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The Who What When Where (part I)

Posted on Tue Sep 17, 2019 @ 2:03am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

592 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Main Security Administrative Office
Timeline: MD 10 - 0815

Dorian walked into the main foyer of the Security Administrate Offices and stood for several moments. Although he would never admit it to anyone, he missed certain parts of wearing the uniform and being a Starfleet Officer. Mostly, he missed being a Security Officer. When he wore that gold uniform he knew what his mission was and what needed to be done.

When he was in Command of the department, things ran tighter and there was less confusion. In his mind, the spate of terrorist attacks that had occurred on the station was just a symptom of Security’s inability to keep things under control. A weak station Commander plus a weak Security apparatus led to an unprotected station.

Dorian sighed as he continued to walk into the area, he knew that his suggestions for improvement would fall on deaf ears. He knew that would come at another time. For the time being he was here to deliver an important message. He had picked this particular time to come down to the office because he knew who was going to be the OIC (Officer in Charge).

“Si’Lar! How’s life going? That promotion should be just around the corner, huh?” Dorian said jovially. He pitied the man. Years of service and what did he have to show for it. Sure, he was the head of Special Investigations, but where would that lead to? Maybe one day becoming a Sectional Chief? The Trill was too obsequies, he never pushed the envelope, never took risks. He simply allowed life to happen to him rather than the other way around.

The Trill stood as he swiveled his chair and heard Dorian’s voice. “I’d be more concerned about whether your employer will still be in business rather than the career progression of others.” Trellis snapped back. “Because once we finish the investigation your boss wil---“ He was cut-short before he could finish the statement.

“What my boss does or does not want is none of your concern. . .” Dorian interjected. “What should be your concern is this gift that we’ve brought you.” He said as he gestured towards the woman who had been standing beside him silently. “Good evening, I’m Alexandria Patterson, General Counsel for the Raddon Corporation.” The woman said as she stepped towards Lieutenant Trellis with an object in her hand. “This a recorded message we received from. . .” she paused briefly as she looked towards Dorian. He man nodded with certainty as she turned back to look towards Lieutenant Trellis. “From Site Supervisor Marcel King.” She said as she handed the rod to him.

“Supervisor King? He’s a fugitive on the run, how were you able to--”The Security Officer inquired. “The how is not as important as the what, Trellis. Dorian said, choosing to use the Officers first name to emphasis his point. “The what is what your bosses will certainly want to read.” Dorian said. “Reach out to us when they’re ready to talk. You know where to find me.” He said as he nodded to Ms. Patterson and the duo turned to leave.

As much as Trellis wanted to throw the rod in Dorian’s face and throw him in the brig for interfering with an investigation, he did realized that whatever was on this data rod was more important to the case. Besides, Dorian was going to hang himself in due time.


Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation

Si'Lar Trellils
Security Investigation Officer


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