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Job Requirements

Posted on Sat Mar 14, 2015 @ 6:17am by Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Commander Caden Aldrex & Sebina Haican

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: DS5, Haican quarters
Timeline: MD01 1904 hours

Tam finally made it home after a long day of meetings. After he and Sebina had eaten earlier, he had brought her to their new home so that she could unpack. He then had been pulled away by his superiors. Now that he was home, he was dreading what he knew was going to be a negative reaction.

"Sebina," he called out as he entered their quarters. "I'm home, sweetheart. Can you please join me in the living room?"

"One moment." The giggles coming from her bedroom indicated that she was talking to one of her old friends through a sub space channel. Sebina and Aiken, an Andorian girl, had often been partners in crime and had almost mastered the art of not getting caught. Almost. Yet there were light years seperating them now, so there were not manny problems they could cause together any more.

Sebina entered the living room not much later, after she had said goodbye to her friend. "Yeah?"

Hearing Sebina giggle brought warmth to Tam's broken heart. He truly hated that he was about to change that. "Hey there, sweety," he said with an honest smile. "Come sit, I need to talk to you about something." He gently motioned to the plush couch that came with their quarters.

"Uh, okay." Sebina came over and sat down. Carefully and tentatively. Her father's words didn't make it sound as if he had good news. She kept a neutral expression on her face, since her mood had been pretty good when talking to her friend, but her arms were already crossed defensively. Yet her arms couldn't keep her from being emotionally hurt again.

"Sweetheart," Tam began softly. "I have some news that isn't going to be very good. However, let me get through it without interruption, and I'll tell you the good that will follow it." He paused to see if she would respond or allow him to continue.

Sebina nodded and clenched her jaw. She knew she wasn't going to like whatever would come next.

"Okay," he exhaled softly as he began. "I just got out of a meeting with my superior. In it he told me that my wing had been assigned a mission. Now, I can't tell you what the mission is for security reasons. However, the bad part is that I have to leave early tomorrow morning and will be gone for a few days. While I'm gone, I've made arrangements with a few of the other pilot's families to come check on you, unless you would like to stay with one of them, which has been offered." He took a quick breath and continued. "Now, for the good news." He smiled softly. "When I get back, I will be allowed to take some of my leave that I've saved up. You and I will have two weeks to use as we see fit. Where ever you want to go, whatever you want to do, I will be right beside you. No distractions, no work demands."

Sebina barely even heard the second part. Her anger flared up and she jumped up a moment later. "Yes, of course! Just leave me alone with some strangers in some place I don't know! We've not even been here one day! One fucking day!" Sebina had gone from loud sarcasm to yelling in just a few words. She didn't want to be alone. Not now. Although she would never admit it, she was always scared when her dad left. Afraid he would die too and leave her all alone. But being angry was a lot easier than being scared or sad, so that was what she let out.

"Fine! I don't need you! See if I care!" Sebina angrily stormed out of their quarters. " I hate you!" She called over her shoulder. Because she was looking back while running out, she didn't see whoever was in front of her. So when she suddenly hit the floor she was confused for a moment. When she looked up she saw another uniformed man. Someone high ranked too, looking at the pips he wore. One of the bastards who kept her dad away from her. "And I hate you too!" She spat at him as she tried to get to her feet.

Caden Aldrex raised an eyebrow is surprise. The collision had made him stagger backward a few steps but he stayed on his feet. He reached out and helped the girl up. Not that she showed any gratitude for the gesture.

"Sebina!" Tam's voice could be heard from inside their home through the closing corridor door as he shouted after his fleeing daughter. Just as the doors slid shut, his approach, as he chased after Sebina, forced them back apart. He turned blindly in the direction that she had gone, only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw his child down, on her backside, on the deck. He looked up briefly and saw the station's executive officer, he then looked back down at Sebina as he reached down to help her stand back up.

"Sebina!" He said again, though this time with more concern in his voice. "Are you okay?" Without waiting for a response, he addressed Caden. "My apologies, Commander, are you alright, Sir?"

Aldrex raised a hand and shook his head. "It's no problem. Are you alright Miss...Sebina, was it?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Juist perfect," Sebina growled. "I don't have any problems. It's you, uniformed goons, who have the problems. You who think it's perfectly normal to leave everything behind once day and then cheerfully skip through the halls of some metal box in space the next," she spat at them.

Tam's eyes grew wide from suprise. "Sebina Haican!" Then he slipped into telepathic communication out of habit. Manners! Apologize to the Commander now!

"Oh, of course. I'm very sorry you had to hear that from me. I'm sure that came a quite a shock." The sarcasm was evident in the teenager's voice. She wasn't sorry, she was angry. Her fists were still clenched and she stared daggers at both the Commander and her father.

Aldrex smiled warmly and crossed his arms behind his back. "Well, shocking that you've seen me skipping through the halls. And here I thought no one was looking." Inwardly, however, he was feeling a bit awkward at having stumbled across a private, family situation. "Is there any way I can be of assistance here?"

Tam was boiling inside from both embarrassment and anger. Though Sebina had been through a lot over the past few years, she still had been raised with far better manners than that. GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW, YOUNG LADY! He then looked at Aldrex. "I am so sorry, Commander. There is no excuse for her rudeness."

Sebina huffed, as if to say 'not for you'. And then turned around and took off. Not to her room, but she was going to blow off some steam somewhere on the station. She hated this place already.

Tag sighed heavily, feeling defeated. While watching his daughter storm away, he asked Caden. "You have any children, Sir?"

"Not lately," Cade answered, "but I do remember what teenage daughters are like. What's the problem if you don't mind my asking?"

Tam sighed and his shoulders sagged slightly. "If you'd care to come inside and share a drink with me, I'll explain the whole thing, Sir."

"Sounds good to me," the XO replied with a grin. The two men went back inside.


Captain Tam "Demon" Haican
Bravo Assault Wing Commander

Sabina Haican
Enfant terrible

Lt. Cmdr. Caden Aldrex
Executive Officer


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