too long."

"You will have your fighter one way or another. Good evening sir."

"Looking forward to it, Lasuma." Gev said with a wrinkly grin. "Don't leave it too long."

Geral stopped and turned. "Oh just one other thing." It didn't need to be asked if he had heard about what had transpired so he didn't bother. "By chance you wouldn't know who had tried to kill me the other night?"

The Yridian raised a wrinkled eyebrow as best he could. " I was informed that the assassin was after the commander. Either way, you know the policy on syndicate. They don't come here."

Nodding his head, seeming to accept his answer at face value, he was curious as to the mentioning of the syndicate, that the attempt being on Maritza and not him, and that he had avoided actually answering the question. Deciding not to press him in his own place Geral offered his assistance. "You know, killing the Commander would only draw attention to the station and the things going on around here. I have made significant progress in my wooing of her and...who knows what benefits could be reaped from that. Perhaps word could be sent to whomever ordered the hit to hold off for the time being; to see what develops?"

Gevan sniggered. "Play that carefully, lover boy. I've got a bar of latinum riding on her spacing you when she finds out."

Geral's lip curled devilishly, it was obvious that the old man thought he was trying to put one over on Maritza. And while he may have originally only wanted to get a foot in the door with those in charge he found the he was genuinely interested in the stations commander. Not that he would ever let on otherwise to anyone here. "Only a bar? Care to up the wager?"

"Its a bit hard to collect latinum off a dead man, Lasuma." The Yridian winced slightly as the Klingon in the pit kicked the Gorn in the fork.

Had he just slipped? Probably. "I thought they were targetting the Commander?"

"As far as I've heard, but its only scuttlebutt." he gave Geral a calculating look. "Unless you set it all up to make her trust you, fall for you? Save her life, have her swoon into your open arms.?"

Geral shrugged smirkingly as he glanced towards the pit. Replying matte-of-factly. "It wasn't anything on my part I assure you."

"I'll put some feelers out. Someone going freelance is bad for business."

Geral handed over the chip that would authorize the transfer of the latinum from his accounts to any Gevran chose and before Gev could reply Geral continued. "Just an idea. Oh on the other issue, just let me know what your associates decide and I will take care of the rest."

In the pit below was a howl of triumph, the gorn had the klingon bodily raised above his head, and then brought him slamming down across a knee braced against the pit wall. There was sickening crack, and then the crowd burst into applause. "Pleasure as always, Lasuma."

Nodding at the dismissal Geral headed to the exit to retrieve his belongings.

Dorian had been at a table of other thugs laughing and drinking as he watched his boss interact with the man currently overseeing the stations underworld. One male detached itself from the group, above, came down, and touched another on the shoulder, where they had a hurried and quiet conversation.

Seeing the side bar take place and his boss wrapping things up he clapped the Andorian next to him on the shoulder. "Well I have to head out...gotta a pretty little fleeter meeting me for some flying lessons, but I'll be back later to get that bottle of ale you mentioned."

Turning to leave he bumped into Geral forcefully. "Watch where you are going old man..."

Geral watched Dorian reach the door and he glanced back as he leaned to a Nausican that had been watching and he whispered. The Nausican roared with laughter and slapped him on tha back as he passed. When Geral reached the exit the Nausican snorted as he passed. After getting his earing back he made his way to the nearest lift. Dorian was no where to be seen but when the lift doors closed, the hatch above him opened and Dorian dropped in, pealing off the false ridges and scar he had used to disguise himself.




Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard and henchman to Geral Lasuma


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