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Pirate Island Adventure (part 1)

Posted on Mon Oct 21, 2019 @ 10:41am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Civilian Jason Haines

1,147 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1800 hours


After their evening with the "Intergalactic Men of Mystery," Alanna wanted to do something with a little less risk involved. The holodeck was generally safe, as long as the safeties were engaged.

She and Brianthe talked it over and decided a Treasure Island-type adventure might be fun. There would be a beach, an ocean, and later, if they chose, pirates and buried treasure.

Invitations were sent to Jason and Erich. And because Scaliontis tried to run interference between her and Sovok, she invited him and his boyfriend.

Appropriate dress was required.

Because of that, Brianthe decided to stop by Alanna's quarters before going to the holodeck to make sure her dress was appropriate.

The botanist was dressed in a dark green bikini under a gauzy skirt and blouse that managed to be both modest and sexy.

"Come in," Alanna called. "Wow," she said when she saw her friend. "I think you could make a potato sack look good."

"No," Brianthe laughed. "But I'm of gypsy blood. We're supposed to draw attention so the menfolk can make better sales. I was taught how to entertain, remember?"

"I remember." Alanna grinned. "Let me grab a sundress and we can go."

Brianthe looked at the one-piece swimsuit and shook her head. "You should wear something better than that."

"We're going swimming. Besides, I've never been one for bikinis."

"Okay, but give me five minutes to replicate something better than that. My grandmother has better fashion sense."

The swimsuit was a one-piece halter-top with cutouts on the side and front. It was midnight blue. "I can't wear this."

"Trust me, it'll look great. Jason will appreciate it." She pulled out a halter-top dress that matched the suit. "And this will be your cover."

The scientist wanted to argue, but they would be late if she did, so she gave in and changed. "Okay, let's go."

They were the first to arrive at the holodeck and waited outside for the others.

"How about this?" Andronikos asked as he walked out of Scaliontis' bathroom.

The Romulan looked up from his bed, where they had a little fun before he had received an invitation from Alanna to go to Beach program, and he had laid out a few options to wear.

At the moment he saw Andronikos he burst into laughter. Scaliontis nearly fell over because of how hard he laughed.

Andronikos was chuckling but folded his arms across his chest. "Oh come on Lion! You know you love this on me!" The older man said, annoyed.

Once he managed to get back some air into his lungs and calm down but was fighting the urge to start up again, Scaliontis grinned. "Yes I love the V-kini on you Kos but I don't think the other guys will feel secure with you showing off like that." He said his laughter struggling against the wall of his now closed mouth.

"Okay," he turned and heard more laughter behind him, Andronikos knew Scaliontis loved it but they didn't have time for anymore fun like he saw in his Romulan's eyes. He changed into the Purple short shorts that they both had bought so they could match.

He walked back out to see his sexy Romulan in the same Purple short shorts and a blue full body length robe that was thin material with long sleeves. It can wrap around completely but if not clipped to the other side it will open enough to reveal the front.

"That's better!" Scaliontis said with a wide grin, "we match," he thought about bringing a bag with snacks and beverages in it but they can just go to the nearest replicator later. He folded the 'cape' as he come to call the robe around himself and clipped the fronts together so it wouldn't open while they made their way to the holodeck.

"Yup," Andronikos picked the black robe version of the 'cape' and did the same as his boyfriend. The two left Scaliontis' quarters and headed for the holodeck.

They had their combadges on their 'capes' in the usual place where it would be on uniforms. Scaliontis was happy they got everyone back from Sovok's evil plans and things were mostly back to simple again.

The two walked around the curve and found Alanna with Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca in dresses that like the 'capes' he and Andronikos wore were light and only meant to keep modesty while in swimming and beach situations. Scaliontis waved at the ladies. "Girls, you two look stunning." He commented, so very flamboyantly.

"Indeed." Andronikos agreed. "Those two don't stand a chance." The older human man added with a smirk.

"Thank you," Alanna said, smiling at the two. "You must be Andronikos. This is my friend, Brianthe."

"I am and you must be Alanna." He said to the science officer before turning to the other woman and offered his hand to Brianthe.

Brianthe took his hand. "A pleasure to meet you."

Andronikos then offered his hand to Alanna. "Nice to meet you. Both," he added a second later.

"Nice to meet you, too," Alanna said, shaking his hand.

Jason had been trying to enjoy the last day off he had for the week simply resting. He looked up when the invite from Alanna came through. He read it and thought it might be interesting. Perhaps it would be better than moping. When they had gone out the other night he had managed to keep all his emotions in check. He envied the Vulcans in that. Perhaps he could speak with T'gan about that. He replicated a pair of blue swimming trunks, a simple white tank top, some sandals, sun-glasses, and a towel. He moved through the crowd, hoping this holo-deck adventure would be less eventful than the last.

When he got to the holo-deck, he went to stand by Alanna, smiling at her.

He said, "Scaliontis, Andronikos, good to see you again."

"You too," Andronikos replied, "I hear you are a hero?" He asked with a smirk.

Scaliontis chuckled. "I'm not sure but I think he organised it so he could rescue her." He teased both Alanna and Jason.

"No. He was afraid something would go wrong and came prepared." She was grateful he did.

"I'm joking Alanna." Scaliontis said wondering if the woman had a sense of humour.

"I know it's just..." That she didn't think almost becoming Sovok's slave was something she could joke about right now? Or that if it hadn't been for Jason, she might still be there? She shook her head. "Sorry." It really wasn't worth explaining.

Jason scowled briefly but didn't say anything.


LTJG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer


LTJG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer

LTJG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer

LTCMDR Andronikos Jaesan
Starfleet Intelligence


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five


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