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Intergalactic Men of Mystery - Part 7

Posted on Mon Sep 9, 2019 @ 12:31am by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,901 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Haines' Quarters
Timeline: MD 13, 2200


"Be careful with that", Jason said to Alanna. He ran a finger down a scar on his right cheek. "This stays."

She could feel that Jason was very serious and had an emotional 'attachment' for lack of better words, to the scar.

She looked at the scar and nodded. “Okay. I'll just take care of the fresh ones."

When she was done, she kissed him. "How's that?"

Now The Continuation...

Erich looked upon Brianthe with a touch of sadness. “I’m sorry about that nasty business with Pete; I don’t want you to think that was the ‘real’ me.”

"I know you're a gentleman," she assured him. "Pete wasn't taking no for an answer. I think you handled yourself admirably." In fact, his gallantry was rare, and yet another reason she found him so charming.

He blushed pink. To cover his shyness at the compliment, Erich lightly snapped his fingers. “In all the escapades, I don’t think I got your last name.”

"Oaxaca," she said. "It's not exactly Romani, but we claim it."

“Pardon?” He said. Hartmann tried to repeat the name but might as well have had a mouthful of sand.

"Wa-ha-ka," she said slowly.

“Ah.” He tried it again, slowly. He thought it a pretty name; it suited her well. He found himself enjoying saying it aloud.

“You know, we are very mysterious to each other, and I for one enjoy unraveling a good mystery. Care to delve deeper into each other?”

A beat passed before Erich realized what that sounded like.

“Uh...personalities. Deeper into each other’s personalities.” He quickly added.

Brianthe put a hand on his arm. "I understand. I would like to get to know you, too."

Erich decided to dive first: “What made you join Starfleet? Wait, let me with Bolian church funds? You ran away with a Romulan Senator’s husband? I like to think you killed a man, it’s the romantic in me.” He punctuated his jest with a sip of his drink

She laughed at the outrageous suggestions. "Nothing so daring. This gypsy wanted to see more of the galaxy."

“And what have you seen so far?”

"A lot of arboretums and botany labs," she laughed. "I have seen a little more than that, but mostly my job entails working with plants, so I don't mind."

She took a sip of her drink, watching him over the top of her glass. "And you? What brought you to space?"

Erich smiles at her. “All the prettiest gals go into space.” He waved his hand to encompass her form, as if to prove his point.

"We're looking for intelligent men," she rejoined.

He continued more contemplative. “Space was in my genes; both my parents were in Starfleet."

"Oh? What did they do?" Brianthe had no interest in following in the family business, although she did find that what she learned came in handy from time to time.

“Scientists,” he said. “Mother was a medical researcher and Dad a historian. I grew up within and around universities, research outposts, and starbases. What about yours?”

"Traders. Well, my father trades, my mother cooks and teaches her kids how to be gypsies." She smiled. "She helped with the trading when needed, but she was better at making people feel comfortable so they would pay more." She grinned. "I loved the dancing, and the card reading, but I was more interested in plants than trading."

Hartmann felt some sense of historical shame at the mention of her gypsy heritage; a lot of persecution towards gypsies was engineered by Germans.

Erich nervously cleared his throat. “Would uh...would your folks be upset with you associating with a no-good German?”

"They would be pleased that I found a most gallant gentleman," she assured him. "What's more important, I like associating with a particular German."

He blushed at the compliment. Trying to maintain modesty, he said, “I’m not sure about the gallant part, but thank you. Although, I must say, if this was a date, it was...interesting; we danced and had some drinks, but we also got into a fist fight.”


Jason kissed Alanna back and replied, "Good as new. You sure you aren't a doctor?"

Before she could answer, the terminal on his desk 'binged' and a button on the bottom of it blinked green. His stomach dropped. He didn't need this right now.

"Just a sec", Jason said to her and went over to the terminal and put in a code and the bing stopped and the light went dark.

Alanna looked at him, concerned, but said nothing. Not with others in the room. She went over and put a hand on his cheek. "Do you need us to leave or can that wait?" she asked very softly.

"Hopefully it can wait", he replied putting his hand on hers. "If not, we'll know shortly."

"Okay." She hoped it wouldn't be necessary. From the emotions he was projecting, it wouldn't be good. "Let's sit down with the others."

Jason nodded and got the drinks that Erich had gotten for them. Handing Alanna her lemonade, he led her over to the couch.

She sat down and looked at Jason, wondering if he had anything in mind, or if they were going to talk. As long as they were together, either was fine.

Getting some cards after setting his drink down he asked, "So, the real important question. Which one of us is going to tell the CO about our little adventure tonight? I don't want to not tell her otherwise we will catch holy hell."

Hartmann didn’t hesitate. “I’m Operations Chief, and I believe I am senior officer; I assume the responsibility.” He thought for a moment. “I admit the Skipper scares me halb zu tod, half to death, but I think we are in the clear. It’s not like we got drunk and picked a fight.”

"Actually", Jason said a devious smile crossing his face. "Why don't you all let me handle it? After all, you Erich are still not tarnished. You still have a couple days grace yet before you'll get seriously yelled at for anything, so I don't want you losing the halo yet. And Alanna we don't want to get mud on because I think her neck line should get a little more jewelry on it to go with her first gold pip. Anything like this might set that back. And Brianthe, well any sort of discipline, your boss gets to handle, and I hear she is a crusher. So, I'll take care of it by going through proper channels and report to the XO before bugging the Captain with anything so mundane. Given what I saw here my first day, he won't be able to keel haul me too bad. Will you guys trust me with this one?"

Erich sighed. “Alright Jason. Just remember that if I am asked details by the Skipper, I will tell the whole truth.”

"What sort of alibi will you be if you go and do that?" Jason asked with a smile. "Seriously, it will be fine. About thirty seconds after stepping on to the Promenade my first day, FNN is showing the clip of the XO clocking a reporter, live. The reporter had it coming, but the XO still had to take the heat and all that. So, he can't really lay down the law too harshly given how recent that happened. And given that two of Raddon's goons attacked me in the bathroom, it will allow me to let him know I am making progress on my investigation."

Alanna shook her head. "Jason, after your death, maybe I should be the one to talk to her? I don't want you back in the brig."

Brianthe barely knew the commander, so chose to let the others decide between them. She was content to sit beside Erich.

Hartmann absentmindedly has his hand brush against Brianthe’s as they sat together. His fingers almost intertwined with the ladies until the German caught himself. He decided better to seem overly cautious with her virtue than a hedonist. His cheeks burned with redness just the same.

Brianthe smiled at Erich and gently pat her hand over the top of his, letting him know that she welcomed his attentions.

He returned her smile, allowing his hand to give hers a gentle squeeze.

Jason was about to reply to Alanna when his terminal buzzed again.

"Damn", Jason said and looked at everyone apologetically. "I'm sorry guys, looks like someone above our pay grade wants to talk to me. This is eyes only."

He sighed while shaking his head, not believing the timing of the call.

Now Alanna was really worried. "Okay, but I'll be up for a while..." She hoped he would come see her when the call was over, but it all depended on what the call was about. She kissed him before adding, "Be careful."

"I'll come check up on you", Jason said with a smile as the terminal beeped again.

Brianthe also stood. "Would you mind being a gentleman and walking me back to my room?" she asked Erich.

“My pleasure.” His tone was pleasant, but the Teutonic man’s mind raced with questions and pros and cons and strategies. Should he try his luck at a good night kiss, or would it be a better impression on her to not? If he did go for it, should he ask permission first, or ‘feel the mood’? One false step could lead to some unfortunate consequences. If he was honest with himself, he was wondering what kissing Brianthe would be like, what she would taste like. Did that make him a bad man for wondering such things? He brushed the thoughts away.

She smiled brightly, glad she had a few more minutes with the Operations officer. She held out a hand for him to help her up.

The German took the proffered hand, allowing Brianthe to use his weight for leverage. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze in reflex, and noted the delicate smoothness of her skin and slenderness of her fingers.

“I’m still learning my way around the station, so I hope you know the way, lest we wander the corridors for hours, letting the gossip-mongers say the most titillating things about us.” He joked.

Brianne laughed. "I can show you the way."

She looked at Alanna. "Will you be okay?""

The other woman nodded. "I will. You two go on. I want to speak with Jason for a moment." A very moment, she knew, but it was all she needed.

Jason waited at the door like a polite host as they left. He was so irritated at the timing of the call. He was pretty certain he knew what the directors were going to be crabbing about.

Alyssa stopped in front of Jason. "Be careful. I know you can't tell me, careful." She kissed him again. "I love you." And then walked out the door.

Jason smiled as she left and then went back into his room dreading the call.


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space Five


Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five


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