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Tree Talking

Posted on Mon Aug 12, 2019 @ 3:37am by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,595 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Not Kansas
Timeline: MD 8, 2130


Breakfast was still a little ways away. While it was being prepared, there was time to visit the great tree. Freila approached Alanna.

"You had expressed interest in seeing the great trees yesterday", she said. "Are you still interested?"

"Definitely," Alanna said. "I think Brianthe is as well."

The botanist nodded. "I am. Is there time now?"

"Maybe, maybe not", Freila said. "The trees can be a little overwhelming for some people. It can take some time to become comfortable with their presence. They won't be going anywhere, so we can always go back again should time become a concern, yes?"

"I think we have time now," Alanna said, glancing at the others. "As you said, we can always go back later if we find it too much."

Freila nodded and motioned for them to follow. Outside, now that it was getting lighter, it was easy to see that there were decent sized tree roots protruding from the ground all around. As Freila led them along, they could start to see there was some order to them and seemed to divide the settlement into sections.

Alanna took note of the pattern to the roots. It seemed the trees were an integral part of the life of the people here.

"I will lead you around the long way", Freila said. "Otherwise you will get bombarded by questions."

Both women nodded in agreement. Neither wanted to cause more trouble.

The trip didn't take too long, but they were moving through light trees and shrubs, so it did make things go a bit slower. Coming into a clearing, there was a very large tree, approximately twenty-five feet in diameter, and its height could not be seen. Starting about thirty feet up the tree were various branches that reached out. They reached other smaller trees and they intertwined in a manner that was mutually beneficial, not one choking the other out. It almost seemed like the trees were holding hands like a mother would with their child.

Both Alanna and Brianthe were familiar with woods and the symbiotic relationship between the layers, but this was different. This showed a deliberation that both found fascinating.

"The mother tree?" Alanna asked almost reverently.

Freila paused and thought a moment, "In a sense. It is one of two trees that have been here since before I was born. The other is across the village, but it is hard to see due to all the limbs and branches coming together."

Brianthe turned a full circle, smiling. "I like this place. It's as if nothing can bother me here."

Alanna nodded. "There's a feeling of peace. Almost a timelessness." She could hear whispers in the back of her mind. Were the trees talking to each other? Did they talk to the people living here? She closed her eyes so she could listen.

Freila nodded and stood quietly as Alanna closed her eyes.

There were indeed 'sounds'. It seemed like all the trees were talking in a sense. It wasn't like direct talking, more like a connection that spoke a thousand words. Out of it all, she thought she heard a distant, "Hello."

"Hello," she said telepathically. "I am Alanna."

It was hard to tell if her reply was heard as there was no response. It was as if something was drowning it out.

Alanna focused her mind and reached out to see if she culd tell what was in the way.

Brianthe walked around the tree as best she could, fascinated by the root system.

Although she was focusing, she could hear Freila say, "You might want to touch it. It is very soothing to just sit against the tree."

As Brianthe looks at the roots, she can once again see how the roots almost make sections in the village, a few homes or craftsmen shops are made in each section, but no one section is over-crowded.

Alanna walked over to the tree and touched it.

Brianthe looked at Freila. "May I?"

"Of course", Freila says. "The roots would have dragged you under by now if the tree didn't like you."

After a moment she grinned mischeviously at Brianthe

As Alanna touched the tree, it was as if all the whispers had been silenced. A soft voice called out, "What troubles you child?"

"The man I love was killed by one of the prophet's men," she said, speaking from her heart.

Brianthe touched the tree as well, curious to learn more about it.

The touch of the tree is an odd sensation. The bark is rough but almost feels soft at the same time. There is calm, but intense energy at the same time. There is the sensation of youth and maturity at the same time.

The tree replied, "I know the sadness of losing children to the one called the prophet. He is unnatural. But, my children are not dead, just their vessel. Just like the man, his vessel is dead, but not him. But I feel more troubling you beyond that."

Alanna also believed that there was some form of existence after death. She appreciated the tree's view of life. "I guess it would be getting back to our reality. And I wish I could help stop the prophet."

"I don't know what this reality as you call it is", the tree replies. "Of course you can help stop the prophet. That takes actions, not wishes. I hear many prayers, many wishes. I hear doubts, fears. I don't hear much about how people plan to cross the river in front of them, only that they are afraid of being swept away."

"I know nothing of this river, but my friends and I have ways to stop the prophet. We want to try," she said.

"Yes, but you are worried", the tree ask. "Why? Do you feel you can't."

"There are so few of us. We may not succeed. At the same time, we want to help the people here, if we can. We understand the technology those on the ships used."

"Failure is always a chance when you do something", the voice said. "What do you think those that live here need help with and why? Have they asked for your help?"

"We offered it," Alanna said. "They did not refuse. Too many people have been taken by the prophet or his henchmen. We can make a difference. We've met others like the prophet before. My...friend...was killed by followers of the prophet. If we can stop him, we can help the people here and make some good come out of Jason's death."

"So, this Jason, why is making good come of his death so important to you? Death happens to all, there is no escaping it."

"No, we cannot escape death, but we can leave it a little better than we found it. Jason had so much to live for. He died protecting us from people too filled with fear and hate. If I can leave this place safer for others, in his memory, then he will always live here, and his death will not be such a loss." Although she would always wonder what could have happened if he'd lived. If they could have made a life together. And then, for the first time since it happened, Alanna was able to cry.

As she cried, Alanna felt like someone was hugging her. As her crying subsided, the tree said, "Your thoughts are unique. That said, being sad for a passing is natural, but do not forget the friends who need you. I will make sure his new roots take hold."

She knew the tree was right. There were people here who needed her. "Thank you." Alanna leaned her cheek against the tree. Knowing a tree would grow out of Jason's ashes helped her feel better, too. "There are none like you where I come from. Talking with you has been an honor."

"I am glad you think so young one", the tree said and Alanna felt another 'hug'. "Remember, there is always sun after the rain."

"Thank you."

Brianthe was watching her. "Are you okay?" she asked Alanna.

Alanna wiped the tears from her face. "I will be. Ready to go back?"

She touched the tree again. "I'll come back, if I can."

The sensation she got was that of a warm smile, but there were no words. She felt as if this were a person, there would be warm cookies waiting if she did come back.

"The trees here have a way of makingyou feel like everything is gong to be fine," Brianthe said, hugging her friend.

"Yes, they do." Alanna smiled.

She went to Freila and hugged her. "Thank you. This was...wonderful."

Freila looked quite surprised when Alanna hugged her. She hugged her back and said, "You are welcome. Do you wish to go back to your friends now?"

Alanna looked at the sky. "We should. If there's time later, I would love to learn more about this place."

Freila smiled, "I am sure there will be more time later. You still need to see the other ancient tree. It is a bit moody I must warn you."

"Yes, please," Alanna said, smiling back. Moody or not, she would love to converse with the other tree.

With that, Freila led them back to her grandfather's home


Ancient Tree, NPC
APB Lt.(jg) Jason Haines

Freila, NPC
APB Lt.(jg) Jason Haines

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five


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