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Intergalactic Men of Mystery - Part 5

Posted on Mon Sep 2, 2019 @ 8:32am by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Edited on on Mon Sep 2, 2019 @ 7:42pm

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade -LIVE Dance Club
Timeline: MD13, 2130


She chuckled softly. "Is that a demonstration of your exciting night life or a promise of things to come?" She put her fingers over his mouth. "No, don't answer that now. I think I'd rather find out later."


Jason smirked and he said, "What sort of Intergalactic Man of Mystery would I be if I revealed all my secrets so early on in the evening."

He kissed her hand before continuing, "You will have to excuse me though as I need to take a brief, but unexpected appointment."

Jason headed towards the facilities and it was only a few moments before Alanna heard a familiar voice call out, "Well, you do get out after work."

Turning, Alanna saw her co-worker, Pete.

"Come on, let's have a dance", he said with a hopeful smile

"No, thanks. I'm here with someone." She gestured in the direction Jason had gone. Even if she was alone, she didn't want to dance with Pete.

He grabbed her wrist. "Just one dance."

She pulled back. "I said no, Pete. I don't want to dance with you."

"Come on, just one", Pete said again. "I'll be good."

She twisted her wrist out of his grip. "Pete, I said no. I'm here with a date."

"You? A date?" He laughed and grabbed her arm. "Come on. One dance."

A slow song started up and he smiled. "Perfect."

Alanna pulled back. "Pete, no." He didn't listen. She shouldn't make a scene, but after Sovok...

Pete started out gentlemanly and then he decided to talk.
Alanna looked over at where Pete sulked. "Not unless he tries anything else. I do have to work with him." She turned her attention to Jason. "I do, however, think you owe me another dance."

"Are you ready to go back onto the dance floor?" Brianthe asked, putting a hand on Erich's arm.

The Teutonic officer smiled. “Your brush with death as my dance partner wasn’t enough?”

"With you?" She liked his humor. She found a lot about him pleasantly surprising. "Once is never enough."

"It seems only fitting", Jason said to Alanna and extended his hand to her, leading the way, gently to the dance floor.

Alanna was careful not to hurt him as she moved into dance formation. "I almost miss the moon mold."

"Well", Jason said as they danced. "it was nice until it rained."

"True. I don't think we'll have that problem here. Not unless a pipe breaks." She did enjoy dancing with Jason, rain or no rain.

"Well, I would say it was just a minor inconvenience at the time", Jason said with a sly smile. He leaned in closer and whispered. "After all, it did get you out of your clothes."

She hid her face against his shoulder to hide her blush. "And into a hot shower."

"It was the best shower I have ever had", he said, slowing their dance down a bit and kissing her on the top of the head, as she was nuzzled into his shoulder. "I'm not sure it could be topped."

She chuckled softly. "Well, you could always walk me back to my quarters and we could give it a try..."

"What will the neighbors think", he said with a laugh. "you bringing home a scurvy private eye?"

She looked up at him and laughed. "We'll have to sneak in."

Someone tapped on Jason's shoulder. "Mind if I cut in?"

Alanna looked up at the man. "Pete, I said no."

"I'm not asking you," he countered. "I'm asking your little boy toy."

Jason looked at Pete who was just a couple of inches shorter than him. He smirked a little.

"Pete is it?", Jason said, glancing about to see if the guy had any friends nearby. "Since I've been on this station, I've died, come back to life, dealt with psycho Vulcans, and just laid a Nausican and a Bajoran out in the bathroom. So yeah, I mind if you cut in. Now ask yourself, am I smart enough to walk away or am I so stupid I think I need to pick a fight with this guy. You might want to chose option 1, just saying."

Pete looked at Jason's face, then at Alanna. "Next time," he said and turned and walked off.

Alanna hid her face in Jason's neck again, grateful he hadn't started another fight.

"And here I thought he was the dumb type", Jason said, not realizing he had said it loud enough for Pete to hear. Worse yet, he had turned a bit with the music and was back to the man.

Pete grabbed Jason's arm and spun him around. "I'll teach you who's dumb."

Alanna stepped between the two. "Pete, no!" But it was too late. He caught her on the side of the head with his fist, knocking her to the ground.

"Sit down, you are under arrest mister", Jason barked at Pete, using his rare officer sounding voice . Jason wanted to deck the man, but Alanna needed assistance. There rest of the place didn't care and soon it was a madhouse.

Mortified that he'd punched Alanna, Pete sat down.

Brianthe grabbed Erich by the arm. "Come on. They need our help."

“No kidding.” He replied. “See to Alanna, I’ll back up Jason.”

Brianthe nodded and knelt by her friend, checking her pulse and breathing before looking at her pupils. She tapped her gently on the cheek. "Wake up, honey."

“What’s going on here?” Hartmann said, trying to sound as if he had just arrived and knew neither man.

"I asked her to dance," Pete said, nodding to Alanna. "And pretty boy here wouldn't let me. He called me stupid."

Erich shook his head. “Firstly: your ego is fragile enough that the word ‘stupid’ makes you resort to fisticuffs? Second, was the lady dancing with this gentleman already, and did she consent to a dance with you?”

Pete glared at Erich. "I tapped him on the shoulder to cut in," he mumbled. "He wouldn't let me."

Jason slowly helped Alanna to her feet with Brianthe, trying to keep one eye on the crowd that was picking up in its violence, small fights breaking out all over the club at the same time. The band oddly enough kept playing, their songs growing in tempo almost as if to keep pace with the crowd.

As he and Brianthe got her standing, Jason felt a hand on his shoulder. It grabbed tightly and jerked him around. Standing before him was the Nausican from the bathroom.

"Aww crap", Jason said and the Nausican boxed his ears really hard. He then grabbed Jason by the arm and shirt collar and tossed him across the floor, causing a bunch of people to jump out of the way and one got tripped up. Luckily there had been no furniture in the way. Jason staggered to his feet shaking his head as the Nausican headed his way.

Hartmann thought about what to do. He grabbed a drink cup and threw it at the Nausican. The cup floated towards the burly alien, impacting against its posterior. The big guy turned and issued a confused grunt.

(To be continued...)


Chuck Finley, Private Eye, a.k.a. LTJG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

John Phoenix, Spy First Class, AKA LT JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer

Baroness Alanna Wells
Evil Overlord
Deep Space Five

Brianthe Oaxaca
Femme Fatale
Deep Space Five


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