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Shovel Talk (Part III of III)

Posted on Mon Jun 24, 2019 @ 10:32am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,608 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Arboretum, Promenade deck 4
Timeline: MD11 2130

Previously, in Shovel Talk

Moving around to Maritza her pulled her chair back and offered her his hand.

"Very gallant." she smiled. "Shall we?"

Taking her arm in his they left the restaurant.

They headed out and took the lifts down to the bottom of the promenade with its small park. Late in the evening, it was lit by tiny lights weaved into lower branches. Few people were about - the bajoran temples had held their last services some time ago, and most of the stores were shut, and tonight there were no musical groups or actors in the small bandstand to draw a crowd. They were pretty much alone.

And now the continuation...

Walking the small trail that wove its way through the area. Geral cast a glance from side to side to the small park when an idea came to him but he saved it for later. He took a deep breath of the air...still artificial but fresher due to the various small trees and other plant and laced with various fragrances...including Maritza's perfume.

They walked arm in arm a ways further until he broke the silence. "You aren't cold are you?"

The ambient temperature of the station had fallen a little, part of the pseudo day-night, but not enough that nayone would really need poutdoor clothes. Still, she was happy to play along. "It is getting a bit brisk. Maybe I should have a word with ops."

He smiled, knowing that she was only humoring him. Regardless he removed his suit coat and draped it over her shoulders.

He had regretted have had to depart so suddeny and had found found himself actually anticipating his return. "Oh...while Iwas gone I looked over the Pangaea surface and climate information."

"Ah, did you? And what did you find?"

"I found a nice spot for a Mountain cabin."

She couldn't help smiling then. She'd been expecting some pitch for development, but not that. "I guess I'd better hope that Dr Wells says we are clear for extended development soon. I wouldn't want your hard work to go to waste."

"Well long term or short term it still looks like an idea locale. Besides, even if the planet were to return back to whereever it came from...someone will make use of it. Plus it would give you a place to get away while still being close enough just in case."

She sighed, and leant a little closer to him. "Getting away would be lovely. Between Raddon, and Xi'cadia and Turvan and pangaea." The likelihood seemed to dwindle with every day. "And now this issue with the alternate reality visitors. I'd love a vacation, but there's never a good time."

He was going to start sounding like a feedback loop. "You can delegate you know. And the beauty of it is that it would be close enough for a short getaway and IF there is an opportunity for a real vacation it will be an option as well. You could work remotely if you wanted."

Now the salesman in him kicked in. "Think about. A cool mountain morning, Walking through the cabin in your lounging comfy clothes with an oversized cup of coffee or hot tea. Sitting cross legged on the sofa as you review your morning reports. And if something requires your personal attention you are a shuttle ride away."

"It's a convincing argument. And I am running up untaken leave." though she could imagine how Raddon would frame her dissapearing from the station for leave, or even having a holiday home. And who knew what scheming the various Alien ambassadors would get up to in her abscence.

"It's settled then. I will get approval from your Dr. Wells and I will construct a you the perfect retreat. And to keep up appearances we can make it look as if i was contracted to build it." Snapping his finger. "Better yet how about I build it as a personal retreat and 'rent' it out to individuals from time to time?"

"Hmmm. I guess it depends on what the cost is. Ive heard the landlord can be something of the mercenary," she teased.

He turned his head to looked down at her. Feigning offense with a gesture. "I all the years I have operated, in all my deals i was never been called a mercenary. I think your rate just went up," he added with a coy smile.

"Oh really?" she said archly, "And what is it now?"

Stopping their stroll he looked at her, pulling her closer. "I haven't decided yet."

She was very close to him. She liked that. Smiling up at him, She asked, "Can I do anything to get a discount?"

His hands slid up her arms and over her shoulders. "I think I could be persuaded."

Her own arms came around his waist. "I can be persuasive..."

They had left the crowded promenade which was making his job harder given the method demanded by his employer. But then as luck would have it they walked into the stations park. Moving quickly around the other side he took position and let his target come to him.

Drawing the blade he waited as they neared and cursed when the pair stopped just short...but close enough. Slipping out he watched as the pair moved towards one another. Now was the time and he leapt out ready to take his prey and anyone nearby.

Geral looked into her eyes and leaned in towards her. She was reaching up to him. They drew closer, close enough to feel each other's;s breath on their lips.

The energy blast leapt past their heads just above him. Even as a shout called out he was crouching, taking Maritza with him, covering her.

Maritza felt the heat of the bolt, and then she was being pulled to the ground and Geral was pressed over her and there was shouting and something that sounded like a fight. "What's going on?" She demanded from beneath him.

As soon as it started it was over and Dorian Torel was next to them. "All clear boss."

"Let me up! Maritza protested.

Geral released her, her hair fallen from its delicate perch. With Dorian present, his first concern was for her, "Are you ok?"

Maritza got to her feet, straightening her dress, and loosening a few hair pins to make it easier to push her hair put of her face. "Im fine." She saw the limp, barely breathing figure lying on the ground at the feet of Geral bodyguard. "What just happened?"

With his foot he kicked the blade from the, would be, assassin's hand then knelt to check on him. "Well I'd say this poor idiot was trying to kill one of you...maybe both. I figured you'd want to get whatever you could from him so...He'll be out for a while."

Maritza looked at the would be attacker. He was human. Older than her, but not by much. Maybe mid thirties. Dark haired, well tanned. Her first thought was one of the deplorables that lurked around the Raddon's leavings. But the weapon lying a few feet away had the elegant lines of a Romulan knife. That made no sense.

Just then a group of security officers rushed into the area, phasers drawn and ready. Seeing the man down, and the Commander standing there with two others. While one called for a medical team the theam lead approached the trio. "Commander? We got a report of weapons fire..."

Dorian looked over with a gesture, "that'd be me."

"That man looked like he was going to attack us, so he stepped in. Please put him under arrest."
She knew her evening had just gone up in smoke. There would be statements to make now, and reports to write.

Geral watched as they lifted the limp form onto a gurnee and escorted him away under guard. Turning to Maritza, "This is not at all how I had intended the evening go."

She picked up her purse from where it had fallen, and brushed some of the dirt off it. "Me neither, but fate can be fickle. The real questions now are why he did it? And if he was working for anyone else?"

Dorian raised a brow. "It's a sure bet that he's working for someone, but who?" It was highly unlikely it had anything to do with the dilithium and before they left they had began displacing a lot of the shipping contracts on the station. His mind was already going through the possibilities...all seemed unlikely.

Geral nodded. Was he the target do to some business dealing? If so there were ways to find out and deal with the situation. If Maritza was the intended victim that was a more complicated situation. Right now they had little to go on, but he knew if there was any dirt to be found Dorian could dig it up.

He let up a disappointment huff. "I guess we are all making a trip to security? An evening of statements, reports, and interviews...sounds wonderful." He added with dry humor.

"Welcome to my life." Soran slid her arm into his. "Company helps. Shall we?"

His hand went to the small of he back as they moved off. Leaning to her he whispered with a smile, "See....we should've gone to the holodeck."


Commander Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman for Geral Lasuma

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space Five


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