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Can We Work Together?

Posted on Mon Aug 5, 2019 @ 7:09am by Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Edited on on Tue Aug 6, 2019 @ 10:29pm

1,142 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Operations Office
Timeline: MD 11, 1800


Lieutenant Junior Grade Scaliontis Lovok had spent all of yesterday meeting his senior officers in Engineering. He knew none of them wanted to be the Chief as it was evident by the fact that the position was open for so long.

It was interesting experience and many showed relief at having someone else to carry the Chief burden then them. Most only greeted, thanked then excused themselves as work was plentiful. Scaliontis also got to work assisting where he asked if he could. He was pleasantly surprised the senior officers team had nearly everything under control.

One for each shift as well as another one for each specific group of specialists. Names and faces were still something he was getting memorised but things were going smoothly so it was time to see the Operations Chief about organising collaboration.

He held two padds, his briefing materials and the Engineering manifest so he could read up on the station's history as well as maximise personnel skills where they where they were needed. He tapped at the office door chime and waited.

”Come.” came a terse reply.

It was late-ish so he knew to keep this brief but Scaliontis had to get this done so things can be set in motion the next day, he entered and came to stand a meter away from the desk. "Jolan'tru Lieutenant Hartmann, I am Lieutenant junior grade Scaliontis Lovok, Chief Engineer. I won't take up too much of your time, I wanted to introduce myself and quickly sort out how best to have Engineering assist Operations in station repairs." He said getting to the point, he would do the pleasantries at the end.

“Leftenant Erich Hartmann, Chief Ops.” The German replied. “You are Romulon, yes?” When a confirmation was given, Erich continued, but this time in the other Officer’s native tongue.

“[ I greet you Chief Engineer... ]” he said. In truth, Hartmann had forgotten the exact title of a Chief Engineer in Romulan, and jury-rigged his response by calling the other man ‘Master of Repairs’. “[ Thank you for seeing me. ]”

"No thank you for meeting with me considering it's late," Scaliontis said with a smile. "I just met with Commander Soran and I informed her I'd meet with you to see where our departments need to focus on, I suggested to her that the universal translator, defense and weapons are probably the top 3 systems that need to be at 100% for our survival." He said.

When the other Officer continued in English, Erich obliged, lest he be seen as a show-off. “I disagree on the translator; if any aliens we encounter are hostile, we’ll need to defend the many lives aboard; we can try and understand them later.” Hartmann realized too late that that may have sounded harsh and hawkish, but it was out there now, too late to withdraw.

"That is a valid point but what of the internal one. If we cannot communicate with each other, how will we function as a crew?" Scaliontis asked with a smirk. He too wouldn't care about trying to communicate with hostiles as well unless Commander Soran ordered it so.

Hartmann pondered the point. “Hmm. I suppose. Still though, dead men cannot be easily understood, for they say little and hear less.”

"I'll give you that one. Alright shields and structural integrity, then weapons systems and what would you advise being the third?" Scaliontis asked, "though if okay with you I'll put a specialist or two onto the U.T.?"

Hartmann shrugged. “Only a fool argues with the man who repairs his showers and replicators.” The German fueled his brow in thought. “As to our third priority, I’d say the communication grid. Further, with your consent, I’d like us both to assign liaisons to each other’s respective staffs, so we can better integrate and compliment our METLs.* I’d also suggest our senior staffs meet together at least once every other month, preferably mixing it into a social function.”

"I thought us two were the liaisons between our departments?" Scaliontis asked with an upraised eyebrow that could, could, put a Vulcan to shame. "I guess we could have a gathering, maybe even mix up our teams for cross training and could have a partner system?" He added the eyebrow came down to normal. "Communications grid, I'll go with that as that has the UT built into." He tapped at the padd with the engineering manifest on it about the top 3 systems they should work on.

He then looked at Erich. "Though if you feel we need a dedicated liaison position we can do that."

The German was unsure if he had insulted the fellow. “During normal work hours, I presumed we’d find ourselves within our respective departments. I simply thought a dedicated Officer Liaison would ensure we each get the other departments viewpoint for matters ‘on the fly’ as it were.”

Scaliontis nodded. "I'll have to see who has not only training in Operations but an interest in being a liaison, may take time. I'd rather not order someone who would resent the job and that would lead to problems." He now saw the logic in such a position, moreso considering the size of the station.

“Of course. I like the idea of cross training as well; if either of our groups suffer casualties, we’d be able to potentially assist the other better.” Erich looked at his PaDD as he thought of the next thing to bring up. “Tell me, how does a Romulon find themselves in Starfleet?”

Scaliontis didn't want to speak of history so he shook his head. "Maybe another time Lieutenant. I'll get started on interviewing for a liaison while we continue work on repairs, once the position is filled I'll send them to report to you. It's getting late and we have a lot of to do so I'll take my leave for we both will need our rest. Would you agree?" He asked, his goals for the meeting met.

Erich was perturbed by the other man's shift in demeanor. Although not exactly warm, his previous mannerism had been cooperative at least, but upon the question of his personal history, he shifted to a far more distant attitude. The German was too gentlemanly to say as much, however.

"That'd be fine. I'll start on my own representative for your Engineers, pending your approval of the Officer, of course." he said.

"That's up to you," Scaliontis said with a nod. "Until next time Lieutenant." He gave a head nod before turning and left the office, he really didn't want to small talk anymore plus his energy was leaving him so he was tired.

“Yeah. Until then.” Hartmann classes out.


*METL (pronounced “Metal”)- Mission Essential Task List

Lieutenant jg Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant jg Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer


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