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Spy Types

Posted on Tue Jul 30, 2019 @ 8:45pm by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok

2,173 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 10, 1300 Hours


Lieutenant Junior Grade Scaliontis Lovok and his partner Lieutenant Commander Andronikos Jaesan walked along the Promenade holding hands. They were telling each other jokes and laughing at their own, sometimes attempts at jokes.

Scaliontis didn't grow up with a sense of humour was it was still developing under Andronikos' tutelage. Though sometimes the Romulan wouldn't get it, he often became frustrated that he didn't get it. Andronikos had to stop them and force his partner to take deep breaths to calm down.

They went to the replimat and grabbed drinks before carrying on around the Promenade. Andronikos was dressed in his Intelligence uniform while Scaliontis had his uniform jacket unzipped. "Can you wait here Lion?" Andronikos asked after he spotted something in the distance before stopping again.


"I want to get you a surprise but you can't see me get it, but I don't want you to go anywhere." Andronikos said with pleading in his expression.

Scaliontis rolled his eyes. "Very well, by the elements, be swift Kos!"

The two shared a second's kiss before Andronikos rushed off, he was still in great shape for an old man.

Meanwhile Scaliontis drank his beverage and glanced around.

Jason had been following up on some items with the station's 'guests of honor'. He was not pleased with Commander Soran letting Alanna put herself in the situation she did last night. He was also not pleased with Alanna for putting herself there either. On top of things, his other 'bosses' had given him some unsavory orders. It was getting harder and harder to figure out who was his actual boss. He had thought that keeping the needs of both Intel and Temporal in parallel would be easy. He now knew they wouldn't be. He once again cursed himself for leaving the Geneva.

He paused a moment as he saw a couple part. One was a Romulan. He had seen the new crew report earlier mentioning that the new CEO was Romulan. The other was a human intel officer that he had never seen on the station. He definitely not working for him.

He approached the man and said, "Good afternoon Commander, I am Lieutenant Haines, Chief Intelligence Officer. I haven't seen you here before, so I thought I would stop quickly and see if there was anything I could help with given that we both work for Intel it seems."

Andronikos was purchasing a gift and turned when he heard someone greet him. "Oh hello Lieutenant, I'm here on sabbatical from my last mission, visiting my partner." He began. "I'm not here in an official capacity so you don't have to worry about me interfering with your command." He smiled and offered his hand.

Jason took the man's hand and said, "I've only been here a week. It would be difficult for me to tell if you were right now with all that is going on. Now, first things first, I don't want you to take what I am going to say the wrong way. I learned a lot yesterday that makes me realize too many people focus on stupid crap. That said, I noticed your interaction with our new Chief Engineer. Just in case you aren't aware, there are two elements here that may cause you two grief."

"People fear what they don't understand, it saddens me when I see it happen." Andronikos said, "1 moment," he turned around and finished his purchase of Scaliontis' present, thanked the store owner then accepted the bag the item was put into. He then turned around to face Jason again. "Please walk with me Mister Haines." He gestured back to where he could see Scaliontis browsing another store's wares.

He had an idea of what elements Jason was referring to but he wanted to hear them anyway. "Who would take offense to my relationship with the Chief Engineer?"

"Nice choice", Jason said in regards to the gift as they walked on. "First group is sort of obvious, there is a Romulan embassy here, with a number of hardline conservatives. The second group, which I would worry about more, are the human supremacists and Raddon Corporation. And seeming how you are a human Romulan couple, you are going to annoy the hell out of both sides."

Andronikos frowned. "And have they exerted their ways on other station inhabitants to conform with how they want things?" He asked because he to has only been aboard for a few days waiting for Scaliontis to be transferred.

"Well, I don't really think the Romulan's will cause too much grief", Jason said. "They might keep one eye on you. As far as Raddon and the supremacists go, yeah they have a lot of people thinking their way, they have deep pocketbooks, and they have a lot of connections amongst the Federation government and Starfleet. I'm really surprised that Raddon hasn't used his connections to get Commander Soran replaced. I've already been approached about how it might be beneficial for me to look the other way on certain things."

Andronikos laughed. "It's surprising how much things changed since humanity met the Vulcans and yet most stay the same. Greed, racism and religious beliefs even though outdated there are many still who can't join us in the future." He said his face took on a disappointed expression. "I hope one day they all realise that living life to the fullest is the only thing that matters. They put so much energy into hate and the need to be wealthy that at the end of their life they will regret not living life to the fullest." He laughed again. "I appreciate the warning about Baddon," he grinned having put a pun on Raddon's name. "I will keep an eye on them as well."

By then the two had come to Scaliontis' side and Andronikos tapped on his partner's shoulder as the Romulan was facing away from them.

"Oh hey," he was about to give Andronikos a kiss before he noticed the other officer and smiled. "Jolan'tru Lieutenant," he had glanced at the other officer's collar before greeting him. "I'm Lieutenant junior grade Scaliontis Lovok, Chief Engineer, it's nice to meet you." He said, refusing to completely abandon his heritage by not using any of the Rihannsu language.

Jason didn't know much Romulan, but the greeting he did know.

"Jolan'tru Scaliontis", Jason said in reply. "I am Jason Haines, Chief Intelligence Officer. Welcome to the station. I hope you got plenty of rest on your way here. It's a busy place."

The Romulan smiled. "Hann'yyo Jason." He said and added. "That means Thank you in english," Scaliontis winked. "I'm glad it's a busy station, I wanted action!" He said excited.

"Calm down," Andronikos said. "Jason has just informed me that a corporation here on the station may find our relationship offensive and may take action against us." His expression was fierce.

Scaliontis nodded. "And here I thought the Federation was above such low concepts as racism and bigotry. I'd expect it from my people and maybe Klingons."

"Unfortunately, no one is immune to their base feelings", Jason replied. "However, when small groups of like minded people are suddenly empowered by someone with power and influence, well we get situations like this. Some of us are taking steps, but it takes time. Well, some things do, I've managed to make myself a pain in Raddon's butt enough that they are keeping an eye on me."

He laughed at that and continued, "There are plenty of good people, plenty of good businesses to shop at and restaurants to frequent. Just stay away from the Dilithium Chamber, which is a club owned by Raddon Corp and you will do fine. And don't stop being you or change who you are together with, just be aware of those who are the thorn in the rose bush."

"Hann'yyo Jason for the advice, we will take it to heart and avoid Baddon outlets." Scaliontis said making the same pun Andronikos did earlier.

"That's what I called them," Andronikos said. The two laughed and the intelligence agent gestured to Jason. "I assume you have much work to do Lieutenant so we won't keep you unless you have business with the Chief Engineer." He gestured to Scaliontis.

The Romulan looked expectantly at Jason, he was going to be bored until he could meet the Commanding Officer later today. "Anything really?"

"I wish I did, but I am behind on my schedule", Jason replied. "The CO and I had a bit of a disagreement yesterday, and well she won and I was assigned 'temporary quarters' in the brig, so be aware she is wound a little tight right now. The Box of Delights is a nice place to go for food, fun, and a bit of entertainment."

Jason smirked a little.

"Promenade second level", Jason said. "You will find that all races are welcome there, well as long as you can pay the tab at the end of the night that is."

Scaliontis turned to Andronikos. "You're the one who wants a show with dinner, give me a quiet meal at the replimat or in my quarters any day and I'm good." The Romulan said with a grin.

"I have to drag him out sometimes." Andronikos said to Jason recalling their last time together. "You enjoy yourself once you are there but that does sound nice. Unless you wish to invite us on a double date?" He asked unsure.

"Kos!" Scaliontis snapped, "Make sure you know if there is a partner or seeing someone before you ask that." The Romulan poked his partner.

He chuckled then looked at Jason expectantly. "Well are you seeing someone?" Andronikos asked holding a hand up at Scaliontis to prevent the Romulan from interrupting.

Jason thought a moment or two. His cheek muscle twitched a couple of times.

"It is a complicated situation", Jason said. "There is a lady that I do like to spend time with. There are just some obstacles shall we say that sort of keep things from progressing too far at the moment."

Scaliontis licked Andronikos' hand and the older man made a disgusted sound before wiping his hand on his uniform. The Romulan grinned before speaking. "Well I'm not one to come to for advice but life is too short to be too cautious when it come to potential love. Do you know if she will return your feelings?"

Jason was a bit surprised at the hand lick. Romulans were known for being rather reserved in public. Apparently the new Chief Engineer was a break from the stereotype.

"Well, sometimes emotional issues and duty don't get to mix unfortunately", Jason replied. "It has nothing to do with how we feel. And I don't want her to get hurt like she could."

"She's not Commander Soran is she?" Scaliontis asked taking a stab at the dark.

Jason laughed a little.

"Although the Commander is attractive in her own way", Jason replied. "It is not the Commander. My friend's name is Alanna."

"Phew, that would be awkward!" Andronikos said.
"Absolutely!" Scaliontis agreed as the two laughed a little as well. "Well speaking from a standpoint of nearly losing everything and hope, I suggest you do not waste time. Yes there will be low points but also high ones that both of you will enjoy! Which is why we are together and don't care what others think, that's their problem." The Romulan then lost all his flamboyance. "I will do whatever is necessary to keep my partner from harm! If that gets me kicked from Starfleet then so be it, I will find work elsewhere or simply assist him on his."

Andronikos hugged Scaliontis with one arm at that point. "Yes dear, simmer down." He faced Jason. "As I said before if you need help or want a second pair of eyes or hands in any work related capacity," he saw Scaliontis give him a jealous look, though it was semi playful when he mentioned hands, "I will be happy to assist you Lieutenant."

"And any tech gives you trouble, I will beat it into submission for you." Scaliontis chuckled trying out some Human sayings he heard from Andronikos.

Andronikos glanced at his Romulan with one raised eyebrow and a look of 'what-the'.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you both", Jason said. "I hope you both enjoy your time here. You've given me a lot to think about. Although my brain is a bit full right now so it will take some time too process. I hope you have a great day."

"He will," Scaliontis grinned and nodded to Jason. "If you need emotional support I will be there!"

Andronikos rolled his eyes but nodded as well. "Yup."

"Thank you gentlemen", Jason said, giving them a salute with two fingers.

Walking away he thought, 'Good to see someone happy.'


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer, DS5

Lieutenant Commander Andronikos Jaesan
Intelligence agent, on Sabbatical, visitor to DS5


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