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Do You Come Here Often? (Part 3)

Posted on Mon Sep 9, 2019 @ 6:52am by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,798 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Club Supernova
Timeline: MD08 2130

“So where are you staying on the station?” Zandra asked.

"Should I tell you that? Might your parents send round the heavy mob to eliminate me as a threat?" He laughed off the question without a plain answer.

Aleczandra laughed. “Oh, if only you knew?” she teased. “He thinks I’m off staying at a friend’s tonight.”

"Stay with me, then that would be true!" Shay said, softly twirling an escaped strand of her soft rainbow hair around his index finger, admiring it and it's owner openly.

Aleczandra smiled brightly. “I think I might like that,” she said, pulling him in for another deep kiss. “So sweep me away, my Prince!” She ran her hands down his chest, stopping at his waistband.

Shay laughed, his handsome features all the more attractive when he flashed his perfect white teeth and his eyes sparkled with fun. He approached Zandy and literally swept her off her feet and into his arms, horizontally, carrying her along across him, one arm under her shoulders from behind and below, the other under her knees. He chuckled at her reaction.

Aleczandra gasped and put her arms around Shay’s neck. She giggled and nuzzled in, kissing his neck, biting it to mark him as hers as he walked along the Promenade, getting some stares from the passersby. Most recognized the rainbow-haired teenage girl as they passed.

With more banter and lots of giggling they made it to his quarters attracting a lot of attention along the way, partially due to how wide they were as a combination with her sideways across him and him being tall as well. They seemed to fill the corridors in all directions and Shay had to turn sideways to let people by, deliberately but feigning innocence at the same time, as he managed to run through several little teases that were apparently totally unintended whenever she might squeak or protest.

He managed to spin her a little too fast after one couple passed them so that she had to grab his neck tighter and pull herself closer to catch her balance. Then a little later he managed to happen, when clasping her at a moment when she seemed to be accidentally slipping, to grasp her closer to rectify the slip and spread his fingers to save her at the same time finding her lower ribs as he did so. Just a hint of a tickle, but his face showed all surprise when it was recognised as such by the rainbow haired "victim".

As such they arrived, and without putting her down he did another of his sideways shuffles to carry her inside, spinning her again so she had to cling one last time before he let her feet go and stood her upright, her lips arriving accidentally dangerously close to his own, and his arm, which had cradled her shoulders and back, keeping her tightly against him as they stood breathing softly but rapidly, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Sorry," he said, and made as if to pull away, but very half-heartedly and slowly, just in case she might choose not to let him let her go.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” Aleczandra said, her two hands grabbing the front of Shay’s shirt and pulling him to her for a scorching kiss, her tongue seeking entrance to his mouth, every indication that she wanted him badly.

Being given the reaction he had hoped for and letting her take the lead, Shay returned her kiss with his own best efforts and, putting her down gently onto her feet, he encircled her with his arms again and murmured his approval of her passion.

The two remained locked in passion and desire for several more minutes before Shay pulled very softly away and whispered to her that she was the most beautiful and amazing woman he'd ever met and that he needed to know if she was okay with this going further, as he had the deepest respect for her and wanted only to be certain she wasn't being pulled along too fast. He still had his arms around her, but he had pulled his head up and was looking at her with adoration as her rainbow hair tousled around her lovely face and she looked up, those eyes like pools, making it so hard for him to hold back like this.

Aleczandra smirked. “Don’t be like that. I want you to ravish me,” she told him, pushing him back so that he stumbled and fell back onto the bed. She crawled up over him, straddling him, and reached back to pull down the fastener of her dress. She pulled it up over her head and tossed it aside, revealing the sexy bra and panty set she wore beneath. Tossing her hair out of the way, she leaned down to kiss him again.

"Ravish? Oh, I can do that!" He chuckled, lifting her with strength that was surprising until he tore off his shirt and revealed a torso of rippling muscle that might have been unexpected to some who underestimated this young man. As she was above him in the air, Shay spun under complete control, his muscles rippling as he held her weight and put her down onto the bed beside him, spinning on round and up so that he was now over her, up on his knees and elbows to keep his own weight off her but pinning her arms up above her head as his lips sought and devoured hers.

After he had his fill of her mouth temporarily, his fire-filled kisses descended to her chin, down her deliciously soft neck, over her collar bone, and on down in a hot line of tiny teasing pecks, licks, and kisses. He didn't release her arms, so he was travelling down her upper body with his own arms stretched up as well, the more stretched as he descended across her collar bone, his hold on her arms weakened the further he went down her neck, and soon he had to choose whether to let her go or stay with this part of her a little longer. He chose to stay and did so with plenty of time an opportunity for more kisses and teasing.

“Oh, my God!” Aleczandra groaned, her body arching into Shay’s lips. “You are gorgeous! Don’t stop!” She felt her body responding to the kisses and nibbles, a slow burn starting low in her belly. For the first time, she wasn’t thinking about Teena. He was so different, not gentle. She felt Kinony stirring.

Don’t you dare! He’s mine!

I’m just here for advice and tips, dear one.

Shay became more aroused himself and pressed his body closer against hers, unaware of the interaction going on inside her.

Aleczandra slid her hand low between them, grasping Shay firmly, stroking. She seemed to know just what to do with a man, thanks to Kinony. She flipped him back beneath her again and started to lick and nip her way down his body, pausing at his nipples to tease them with her tongue as she continued to stroke his arousal.

Shay was already lost. There was no going back for him. He moaned with delight and reached up a hand to stroke her face tenderly. "Wow, Zandy... You are incredible," he said, his breath catching and quickening.

Zandy smiled mischievously up Shay’s naked body. “Oh, I’m just getting started…” she said. And then her mouth engulfed him with a professional intensity he’d never experienced.

* * * * * * * * *

Breathless and totally blown away, Shay was lying prone on the bed, Zandy snuggled up beside him, her head on his chest. He had one arm around her shoulder and his whole body was quivering with exhaustion and satisfaction such as he'd never known.

"Oh my God," he whispered, hoarse with exertion and crying out her name in joy and lust and sheer pleasure. "You are out of this universe!" was all he could say as he gently caressed her shoulder with his fingertips affectionately and with awe.

Aleczandra actually giggled. It had been surprisingly wonderful for her, too. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she said, stretching catlike along him, her naked body pressed against his. “I really needed that.” So different from Teena, her only other lover -- or so she thought she remembered. Zandra sat up and tossed her disheveled rainbow hair, looking around for her clothes.

"Do you have to go so soon?" Shay asked, almost wistfully. He became aware of a strange feeling that once she left, he wouldn't see her again, and that twisted at his insides.

“We’re done, aren’t we?” Aleczandra asked, finding her panties and tugging them on. “Or are you ready for round two already?” She smiled at him.

Don’t get attached. Remember how Teena hurt you.

And I love Caleb.

Shut up, Mom! Kinony was right, though. Teena had hurt her.

"I'm ready," he said with sudden serious sincerity. "What about you?"

Aleczandra paused. Another round would be wonderful. But...should she encourage this? Wasn’t this just a...release, a way to put Teena behind her?

“Do we have time? What time is it?” She sat there holding her bra, in just her panties, and looked around for a chrono. “I mean, you want me to stay the night?” Was she ready for that? Her dad would lose his shit if she was out all night. If he found out.

"Would you like to? Would that even be possible? Isn't there someone who would be worried if you didn't turn up back home?" he asked, genuinely concerned, but yet unable to resist the passion he felt for her.

He didn't wait to hear her reply right away, but explained, "I just don't want this to end. I feel like I may never see you again if I let you go now."

Aleczandra bit her lip. That was sweet. God, she couldn’t let herself feel that way again! But one night wouldn’t hurt, would it?

“My dad would seal me in my room until I’m thirty if he finds out,” Aleczandra finally said. “But fuck him.” Okay, bad choice of words, considering her feelings for her father. “I’ll just set an alarm for very early.” She could spare a few more hours, and be dead in school in the morning.

Dropping her bra and peeling off her panties again, Zandra sauntered back to the bed and crawled up Shay’s body again to kiss him deeply. “Rock my world again, Shay,” she purred seductively.


Aleczandra Ryan
Civilian Student

Shay Corvane
Civilian Psychology Student


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