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Intergalactic Men of Mystery - Part 3

Posted on Mon Sep 2, 2019 @ 4:25am by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,190 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade - various
Timeline: MD13, 2045 Hrs.



Dinner was reasonable. The atmosphere was a little more 'family' oriented than their current approach to the night though. Once they finished and paid, Jason led them to a new dance club that had only recently opened. It was called Live as there were no holodecks, no virtual entertainment, just live music, real drinks, and dancing.

"Shall we?", Jason asked.

Now The Continuation...

"It sounds great," Alanna said. She'd only danced that once with Jason and looked forward to another opportunity. And dancing to a live band would be a lot of fun.

Hartmann held up a finger in protest. “I heard the last time you went dancing, Jason, five people suffered contusions on the toes and feet, AND a warp core almost breached.”

"That doesn't count", Jason said chuckling. "It was at an Andorian wedding and they had a stomp band playing. I was supposed to step on feet."

"How did you almost cause a warp core breach?" Alanna asked. Then, grinning impishly, she added, "Wait...I can probably come up with some calculations."

Brianthe laughed, choosing not to add anything.

"That secret will go to the grave with me", Jason said with a smile. He extended his hands, "Ladies first."

Alanna smiled at Brianthe. "Shall we pave the way?"

The botanist squeezed Erich's arm and stepped away. "Please, I've had enough punishment."

"Pun intended?" Alanna asked.

Brianthe laughed and walked through the door, Alanna just behind.

They were immediately met by the maître d' who smiled at Brianthe. "May I show you and your companions to a table?"

She returned his smile. "Yes, please. For four."

He barely glanced at Alanna and the two men as he turned and led them to a small table. With a flourish, he held out a chair for Brianthe, then waited for the others to be seated.

Jason waited for Alanna to sit before he did. He looked around to see what was going on. There were quite a few fleet people here that he had seen in passing and many civilians he did not.

The band that was playing had a pretty Andorian woman who was singing, a Bajoran woman and what looked like a Trill male on guitar like instrument, and a human male playing a percussion instrument. The song they were currently playing had an upbeat tempo, but it wasn't too fast or too loud. The singer had a nice voice and most people seemed to be enjoying them and dancing.

Alanna, too, looked around. The atmosphere was not too dark, but dark enough for semi-private conversations. And the music had a beat that made her tap her foot in rhythm. "This place is nice."

"Agreed", Jason said. "Would any of you like a drink?"

"White wine for me, please," Alanna said.

Brianthe thought for a moment. "Mead, if they have it."

“Scotch, rocks.” Erich answered. “My eye, however, is on the dance floor. That is, if you would care to partake my lady?” He asked Brianthe.

"It would be my pleasure, kind sir," Brianthe replied. She enjoyed dancing, and she wanted to see what sort of dancer Erich was. She pushed back her chair and held up a hand so that he could help her stand.

The German took her hand delicately and helped her stand, pushing in her chair after she stood. As they walked towards the dance floor, he placed Brianthe’s hand in his arm, while having his opposite hand rest tenderly atop her own.

Jason looked at Alanna and said, "You know, if I go get drinks now, we will just have to end up guarding them until they are done. Unless you are dying of thirst, why don't we hit the floor first and I will get the drinks when they come back to the table."

"Yes. I'd love to dance with you again." She grinned. "Without the rain."

Erich got on the floor when the band stopped playing. He took the opportunity to approach the lead guitarist and whispered something to him, to which he nodded and said some words to his band mates. The trio began playing a stately tune that seemed to haunt the listener, it’s slow, rhythmic pulse of the bass keeping steady beats of eight while the guitar made deep, echoing notes.

“This is Earth classical music: With or Without You by some band called U2.” Hartmann said to his dance partner.

"I don't think I've ever heard it before," Brianthe said. "I like it." She put her left hand on his shoulder.

Erich let his right-hand rest on her waist, careful not to squeeze lest he be thought a lecher. His left hand took ahold of Brianthe’s right and he began to move back and forth, occasionally giving her motions to spin or perform more dramatic moves than simple staid swaying.

He was better than Brianthe expected. She also enjoyed dancing with him more than she expected. It wasn't that she expected not to, but he was easy to follow, and she felt comfortable enough to relax and go wherever he led. "I see why all the ladies want to dance with you, Mr. Phoenix," she teased.

Hartmann’s cheeks burned at the compliment. “Erich if you would; I’ll play along with Jason, but I’d rather tell you my secret identity.”

Brianthe smiled. "I prefer that, too, Erich." She would much prefer dancing with Erich, anyway.

The man formerly known as Mr. Phoenix beamed at her preference. He said little else, sure that his smile told the story, and content in allowing the gentle sounds of the music sweep both of them away tonight.

Jason led Alanna a bit away from Erich and Brianthe so that the two could get to know each other.

"Ah, U2", Jason said, holding Alanna close, but not quite as close as he did when they had been in the garden. "They make quite the pair."

"They do," she said, curious to find out from Brianthe what she thought of the operations chief. It would be nice if her friend found someone to spend time with and he would treat her well. She turned her attention back to Jason. "Playing matchmaker?"

"Nah", Jason replied with a chuckle. "I can barely manage my own romantic life. I wouldn't dare try to manage anybody else's."

"You have a romantic life?" she teased. It was nice that she could tease him about it.

"Well, something that resembles one anyone", Jason said with a smile. "I've been told I might be fumbling things a little though."

"I think you recovered quite nicely," she assured him.

"That's yet to be seen", Jason said with a smile. "I may have to take it day by day for a bit, it has been a while since Chuck Finley had a romantic life."

(To be continued...)


Chuck Finley, Private Eye, a.k.a. LTJG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

John Phoenix, Spy First Class, AKA LT JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer

Baroness Alanna Wells
Evil Overlord
Deep Space Five

Brianthe Oaxaca
Femme Fatale
Deep Space Five


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