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Submission or Subversion (part 1)

Posted on Mon Sep 16, 2019 @ 9:13pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,151 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Vulcan controlled Risa
Timeline: MD11 1900

Previously, in DS5 Calling

Sovok glanced to Maritza. "You do keep your minions in the dark, don't you. How very Vulcan."

"Your opinion of my methods are of no concern to me," Maritza replied, just as drily."

"I didn't think so. Shall we get this charade over with?" And with that, he grabbed Scaliontis by the scruff of the neck and hurled the Romulan bodily into the two marines shadowing him and they all went down in a heap. In completing the move he pirouetted on one foot, grabbed Alanna by her blonde hair, and the two disappeared through the portal.

And now the continuation...

The momentum of the Vulcans' move had them tumbling backwards, landing on hard ground. At the same time, the air temperature jumped about twenty degrees and went from cool and dry to warm and sticky. There was shouting all round, and then Alanna was pulled to her feet by Tarik, her arm twisted painfully behind her back.

She expected Sovok to do something, but not this. She tried to pull away from Tarik, but she was no match for his Vulcan strength. She stared defiantly at Sovok, more angry than afraid. "What do you think you're doing?" It wouldn't take long for Maritza to organize a team to come after her, and Jason was here somewhere. If nothing else, she had a transmitter in one boot and a knife in the other. Sooner or later, she might be able to use one, or both.

Sovok slapped her, "Speak when you're spoken too." He looked around. They had come out in the middle of a ring of stones ranging from five to eight feet tall, roughly hewn out of grey stone. "Shoot anyone who comes through. How are we doing on the explosives?"

"On their way."

"And the T'Pau?" Sovok started to walk towards a small grey-green building, very similar looking to the temporary structures that Starfleet used as tents in her own realm.

Tarik walked with him, dragging Alanna with him, "The strike went off two minutes ago, they sent a team to mop up any survivors."

"Tell the Commandant I'll expect a briefing shortly." An armed guard opened the door as they approached, and stood aside to let them pass through, revealing a single room, with a small desk and camp chair, several crates and a camp bed. "And someone get me a drink."

Was this what was on the other side of the portal? She did her best to have a good look at the circles of stones so she could find it again if necessary.

She was dismayed to see the Vulcan camp. Could she warn Jason? Maybe, if she was left alone long enough. When she was pulled into the room, she carefully looked around. She still wasn't sure why she was here, but she'd probably be told before too long.

Sovok opened one of the crates and pulled out several items. Then he locked it and took Alanna from Tarik. "For the moment, I'm going to leave you here. " He picked up one of the itemes, a set of handcuffs, and secured one cuff to the handle if the heavy crate and the other to Alanna's wrist. "I suggest you use it to contemplate how hard you want the inevitable to go." He pulled on a belt and began to drop items onto its hooks and pouches. Including a slender disruptor. "I'm not an inconsiderate lover, "

That's not what the handcuffs suggested. "That's why you brought me here?" She had no desire to become his lover, but she also didn't want to die. There were many ways to fight, and sometimes, you have to wait for the right opportunity. Right now, she was happy to be left alone in the room.

"Ch'zath is right where I want him now. We found his escape shuttle about two hours before I came through to your universe. From what I've seen, your people have no spine to go after the people with him. I've won. You, my dear, are merely a souvenir."

"You don't know us as well as you think you do." Her simmering anger threatened to erupt again. "And I'm nobody's souvenir."

Sovok gave her a smile as if indulging a small child. "Keep thinking that. It will make you far more enjoyable than the women I usually have."

"I will not be your lapdog or your whore," she hissed. His comment ignited her temper and she had to get control of herself. Did he think she'd just roll over and let him do whatever he wanted with her? That she'd thank him for the honor of being his slave? He didn't know her as well as he thought he did.

Alanna knew that whatever she did, he would soon tire of her and she had to try. But she also couldn't push Sovok too far. She had to warn Jason and she couldn't do that if she was dead.

Sovok finished filling his belt, he didn't seem fazed by her defiance. "Have you not figured it out, with that stunning intellect of yours? What you want, or think, is utterly irrelevant." He beckoned to the guard on the door. "If she gives you any trouble, shoot her somewhere non lethal. Well, not immediately lethal."

He started to leave, and turned in the door. "This won't take long. So decide quickly. Hard, or pleasant."

Oh, she'd figured it out, she just wasn't ready to submit. No matter what she decided, sex with him would not be pleasant. "Will you let me go afterwards?" she asked, just to see what he'd say in response.

Sovok shrugged. "It will depend. On how much I enjoy it." And then he was gone, leaving Alanna chained to the crate, with only the Vulcan guard for company.

She didn't want the guard watching her. How could she get to her boots? Then again, if he got close enough, maybe she could stab him an then get away. No, not in the light. After dark, when it would be easier to hide. She made herself as comfortable as she could and focused on Jason to warn him. Could she reach him? There was a definite bond forming between them, especially after last night, but it was still relatively new, and her anger wasn't helping at all. She always had a problem with her telepathy when her emotions were strong.

Alanna took several deep breaths to calm herself, to focus. "Danger. Avoid portal. Vulcan trap." She repeated the thought, adding images of the camp, the circle of stones, until her head ached. She had no idea if Jason got her message.

To be continued...

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Chief Inspector Sovok
Detective Seargent Tarik
Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPCs by Ibalin]


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