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A Damsel in Distress (Part 3)

Posted on Mon Sep 30, 2019 @ 10:32pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,145 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa - but not as you know it
Timeline: MD11 2130 hours

Previously in A Damsel in Distress (Part 2)

With that, Jason rolled just at the right time as a guard's shot whizzed over his head. Jason really hoped the psy-ops would throw Sovok off enough to give him an advantage. After all people in positions of power didn't like challenges to it. Especially from underlings.

And now, the continuation

In response, Sovok dropped behind another cabin and snapped out another shot. "Tarik's loyalty shouldn't concern you. Maybe you should worry about your woman. Not ten minutes ago she was begging for my touch."

Jason knew he had to keep Sovok from getting to his mind, just as much as Sovok was countering his attempts.

Jason laughed, ran briefly and then rolled in the opposite direction one would have thought he would. Luckily Sovok's ammunition for that was limited to Alanna.

"My woman?", Jason retorted with a snort. "There is only one bed she sleeps in and that is Commander Soran's. Anyone else getting a piece of her is being used and controlled. She's a betazoid and able to get into anyone's mind. Reach their deepest desires and darkest fears. Tarik knew your weaknesses, so it was easy for Alanna to get into your head and your dick led you right into it. Tarik's gunning for you and Commander Soran is helping him for a price."

He twisted and rolled like a monkey again getting right up to Sovok, drawing his knife.

"You think those with me could have survived that little trap of yours without some warning? You think someone like me could make it into your camp without a little help?" Jason asked. "Tarik and Soran have a deal and they don't care about your rebels, they don't care about me, they don't care about my team, and they don't care about you getting a piece or two from her. They just care about you dying and the deal will be sealed. So you should indeed be concerned about loyalties."

Jason readied himself for the harder part of the fight.

Alanna found the phaser where Jason left it and dropped her knife for the new weapon. She felt to make sure it was on heavy stun as she headed for the two men.

The effects of the flash-bang were easing and she heard the shot from one of the guards. Deciding he was more dangerous, she stopped and turned. "Hey, buddy," she called in Vulcan, then stunned him when he faced her.

But he wasn't alone. More guards were coming out of their barracks.

Alanna stunned them, one by one, as they emerged from the buildings. But as the numbers grew, she switched the phaser to wide-angle stun and began to take them down in groups.

Subconsciously, she looked for someone about her height. If she had a chance, she really needed to find some clothing.

While she kept the support team at bay, she made her way closer to Jason and Sovok.

It took out the first few, but then they stopped coming out of the front door. A moment later return fire was coming from windows and the sides of the barracks, and theirs weren't set to stun.

The science officer dropped her boots and targeted the Vulcans in the windows to cover Jason, but she was one person with one phaser, and there were too many buildings to cover at once. She did her best, but the odds were against her. Finally, one shot got through, striking her shoulder. She cried out and fell to the ground.

A fist clamped around her hair, and pulled her to her feet as if she weighed nothing. The business end of a phaser was jabbed into her spine. "Stop, or she dies!" Tarik shouted.

'Ah fuck', Jason thought, very slowly bringing the knife down. He wondered where Ryan was and why there wasn't any sounds of fighting at the portal. One thing for sure, he had to keep the facade up.

"Come on Tarik", Jason said. "He's in your way and you know it. If he can't finish one ape with his hands, does he deserve your loyalty? Let me finish it, just like you want. True power doesn't come on the coat tails of others. You need to take a risk now and then."

Things looked grim, Jason admitted to himself. If he was going to die here, he wouldn't leave here without planting the seed of doubt between Sovok and Tarick and between the two leaders and their men. Jason's words would ring true to at least one of them and that was all it took sometimes.

That brought a light smile to his face and he laughed just a little.

She tried to help Jason, to keep the other Vulcans at bay, and she'd failed. Now, things were worse. She was a scientist, not a sharpshooter. And now, she had to do something to balance the odds again. "I figured you were around somewhere," Alanna said to Tarik. Her right shoulder, although not seriously injured, hurt like crazy. She'd lost the phaser, and for all intents and purposes the use of her hand. Fortunately her left hand clamped down on the Agonizer when she fell. Thank goodness for that.

She'd watched Sovok activate it, so it wasn't hard to feel where to do so now. Tarik had her by the hair. In calculated desperation, she reached back and touched his hand... "The pleasure's all yours, buddy."

The noise the vulcan made was obscene and his body spasmed once as the bolt of pleasure shook his nerves all the way to his amygdala and back, leaving him weak in the knees for a short moment

As soon as Tarik began to respond to the pleasure setting, Alanna pulled away from his lax grip, grabbed his disruptor, and ran for cover. She was too exposed with all the Vulcans shooting at her. But hopefully, with both Tarik and Sovok so close to Jason, they would hold their fire. When she got to a safe place, she dropped both weapons behind a short wall.

The pain in her shoulder made it hard to think clearly, but she had to stay focused, to stay conscious, for Jason. Both their lives might depend on it. She grabbed the disruptor and fired at Tarik, missing his torso. She did manage to shoot him in the knee. Alanna hoped it would be good enough.

She rested her hand with the disruptor on the wall to help her aim at anyone who shot from the windows. "Okay, Jason, kill him now," she muttered. She didn't dare aim the weapon in their direction.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Chief Inspector Sovok
The Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPC by Soran]


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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