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New Assignment New Clearance

Posted on Mon Aug 12, 2019 @ 10:09am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Edited on on Mon Aug 12, 2019 @ 8:31pm

1,232 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Security Suite
Timeline: MD 11, 09:43


Petty Officer Nelson looked up from the front desk as a Romulan in a gold trimmed uniform approached. He wasn't aware of any new additions to Security so it was likely someone from Ops/Engineering.

"Morning Sir. How may I assist you?"

"Jolan'tru, I arrived yesterday and yet to report to the commanding officer, I'm Lieutenant junior grade Scaliontis Lovok, Chief Engineer. I am in need of a security induction if I am to carry out my duties." The Romulan said, he somewhat faltered as he had awoke early and a momentary tired feeling hit him before he shook his head to clear it.

He glanced with his eyes from side to side, his old intelligence training keeping him alert but he relaxed and smiled. "Please," he added as he sometimes forgot the manners that his new life demanded he have.

Nelson inputted the information into his computer terminal.
"Of course. That would be with Lieutenant Tessaro. She's currently out of the office, but is expected to return shortly. Care to wait?"

"Really have no choice," Scaliontis said so he walked to next to the door without triggering it and looked at the recruitment posters as well as the phaser models below them. It's amazing how much some Federation species value their past that they display it like this.

He had no compulsion, he'd rather forget as much as he could simply because of the pain it caused him.

A few minutes later Annora entered the office in full tactical gear. Petty Officer Nelson intercepted her before she could disappear into the offices.
"Lieutenant, Mr Lovok's here for his newcomer's briefing."

Handing off her rifle to an Ensign, Annora motioned towards her office.
"Welcome to DS5 Lieutenant. Follow me and I can update your clearances."

"Jolan'tru and Hann'yyo Lieutenant," Scaliontis said with a smile as he followed Annora into her office.

"I apologize for the delay Lieutenant. I had a pressing situation to deal with."

Annora pulled up the man's file as she talked.
"You come to us from the Thunderchild correct?"

"That is correct ma'am," Scaliontis said, she was a rank higher than him and so decided to address her with that kind of respect in that moment.

"So what made you leave the Thunderchild for a starbase out on the edge of space?"

It was partly small talk while she updated the Lieutenant's file, but also genuine curiosity,

"More action, and more importantly a different experience as starship life is different to life on a starbase." Scaliontis said with a grin.

A reoccurring theme among new transfers was wanting to experience life aboard a Starbase. Some might have experienced more adventure than they had wanted, but that wasn't Annora's place to question.

"I'm sure we'll keep you busy here on DS5. I'm curious Lieutenant, what scuttlebutt have you heard about the station?"

Okay that was a new term for Scaliontis and he blinked. "I'm sorry what?"

She chuckled for the first time that day.
"Sorry, it's old Earth nautical slang. Originally it was the term for the barrel holding the day's water supply and later the drinking fountains on a ship. It's evolved to also mean rumors. I was asking what you've heard about the goings on at DS5."

Scaliontis smiled when the security chief laughed, he enjoyed it when he made others laugh. It was something that Romulus needed, his people were way too serious. He quickly derailed that train of thought before it got to the station.

"Now do you refer to the lives of those aboard or to the actual events that have and are currently being experienced by the station as a whole?" He asked. Rumors were also dangerous on Romulus even if slightly false in nature, something else that Scaliontis was getting to see in a new light.

He hadn't encountered many rumors during his assignments but knew he was the subject of a number of them before officers got past them to get to know him. Scaliontis hoped DS5 would be too busy for its inhabitants to give energy to unimportant endeavors such as rumors.

"More about what's been happening on the station than the lives of those onboard."

They kind of went together, but something like John Doe's affair with the neighbor wasn't really important.

"I do have my Briefing pack which should have the summaries of all the past happenings and current state of affairs. I should have read it on the flight over here but needed to sleep most of that journey." Scaliontis confessed, "I'm sure the Commanding officer will bring to my attention anything that they want dealt with immediately."

Wasn't quite the answer she was looking for, but Annora accepted it. She pulled up some information on a PADD and handed it over.
"I'm sure it will. From a security standpoint I have a few pointers. As you are not human, I would stay away from anything owned by the Raddon Corporation. They've been Xenophobic since the start, and the recent terror attacks on the station have unfortunately added fuel to the fire. For the most part they should leave you alone, but if they really give you grief let someone in Security know."

"Yes, Security has already warned me about Baddon Corp." Scaliontis chuckled at the pun he made and smiled. "I'm simply going to do my job and if we cross paths I will uphold the values of the Federation in my dealings with them." He said knowing that if they do try anything he will not be in the wrong.

"Wise move. But my warning stands all the same. They don't even like me, and I'm human. Just be careful, especially around civilians. Between security upgrades, embassy reconstruction, and general maintenance, I'm sure you have plenty to keep you busy. Once again, welcome to the station."

She stood up.
"Unless you have anything for me. I won't keep you any longer."

"Thank you, so do I just tell the computer my security code and it will install it as my clearance?" He asked as she didn't actually say how the clearance was done.

"You have the same security code as before, I just updated the computer so the system here recognizes you as Chief Engineer of DS5. This gives you more access than say a Starfleet officer just passing through."

"Ah, of course," Scaliontis said shaking his head, "apologies, on the Thunderchild when I became Assistant Chief, someone had the exact code I had and the Security Chief advised me to change mine by inputting it into the computer when I thought of the new one. What are the odds," he said. "I better let you get back to work as I know there is much to do even if I am not sure what that is." He chuckled, "Thank you again."

"As far as I know there's no overlap. You should be in the clear. If for some reason there's a problem, we'll get it sorted out."

There was certainly a possibility of another Lovok, even if there was she doubted they'd have the same clearance code.

"You will be the first to know," Scaliontis declared with a smile. "I know you are busy so I'll take my leave," he nodded before turning and began walking out of the Security office.


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant jg Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer


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