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Intergalactic Men of Mystery - Part 6

Posted on Sat Sep 7, 2019 @ 11:34pm by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

2,667 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade - LIVE Dance Club/Haines' Quarters
Timeline: MD 13, 2145 Hrs

Hartmann thought about what to do. He grabbed a drink cup and threw it at the Nausican. The cup floated towards the burly alien, impacting against its posterior. The big guy turned and issued a confused grunt.


Hartmann stood there somewhat sheepishly. “Uh...that’s right. How about picking on someone your own size?” He took off his coat and threw it on a table.

“No one here’s that big dude.” A stranger opined from somewhere behind Erich.

Jason's ears were still ringing, and he was a bit out of sorts, but seeing that Erich had distracted it, Jason knew he had to take advantage of the distraction as small as it was. Although kicks could be disastrous in fights, he figured a jumping side kick would take the brute down. Jason started to run a bit. It was at this point the other person who had been knocked over started getting up and Jason couldn't stop, and he tripped over their foot and went sliding across the floor again, this time coming at a stop at the Nausican's feet. It looked down and its exterior fangs flexed in murderous delight.

Jason looked up and said, "Hi, there."

Brianthe and Alanna both had the same idea. They headed for the Nausican, but Brianthe reached him first and took him by an arm.

"Do you come around here often?" she asked. "Because I know I wouldn't miss you." She smiled beguilingly at him.

Alanna pulled Jason back and got between him and the fangs. If Brianthe didn't distract him, she'd come up with something.

"I take you two later", the Nausican growled, with a leer, pushing Alanna out of the way hard. He wasn't going to leave without dealing with Jason. He had been bested in the bathroom by him, which was humiliating. More important, he didn't want Gabriel finding out he couldn't handle the whelp.

"Sorry ugly", Jason said, his head clear now. He punched out quickly catching the Nausican in the face.

The Nausican growled out loud and grabbed Jason again by the shirt ripping it.

"Agent Phoenix", Jason called out. "Anytime now."

“You’ll never be a doctor unless you have patience good sir.” Erich retorted. He grabbed his jacket and flung it into the big alien’s face, blinding him. The German wound up for a punch before stopping himself. He realized that, thick as a Nausican skull was, he’d likely only break a hand for his troubles. The lower parts though...

Hartmann kicked him right in the family jewels. The big fellow clutches himself and let out a cross between a yelp and a whimper as he hunched over in pain. Dishonorable tactic? Sure, but effective.

Alanna grabbed a large glass picture of beer and slammed it into the Nausican's face. "That's for Jason."

Brianthe grabbed Erich's coat and pulled it off the Nausican's face just before Alanna hit him. There was no reason to get glass all over it. And, for good measure, she kicked the bully in the kidney.

Jason shook his head and then laughed.

"Sorry fella", Jason said, smiling at the others. He then locked eyes with Pete and a wicked grin flashed across his face briefly. Before the man could get up, Jason went over and grabbed him by the collar and started to lead him out of the club.

Brianthe glanced at the Nausican to make sure he was down, then took the coat over to Erich. "Well played," she said, handing it to him.

“For a no-good rogue you mean.” Erich replies as he took back his jacket.

"You know, buddy, next time, leave well enough alone," Alanna said to the Nausican, not caring if he heard or not. He was definitely not on her Christmas list. She glanced up to watch Jason lead Pete out of the dance hall. Employees where hurrying to clean up the mess and escort people to the back to wait for security.

Outside, Jason pushed Pete against the wall, "Alright Romeo, once she comes out here, you are going to apologize to Lieutenant Wells and if she doesn't bust your ass, I want to be reading about your resignation from Starfleet in tomorrow's personnel report."

When Jason didn't come right back, Alanna grew concerned and went to look for him. She found him, still with Pete. More concerned, she walked over to the two of them. "Jason?"

"Oh, Pete and I were just discussing opportunities to free up his future", Jason replied, not taking his eyes off the man. Pete had shown he wasn't above throwing a sucker punch. "Right Petey?"

"If you'd let me dance with her, none of this would have happened," he said sulkily.

"I said no when Jason stepped away," Alanna said. "You didn't take no for an answer then and I punched you. Why did you come back?"

He looked at Jason, then back at Alanna. "Because I wanted you to dance with a real man. If you'd give me a chance, you'd see that I'm the one you should be with."

Alanna sighed. She didn't want to do this, but then, she didn't want to punch him earlier, either. "Pete, you've been asking me out for weeks, and I always say no. I'm not interested. And now, I'm in a relationship with Jason. I love him. I don't want to go out with you. I don't want to dance with you. I want you to find a nice girl and leave me alone outside of work."

"But you're a nice girl."

"I'm Jason's girl. I want to be Jason's girl. I'll work with you, but other than that, please, stop asking me out."

Pete ignored Jason, his whole attention on Alanna. "But if you just give me a chance..."

"No. I'm sorry, but no. We've spent enough time working together that I know it won't work out. It's not even a good idea. And I won't change my mind about Jason."

Hartmann trotted over. “Sounded like a solid ‘no’ to me pal. If you’ve got a hearing problem, maybe some time in the brig will clean out your ears.”

The German let that threat hang in the air.

“Or...,” he continued, “ can apologize to the lady, and voluntarily request a transfer to another shift and department on this station. Maybe then we forget the possibility of charges of assault, disturbing the peace, and sexual harassment.”

Hartmann let that threat linger as well. He turned to Jason, still playing at not knowing who or what he was. “Haven’t met, Lieutenant Hartmann, Chief of Ops. I heard the lady call you Jason. Would that make you Lieutenant Haines, Chief of Intel?”

Jason nodded.

When he got an affirmation, Erich continued, “Tell me, Leftenant, what is the maximum penalty for those charges I mentioned?”

"Not long enough", Jason growled.

Pete finally realized that he was in trouble. These men were angry enough to ruin his career.

Erich returned his icy eyes to Pete. “Now then, you have 72 hours to put in that transfer. As Chief of Ops, I assure you such paperwork will come across my desk before it hits Admin. If I do not see said paperwork at the allotted time, you WILL be brought up on charges. What do you think the Skipper will think to a man that cannot take ‘no’ for an answer?”

Jason's mind drifted somewhat to a time when he was more seriously noticing girls. He was fourteen and had been sitting at the dinner table with his dad when he had mentioned it.

"Son, when I was younger, I wasn't very respectful of women", his father said. "Your mother would have said, I was what one might call a lecherous dog. I might have been a tad over-zealous in my pursuit, but one thing I never did was lay a hand on a lady. No matter what, if a lady says no to anything, you respect that."

Brianthe stayed in the background, watching. She barely knew Pete, and Jason and Erich had things well in hand.

Jason's mind continued to wander, thinking of the greasy Vulcan Sovok and how he looked at Alanna. He was glad he did what he had done to the Vulcan. The thought of the event snapped him back to reality. Jason pushed Pete harder into the wall.

"You are not a real man", Jason growled. "A real man doesn't force himself on a woman. He doesn't drag her to a dance floor. A real man doesn't lose control so much he ends up hurting a woman. You are not a man, you are slime. And I won't let slime like you stay on this base or any other Starfleet base or ship. You don't have 72 hours. You get on your knees right now and you apologize to Lieutenant Wells and beg her to forgive you. Then, I better see your resignation from Starfleet on tomorrow's personnel report or you will be standing on the wrong side of an airlock. You get me, Pete?"

He let go of the man and just glared at him. Alanna had only felt Jason this angry around Sovok and this time it might be a touch more.

Pete rolled onto his knees, feeling resentful. "Alanna, I'm sorry."

Alanna could feel that he was sorrier he'd been caught. "I will accept your apology on one condition." She turned to Jason and Erich. "I don't want his resignation. I want him to say in Starfleet and transfer to another position." She turned back to Pete. "And I want a formal complaint on his permanent record so his next commanding officer will keep an eye on him."

She went over to Jason and wrapped an arm around him, partly he help him calm down and partly because she needed his support.

"I think sanitary operations would be fitting for his new job", Jason said. "And Pete, the next time you think about being a lecherous dog to some woman, just remember, my girl saved your career."

"Now, leave," Alanna said. She was done with Pete. If she never saw him again, it would be too soon. A job on the lower decks where she was unlikely to see him again seemed fitting.

Pete got up, glaring at Jason and Erich, and walked away, not looking at Alanna.

When he was out of site, Alanna hugged Jason.

Jason wrapped his arm around Alanna, kissing her on the forehead.

Brianthe came up to Erich and slipped her hand through the crook of his arm. "I think this calls for a drink somewhere quiet."

"Well, someone needs to get her head checked for concussions", Jason said looking at Alanna. "I have a good first aid kit in my room that we can use and if there is anything amiss, we go to sickbay. There is also a bottle of Andorian whiskey and Bajoran ale. The med bay and bar are open to all."

"I don't want to end your night of adventure by a trip to sickbay, so I'll agree to going to your quarters. I'm sure we could find something to keep the four of us entertained." She glanced at Erich and Brianthe. "What do you say?"

Erich half-saluted his friend. “The old ‘I have a medkit in my quarters’ routine? Classic, but effective. It’s right under your bed, I presume?” He teased. More serious, he turned towards Brianthe. “I’m game if you are.”

"Yes. I would like to spend more time with you." She looked at the others. "With all of you." But especially with Erich.

Alanna wanted to use the medkit to clean up some of Jason's injuries, too. "Okay then. Let's go."

Erich kept up the gentle teasing, this time with Bri; “Think of the scandal! All of us going to a Spook’s quarters! What will your husband say?” he hissed.

"I am a singularly unattached female, so the question won't arise," she replied. "Should I ask you the same question?"

“I’m single as well; there are no men attached to me.” The German dryly said.

She leaned closer and smiled flirtatiously. "And no women either, I hope."

Erich leaned in as well, as close as he dared. Close enough that the scent of her hair and perfume filled his nostrils.

“None that I know of.”

"Good," she replied, pleased.

Jason led them back to his quarters. Luckily it was uneventful. Jason's quarters were rather spartan, beyond an acoustic guitar in the corner. They definitely had the look of someone who had not been in his quarters a lot.

"And to answer your earlier question Mister Phoenix, the medkit is in the bathroom, not the bedroom", Jason said. "Please, make yourselves at home, drinks are on the counter."

With that, he went to the bathroom and got the medkit out. It was very well stocked for a standard issue medkit. He waved to Alanna to come get scanned.

Alanna walked over and sat down.

He waved at the plethora of options. “What shall you have my dear?”

"Whatever you're having," Brianthe replied. "I'm feeling adventurous."

“Vodka and orange?” Erich offered.

"That would be fine." She didn't drink it often, but she could handle one. It seemed appropriate after their evening.

Erich called to Jason. “A drought of something for you old boy? Or for you Al?”

Her head ached a little, so Alanna decided to go light. "Lemonade, please."

As Jason scanned Alanna, he replied, "Andorian whiskey, a double please."

Erich poured the requests before handing Bri her drink, then Jason and Alanna, then himself.

“Her with lemonade and you the strong stuff? She’ll take advantage of you and use you like an Orion Slave Girl. Sure, you want to risk it?” The German said with mock seriousness.

"What's life without a little risk?", Jason asked.

He looked at the readings of the medical scanner, "Good news, no concussion. A bit of surface bruising and a knot on the noggin, but nothing to worry about. I can get you some ice or give you something for the swelling of a combination. Up to you my dear."

He kissed her lightly on the head where the bump was.

"Something for the bruising and swelling, please. It's giving me a bit of a headache and I want to enjoy the rest of the evening."

Jason took a hypo out of the kit and pressed it to Alanna's neck and pressed the button.

"There, give it five and you should be good", Jason said. "My mother being a doctor, was very adamant that we had a well-stocked medkit in the house. Sort of second nature to me now."

He looked over to Erich and Brianthe.

"What about you two? Want me to give you the once over?"

"I'm fine," Brianthe said. "I only kicked the Nausican once."

“Give me the once over and Bri will think you and I are more than friends Jason.” Erich retorted, taking a sip of his beverage.

Now that Jason brought it to mind, Brianthe looked over Erich to make sure he was unharmed.

Alanna kissed Jason. "Thank you. Now it's my turn." She took out the dermal regenerator and began repairing his cuts and scrapes.

"Be careful with that", Jason said to Alanna. He ran a finger down a scar on his right cheek. "This stays."

She could feel that Jason was very serious and had an emotional 'attachment' for lack of better words, to the scar.

She looked at the scar and nodded. “Okay. I'll just take care of the fresh ones."

When she was done, she kissed him. "How's that?"

To Be Continued ...



Chuck Finley, Private Eye, a.k.a. LTJG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

John Phoenix, Spy First Class, AKA LT JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer

Baroness Alanna Wells
Evil Overlord
Deep Space Five

Brianthe Oaxaca
Femme Fatale
Deep Space Five


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