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Of Things to Come

Posted on Sat Mar 14, 2015 @ 2:07pm by Lieutenant Daniel Rivera & Captain Isha t'Vaurek

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: USS Helios, Dyson Shipyards
Timeline: MD 02 - 1500


Lyhse Sullivans was new to Deep Space 5; The turbo-lifts doors quickly opened, she went with the rest of the passengers, checked in.

When reporting to a ship or Duty Station for the first time she was in full, proper, and complete uniform with her original orders. her copy of updated Record of Emergency Data commonly known as Page 2 Personnel Support Detachment, PSD. She had her I.D. card and orders ready.

"Request permission to come aboard, sir." She stated to the Junior Officer of the Watch.

The Junior Officer of the Watch granted her permission to come aboard. Lyhse present her orders to the Junior Officer of the Watch who signed , dated, and placed the time she reported aboard. Lyhse knew most stations would have a designated collateral duty Reserve Liaison Officer (RLO) or equivalent individual.

Junior Officer of the Watch stated: "Regrettably, the Station's Commanding Officer is currently busy, however a member of the Quarterdeck detail will take you to the ship’s personnel office, afterwards they will assign quarters there as well as they will forward your 'paperwork' to the Administration Department (Captain’s Office,). The Yeomen will contact you for a face to face with her as convenient. She made her way to The Quarterdeck Detail; room assigned, Security and 'User' Code given she was escorted Dyson Shipyard and what one could 'loosely' term her 'Office'.

====A Short While Later====

Dan Rivera was walking down the narrow corridor that went the full length of Dyson's habitat section, cup of raktajino in hand. He had his head in a PADD checking out the diagnostic report of their latest 'customer.' It was ugly. He shook his head and sighed. "What a mess. This'll take a while."

As he passed one of the offices he noticed that the door was open and the lights were on. A new tenant was inside, unpacking a container on her desk and settling in. He reversed his steps and came back to stand in the doorway. "Oh, hello! You look like you're new here. Name's Dan Rivera." He switched his mug to the other hand and offered a handshake.

Lyhse was startled that some one would be up so late;The Klingon Coffee was also a surprise, the one who called himself Dan Rivera appeared Terran, she mentally shrugged. Lyhse took the offered hand; trying to suppress the reason why the handshake was adopted on Terra, instead choosing to reply, "Name is Lyhse Sullivans, what has you up so late?"

"This shipyard works around the clock," Dan replied. "There's always plenty to do, so double shifts aren't unusual. Don't worry you'll get used to the grind. Everybody does eventually." He lifted his mug in salute. "Having some go-go juice helps, too. So what brings you out here? No one told me we were getting a new officer."

Lyhse smiled sweetly replying, "Orders from Star Fleet." Lyhse added so as not to be guilty of being a smart alec, "Was previously assigned to Star Fleet Facilities Command."

"Outstanding," Dan replied. "Don't get me wrong, we can always use extra hands around here. Feel free to start as soon as you like," he grinned. "Would you like me to show you around?"

Lyse replied with an enthusiastic "Most assuredly yes, Lieutenant." Lyhse gave a side ways look at the younger man, a wicked, mischievous glint sparked in her eyes, as a wry, mysterious 'Mona Lisa, secretive smile played on her lips. Curios, she thought to herself, Lyhse had to admit it was a very strategical approach to a new comers thousand questions that she could observe for herself. Questions of Dyson Yard's capacity, last time the 'machinery' to repair was upgraded, Was the Space Drydocks One size fits all, or adjustable, Largest Class of ship, SLEP and FRAM [Ship Life Extension Program, Fleet Rearmament and Modernization.] capabilities, dedicated material command, or 'shared with Deep Space 5 FIR [Federation Industrial Replicator.] independent or shared, percentage of repairs to 'New builds', level of repairs Dyson is capable, plans to expand the Yard, distributed or consolidate structure?

Dan led the way down the admin corridor to the observation windows. Docked in the yard enclosure was the USS Helios, a Springfield-class starship that had been ferried out to be converted into a training ship for the Academy. "This is customer number one here. She's in bad shape. Had to be decommissioned seventeen years ago after an ion storm did severe damage to her systems. Starfleet kept her intact to be used as a source of spare parts for other ships. She was due to be scrapped a few months ago, but some kids from the Academy got it in their heads to restore her. Some of them are here now to help us out. It's going to be a pretty big job."

Lyhse eyes narrowed, thinking was this a test? She was uncertain. Lyhse started to wonder. She decided to voice her question.

Lyhse declared, "Lieutenant, redesignated as 'mothballed' you meant?" Thinking to herself once decommissioned all systems would be stripped down to just a hull. Hearing the name Helios Lyhse's 'minds eye' went to the Sigma Wyrenex system to a world named Helios; a planet where she had lived.

"Right. 'Inactive reserve' is the official designation, I think." Rivera and Sullivans watched through the windows as workpods buzzed about and space-suited yard workers walked and skipped across the top of the hull, pulling off access panels, working with tools and other items. "We're doing a level one diagnostic on all systems. Another team is getting ready to open up the nacelles and strip down the coils for overhaul. These guys down here are doing a hull integrity inspection."

Lyhse shuddered. In her mind's eye she was placed during a time she participated with the Advanced Starship Design Bureau studying a method to harden facilities and starships from the effects of up to a level eight Ion storm. Her face went pale, as once again she was on the Springfield Class Starship, the USS Tolstoy, the vivid memory of barely surviving, adrift in the Ion Pod. With a mental effort Lyhse returned to the present. Speaking in a shaky voice. "Perhaps it would be better to place the ship in SLEP status?"

Lyhse knew it was wrong the second she 'heard' it, she knew they were still in the preliminary stages with the checklist. Yes; eventually, they would possible think that was the best way to approach the repairs. The Springfield Class reminded her of a Galaxy Class secondary hull, a New Orleans Class saucer, Nebula Class 'overhead'. Many parts would need to be remanufactured or they would have to have an Architect rework so that the 'new' systems and structure could be blended into this ship's rescue.

Dan gave it a moment's thought and nodded his agreement. "SLEP status would be ideal but we would need expanded facilities and several more months to do the work. Fortunately, our only task is to repair broken systems, overhaul the field coils, and convert some of the spaces for use as classrooms. Are you current on your EVA certification?"

Seemingly distracted Lyhse replied meekly, "Of course, Lieutenant." Thinking to herself, Although most Fleeters only needed ten hours out of every month, a Yardbird needed ten hours every week to remain certified. Was this his way of offering 'Time'? She reluctantly shared her 'on the fly' modifications to him on her PADD. "Some of the Cargo holds have a 'module' feature added that they can change the compartment to whatever was needed with incorporated Holo emitters and Data trunks under the flooring."

Dan glanced at the PADD and nodded his approval. "Looks promising. With these modifications the Academy could use the cargo spaces as extra holodecks for training. Nice work."

Lyhse responded meekly. "Thanks."

"Well, would you like to go aboard and have a look around?" Dan asked, nodding to the airlock entrance nearby.

Lyhse smiled and responded, "Sounds good to me."


Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Systems Integration Specialist, Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Dan Rivera
Starship Repair Team Leader, Dyson Yards


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