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Intergalactic Men of Mystery - Part 4

Posted on Mon Sep 2, 2019 @ 4:26am by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Edited on on Mon Sep 2, 2019 @ 7:41pm

1,232 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade - LIVE Dance Club
Timeline: MD 13, 2100


"That's yet to be seen", Jason said with a smile. "I may have to take it day by day for a bit, it has been a while since Chuck Finley had a romantic life."


"So, I know this is one of the more dangerous questions a guy can ask, but I'm going to ask it anyways... For knowledge sake. What does the lucky man have that I don't have."

She stared at him. Had he really just asked that question? "Pete, you really don't want me to get into that. But I'll give you the high points. I enjoy his company, he makes me laugh, and I'm in love with him. Good enough?"

Pete grabbed her again. "One dance. Let me show you I can be charming."

That was more than Alanna was willing to take. She stomped on his foot with her heel, and punched him in the jaw. "I said no, Pete." Then she went back to the table.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Jason had taken care of business as was getting ready to leave, when a Nausican and Bajoran came in. Jason recognized the Nausican from the night he and Dorian had spoke at the warehouse where the fight-club was.

"Hey boys", Jason said. "Did you get knocked out of the warehouse league, down to the bathroom tier? Let me guess, you came to deliver a message."

The two of them snickered and the Bajoran said, "Something like that."


About five minutes later, Jason showed up at the table with a tray of their drinks. He had what seemed to be a bruised eye, a slightly bloody lip, and his shirt was bordering on un-tucked.

He sat down and asked as if nothing was wrong with him, "So, what did I miss?"

Erich spoke first, his shock registering the welts and contusions. “Good God man! What happened to you?”

"Oh, I just had a little mishap", Jason said with a smile. "Slipped on some water that was on the floor."

The statement was true to an extent. He had slipped on some water, but a Nausican had also had his hands wrapped around his neck at the same time, so the slip was a bit more than a mishap.

Jason handed out the drinks.

Alanna stood and went to Jason. "I don't buy it," she whispered. "What happened?"

"You look almost as bad as Pete does," Brianthe said. She'd been too far away to do anything at the time, but she was still angry enough to deck him herself.

"Who's Pete?" Jason asked, evading Alanna's question, but in a quasi-playful manner. "What happened to him?"

He took a sip of his Risan starburst.

"He's a... coworker. He asked me to dance, and I said no," she replied evasively.

"From what I saw, he practically dragged her onto the floor, and she decked him," Brianthe added. "Both Erich and I would have stepped in, if we hadn't been on the other side of the dance floor."

Jason smiled at Alanna, almost as if to say, 'great job.'

"See Agent Phoenix", Jason said with a smirk. "I told you these ladies were dangerous. I would let them lead on the dance floor."

He chuckled with a slight wince.

Alanna looked at the other two and sighed. "You do that, and I guarantee there will be chaos on the dance floor. Now, what really happened?"

Jason chuckled and said, "I ran into a couple of individuals I believe are associates of Dorian Gabriel, lap dog of the Raddons'. We had a little discussion, aggressive negotiations on a particular subject."

He looked back towards the bathroom.

"I'm surprised they haven't come out yet", Jason continued. "I tried to get out of there without any physical interactions, but they had their mind made up when they went in. I'm not too worried. It will give me some capital in future interactions with the station's favorite racists."

She put a hand on his arm in concern and support. "Should we leave before they come out?"

"They may be dumb", Jason said. "but they aren't dumb enough to cause major trouble in public without official blessing. And they were just delivering a message. It won't go any further."

"All right," she said. "If you're sure..."

She looked at Brianthe and Erich. "Are you okay with staying?"

“I’m fine, so long as this numbskull here...”, the German said, pointing at Jason, “...can permit his ego some room to allow his friends to assist in future tomfoolery.”

Alanna couldn't help smiling at that. "Agreed."

"Well, Mister Phoenix", Jason said, sipping his drink. "It was you who was trying to seduce the beautiful lady instead of backing me up. Now, don't get me wrong. I expect that out of you every time otherwise I would have to slap some sense into you."

“The reason I paid the lady more attention than you is because she looks better in the dress than you do.” The Faux Phoenix retorted. To emphasize his point, he kissed Brianthe’s hand.

"Well, you don't have any point for comparison", Jason replied. "My red dress was in the cleaners and the heel on one of my shoes broke."

Brianthe smiled at Erich before turning to Jason. "I'd love to see you in that dress. I bet it brings out your eyes."

Alanna laughed. "You know, so would I."

“That dress is the reason for the warp core breach I mentioned earlier; it fell in love with him and exploded in sheer lust.” Hartmann said dryly.

Jason smirked and said, "Well, you will have to wait as I haven't shaved my legs".

"Now, if you want some tomfoolery, why don't you introduce me to Pete", Jason said. "Or as Mister Phoenix's rival is known, Comrade Petr. I assume that's him at the bar holding the glass of ice on his face? And by the way, nice punch Baroness von Wells."

He had a big smile on his face.

Hartmann cracked his knuckles, but stopped short. Would Brianthe think him a brute for attempting to force some manners into Pete?

He turned to Jason. “Now now Charles. Shouldn’t we ask your lady friend if further action is needed? After all, last I checked, ladies of good breeding seldom go for the brutish type.” The German looked at the ladies in question for confirmation or denial of the statement.

"Oh, nothing so low-brow as kicking the poor man after he has been solidly thrashed", Jason said. "Just a little salt in the wound."

"I'm no expert myself," she said. "But perhaps if I can see some of Chuck Finlay's daily life, I might be able to make some suggestions."

"Well, Chuck Finley doesn't really have a daily life", he answered with a smirk. "Now, the night life on the other hand."

He kissed her on the cheek.

She chuckled softly. "Is that a demonstration of your exciting night life or a promise of things to come?" She put her fingers over his mouth. "No, don't answer that now. I think I'd rather find out later."

(To be continued...)


Chuck Finley, Private Eye, a.k.a. LTJG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

John Phoenix, Spy First Class, AKA LT JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer

Baroness Alanna Wells
Evil Overlord
Deep Space Five

Brianthe Oaxaca
Femme Fatale
Deep Space Five


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