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A New Development (part I)

Posted on Sat Oct 5, 2019 @ 3:25am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Melvyn Raddon
Edited on on Sat Oct 26, 2019 @ 4:20am

969 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Dilithium Chamber Officer
Timeline: MD 12 0730

[Following "A friendly bit of advice" - & "Something shiny" -]

"So how did that little date of yours with the Spook go?" Raymond asked Dorian in a teasing tone. The Chief Operating Officer reclined in his chair as he watched the other individuals file into the large conference room for an operations meeting concerning the Dilithium Chamber. "Was it everything you dreamed it would be?" He continued.

"It was not a date," Dorian retorted. "It was an opportunity for Lieutenant Haines to make the right decision for himself and his career." Dorian said. "If he wants to make his life more difficult, then so be it. But he can never say that I didn't try to help him." He added.

"I don't see why you give a damn in the first place. He's an idealistic 'fleeter. He'll be gone or dead within a few months anyhow." Raymond said pessimistically.

"And i used to be the same way," Dorian said. "I used to believe that as long as i wore that uniform then I was on the side of the angels. But I didn't realize how the universe worked until it was too late." He said remorsefully.

An heavy silence filled the area for several moments until the doors swished open and several individuals filed into the conference room. With the new development between the Federation and their Klingon pets, Melvyn had decided to make major changes within the organization in order to better protect his current and future investments. He had not given up on the Xi'Cadian situation, but he wasn't about to allow everything that he had built to be taken away piece by piece by the Klingons or their Federation overseers.

At the front of the gaggle of RC personnel was Tai Lu’Xin. He was a younger Human who had been with the company for several years. Just recently, he had been given responsibility for overseeing security for the Dilithium Chamber Entertainment Complex. In Dorian's opinion, he had been doing well and had managed to learn a lot in a short period of time. Dorian had been impressed, but he was slightly concerned by the young man's brash response when it came to potentially hostile situations. The Raddon Corp needed strength and intelligence to deal with the aliens that surrounded them, not simply brute force.

As the individuals got settled, Dorian went to the head of the conference room and began to address the group.
"Alright, as some of you are aware, the Federation has decided to turn tail and run away from the Cardassians and their Xi'Cadian puppets." Dorian began. "Their trust Klingons went out and negotiated a deal to establish a new dilithium facility in the Tarelis system." Dorian said as he activated a display. "It won't completely make up for the dilithium stolen by the Cardassians, but it will cover a lot." He said.

"Unfortunately, the Klingons were able to negotiate a sweetheart deal behind our backs that would allow them to receive 40% of all profits produced from the facility" Raymond interjected. The room was filled with murmurs of disapproval as the news set in.
"So we've been screwed over by the Cardassians and Klingons?" Tai Lu’Xin said loudly from his seat.

"The Klingons don't have the intelligence to negotiate such a sophisticated deal." Raymond replied with obvious disgust is his voice. "They called on that damn Bajoran on the promenade, Geral Lasuma, to help broker the deal." Raymond said as he rolled his eyes. "We should have kept a closer eye on that bastard." He said while shaking his head.

"With that being said, Mr. Raddon is dispatching the Langston Hughes to the Tarellis system to help oversee Federation involvement in the construction and operation of the facility." Dorian said. "Since this is such a high-level matter, I will be going with the Langston to help establish personnel until the project is officially online." Dorian said as he looked towards Tai.

"That means you'll be in charge of Security Operations on the station for the near future." Dorian said to the slightly younger Human. "You'll have your hands full with the ongoing investigation into Pangea as well as the onboard investigation they launched as well." Dorian said. "Remember, only cooperate to the extent you have to." Dorian warned. He waited several seconds to gauge Tai's response. He had worked with him for the past 18 months and thought of him as being a competent and capable individual.

"Don't tell me you're worried?" Tai responded with a smirk. "Are you kidding me? By the time you come back, I'll have this place purring like a warp engine." He said as he looked around the room. "Hell, I've been able to keep the Dilithium Chamber under control without any problems haven't I?" The former Starfleet Security Officer asked.

It was true that for the past 7 months he had been in charge of security operations of the entertainment complex and guests had never felt safer. However, being hoisted the full responsibility of station-wide Raddon Corporation operations was a totally separate endeavor.
"I hope so, because both of our asses will be on the hook if you are wrong." Dorian said, indicating that he was sticking his neck out to appoint him to such an important role.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be departing onboard the Langston Hughes in the next several hours. I'll push down further instructions as necessary. Other than that, everyone is dismissed." Dorian said.


Raymond Raddon
Chief Operating Officer
Raddon Corp

Dorian Gabriel
Security Operations Chief
Raddon Corp

Tai Lu’Xin
Acting Security Operations Chief
Raddon Corp


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