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The Who What When Where (part II)

Posted on Tue Sep 17, 2019 @ 12:16am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

642 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Main Security - Office of the Chief
Timeline: MD 10 - 0845


"Ma'am," Lieutenant Trellis said as he approached the office of Lieutenant Tessaro. "I just received something from Raddon's attorney and Dorian. I think you'll really want to see it." He said as he approached her with the data rod that had been handed to him by Raddon's attorney. To think that a professional could actually serve under Raddon and still have a semblance of a conscious was. . .just unbelievable to Si'Larr.

Lieutenant Trellis inserted the rod into the computer terminal and activated it. The Computer analyzed the data rod for several moments before it began to project the pre-recorded image.

“My name is Marcel King.” The older man said as he stood straight, but tried to keep from fidgeting with his hands. “I’m the Project Supervisor for the Raddon Corporation’s Pangea Expedition. I am the lead scientist on the planet and I overseeing all ongoing projects.” He said as he cleared his throat. “Since being assigned to the planet I have had an interest in studying the Fae Portals and understanding their full capabilities. It is beyond foolish that Starfleet has determined that only their scientists should be given unlimited access to the portals.” He said as his breathe began to quicken and his pulse began to race.

He glanced off-screen for several moments before returning his focus to the projection screen. “That is why I attempted to create a sub-space transporter to the portals. The project was completely my idea and mine alone. No other person with the Corporation was aware nor did they authorize me to engage in such activity.” He said quickly as he looked down at the ground and tried to catch his breathe. “I regret any shame brought upon my family, and I take full. . .” He appeared to pause for several moments as if searching for the words to say. “. . .full. . .responsibility for my actions” He said quickly as the image faded away.

Once the recording stopped, Annora replayed the message studying it in more detail. "I'd be lying if I said this was a complete surprise. Not sure how Mr King got roped into this, but it's clear he's the scapegoat in all this. I'm not a scientist, but to me the level of compartmentalization required for no one else to be aware of this project is quite a stretch."

She sighed.

"Coerced or not, Mr King has confessed to being lead on the project. Let's get a warrant for his arrest, but this does not end the investigation."

"Confessed is a strong word to use. . ." Lt. Trellis said. "That looks like a man that was held at gunpoint and forced to make this recording to throw us off Raddon's trail." The Trill said as he deactivated the image, collected the rod and prepared to log it into evidence.

"We have a bigger problem, Raddon won't reveal where they got this rod from nor whether they know where Mr. King is located. Unless you want to send a large search party to the surface, we're in something of a bind." He said.

"Agreed. I'm not saying I believe he was solely responsible. It's not worth a planet-wide or even station-wide manhunt. We put out the warrant and if he makes his whereabouts known, we bring Mr King in. We might be able to make a deal with him and gain more information about what really happened. At a minimum, this might buy us some time by removing some of the pressure."

Any halfway decent lawyer would likely make the argument of a coerced confession. At present that was most the evidence they had anyway, so any major charges weren't likely to stick.

"Aye ma'am," Lieutenant Trellis said as he nodded and left to begin the warrant process.


Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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