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Reporting on the Vulcans

Posted on Wed Jun 26, 2019 @ 10:30am by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,063 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Soran's Office
Timeline: MD09 2100


Alyssa had little confidence in Sovok actually negotiating with Maritza. But if he did, the commander needed to know what she was facing. So, the science officer went straight to her office to let her know about Alanna's day with Sovok.

OPS was quiet this late, the gammer shift was well underway, but really only needed a skeleton crew to watch traffic control and power supply. Unlike during the alpha and beta shifts, Soran's door was open, the commander finishing up the last of the days reading, a report on the group that had arrived through the portals a few days before from Sick bay.

She saw Alanna come into OPS and waved her over. @Good evening, Dr Wells. How can I help you this evening?"

"I have some information you might be interested in," Alanna said, not sure how else to put it.

Commander Soran put the pdd aside nd folded jer hands together on the desk. "What have you found?" Science had a lot on its plate right now. this could be about anything from archeology to subspace anomalies.

"I've spent the past few hours with Sovok," Alyssa began. "And I'm sure he's going to try and kill the refugees." That was the most crucial piece of information as far as Alanna was concerned. "He won't leave them here."

"You have evidence for this?" Maritza knew she would. her science officer was thorough and wouldn't have said it that way without being 100% certain. But she had to do her own diligence as well.

"Yes. I recorded everything. At first, we went to the promenade and the gym area. He was surprised that we let non-Vulcans roma freely. Same with letting everyone have a replicator. But it wasn't until we had dinner in his quarters and played a game of chess that I got the answers I wanted." She explained to Maritza about asking Sovok what to do with some humans who were causing problems on the station, then about the chess game. "He never said he was going to kill them, but everything he did say pointed to him not leaving them alive. Or, not leaving their leader alive. I'm not even sure it would be safe to send him back through the portal as long as he can return here. Oh, and he said there are three ways to get what you want. Bribery and seduction are the first two. I didn't ask for the third. He said he wants to meet with you in the morning." But she honestly wasn't sure if that wasn't also a ploy to give him time for whatever he had planned for tonight, which probably included hunting down the Andorian and his team.

"Then I will meet him." She held up the padd. What you've said confirms some of my suspicions. The doctors didn't go into detail, but they all sported injuries consistent with violence, and lack of medical treatment. The Betazoid was also subject to a forced psionotomy. Which went wrong and blinded her. They've asked for permission to use cybernetics."

"Oh, no. Will she always be psi deaf?" Being a telepath herself, she couldn't imagine being telepathically blind. "They said she'd been burned out, but I'd hoped we could help her."

"Psi deaf, yes. The famage to the visual pathways could be fixed, but providing that technology maybe a Prime Directive breach."

"They appear to be technologically advanced enough for warp," Alanna said. "I hate to see any Betazoid have to live like that." She shook her head. "It's a sticky situation. All I know is that we can't trust the Vulcans."

"Do we pack them back to where they come from." It seemed like the sensible option. "An already violent and oppressive society doesn't need any more help from us."

"The Vulcans?" Alanna shrugged. "If we keep them here, they will cause problems. If we send them back, they could bring a small army to take over the base. Or Pangaea. Sovok said he wasn't interested in coming back through the portal, but I can't guarantee he won't change his mind at some point. Still, it's safer for us if he's back in his own world. I'm not so sure about the others."

"You mean Its not safe for them to go back?" Maritza had her concerns there too. "Or its not safe for us to let them stay?"

"Both," Alanna admitted. "Sovok is too clever by far. If he goes back, he may eventually decide to return and if he stays, he will find allies and I don't want to think what he could do then." She gave Maritza a wry smile. "I'm glad I don't have to make that decision."

"If the dilemma grows more horns, I could have Ambassador Chargw'lH hunt and have it mounted and stuffed on my wall." Maritza said drily. "My first priority is to this station and its crew and citizens. The wellbeing of other parties is by necessity, secondary." Which didn't make it easy. From her CSO's report, she would be signing the refugees death warrants is she sent them back.

The mental image of Sovok with horns appealed to her, but she kept that thought to herself. "I know." Alanna appreciated the position the commander was in and did not envy her. "I'm just passing on information, and my opinion. I trust you to do what you feel is best." Even if she knew she herself could not make the decision to send the refugees back if they wanted to stay. But that was still a big if. They probably wanted to go back and fight for their freedom and that of their families.

At least one of us does, Maritza thought. "Thank you for letting me know. It will help."

"You're welcome." Alanna stood. "Let me know if I can be of help with this." She didn't know what she could do, but she wanted to help if she could.

She nodded to Maritza and headed back to her quarters to change. As she did, a security officer stepped away from his console and looked up to Soran.

"Ma'am, I've just had word from the Promenade. The visiting Andorians have just attacked the visiting Vulcans."

Maritza sighed. "Alright. I'm on my way."


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Commander Maritza Soran


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