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Still Healthy the Last Time They Checked

Posted on Tue Oct 1, 2019 @ 3:36am by Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,032 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: MD 10


Amia was having a break between appointments and had an Arterian Coffee in her hand, talking to the receptionist in main sickbay when a man walked in. He was dressed in an Engineering uniform and was clearly of Romulan descent. He wore Lt. Jg pips on his collar and was bearded with a tattoo on his forehead. He was not the usual sight Amia was accustomed to seeing on board and he immediately intrigued her.

"Good morning Lieutenant" she said, standing up to greet him as he approached the desk. "I am Amia Telamon, what can we do to help you today?"

"Jolan'tru, I'm Scaliontis Lovok, Chief Engineer, I arrived aboard just today," the Romulan declared and smiled when he gestured to his companion. "This is Andronikos Jaesan, a visitor to DS5. I'm here for my protocol check in check up Commander," he gave a head bow of respect to his superior.

Andronikos rolled his eyes. His partner was beginning to act like a Romulan, maybe it was genetically built in to act a certain way even if he wasn't raised on Romulus for most of his childhood. "Can you not be so formal? This isn't a Romulan station." He said with a little sarcasm.

Scaliontis shot Andronikos a glare as he straightened. "I know that!" He replied annoyed then returned his gaze to Amia. "Sorry about him, visitors have no respect for those who work where they visit." He too said with a little sarcasm.

The older human man, Andronikos who wore his intelligence uniform and Lieutenant Commander rank nodded though. "I am visiting DS5 for a while until called on for missions, I'm here for moral support." He teased with a smirk.

A groan of annoyance left Scaliontis and he sighed before he too smirked as he enjoyed their banter way too much, though he did dislike sickbays and/or medical facilities. They brought back ugly memories which he shook his head to dispel from his mind before they could take hold. "Yes yes, very funny old man." He chuckled and then looked at Amia expectantly. He suspected she hadn't encountered such untypical Romulan that he gave her a genuine smile.

Amia smiled back. She too enjoyed banter and felt it a very important part of interaction, communication and breaking any ice that might be present. "I am pleased to meet both of you gentlemen and I will be happy to give you one or both a check in and check up, as you prefer?" she had yet to establish if the 'guest' gentleman was here just to support or if he too needed a quick once over for the appropriate licences and passes he might need here.

"Thank you Doctor," Scaliontis said with a smile then eyed Andronikos. "You didn't get one when you came aboard did you?"

"No, I waited for you as you were only hours to arriving after I got here." Andronikos said to his Romulan before turning to Amia. "So yeah I will need one as well. Thanks," he smiled.

"No problem. Two for the price of one" Amia joked, grinning at them as she showed them into adjacent cubicles, divided not so much by solid partitions but by light-reflecting mini-forcefields that were easily opaqued out, designed to offer privacy to the eye but still allowing communication by sound. They were designed for patients to be able to talk to each other without necessarily giving up privacy or if they preferred the fields could be lowered and visibility restored as desired/appropriate.

"If you would please hop up onto the biobeds gentlemen. We can begin" Amia said cheerfully as she was joined by River, who was more than happy to assist.

"If you can old man." Scaliontis teased with a smirk as he walked over to the one closer to the door. He was trying to cover his apprehension from rising, too many memories of pain while in a clinic setting as well as in a cell were beginning to surface. The emotions usually preceded the actual flashbacks, so he had to distract himself by teasing his boyfriend.

Andronikos laughed as he walked to the second biobed but stopped just before the opaque forcefield and gave his Romulan a very concerned look.

Scaliontis' smirk faltered slightly when he saw the pained expression on his boyfriend's face but he nodded slowly answering Andronikos' unspoken concern.

"No girly complaining youngling!" Andronikos countered with a smirk.

The two laughed as they lay down for the examination.

Amia ran through the checks, scans and immunity tests, sensing an element of discomfort on Scaliontis' part. She spoke to him in a low, soft tone and explained everything she was doing as she began to set each test up, giving him a chance to take on board the whys and the wherefores before they were actually applied.

It didn't take long and the test results were soon through.

Scaliontis glanced at the Doctor expectantly.

"All passed and shiny" Amia smiled and handed them both a sleek data rod, the size of a very thin finger. "Here is your copy" she explained

"The test results and the certification are all on there. Also in the main computer records, carefully sealed as appropriate to Federation Regulations. Congratulations Gentlemen. You are unhurt and now free as well!" she grinned goodnaturedly as she disarmed the holoscreens and opened up the cubicles to allow them to cross the Sickbay freely and in any direction they chose to leave by.

"Good luck and I hope you like this Station. She's quirky but has no Agenda... a bit like me" Her eyes sparkled with good humour as they prepared to leave.

She turned back to tidy up.

"Thank you Doctor," Scaliontis said as he got off the bed and took a breath before smiling at Andronikos who came to his side.

"Yes thank you," Andronikos said though he muttered something about the station not full of agendas but gestured for them to exit. "Have a good day," he added as they left.

A JP Between:

Cmdr Amia Telamon


Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer
Deep Space Five

LTCMDR Andronikos Jaesan
Starfleet Intelligence


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