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Meet the Press (Part II of II)

Posted on Wed Apr 3, 2019 @ 9:20am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms

1,533 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commaner Soran's office
Timeline: MD04 1300

Previously on Meet The Press

Maritza pressed her lips together, knowing she had to choose her words carefully. "The key mutineers decided to die on the Svikiri, rather than face justice. But to do what they did, they must have had significant assistance, and there have been other unfortunate incidents here, and we continue to pursue leads to find those individuals who only want to use violence to express their frustration."

"Yes mass suicide, I will say one thing for them. Misguided they may have been but they had discipline and faith in their cause," Avis conceded that much.

"Are any of these you are pursuing on this station?"

And now the conclusion...

Soran went rather still for a moment. "I can't comment on open investigations." she said eventually. "But it is saddening to know that some of those investigations are close to home."

Well that told Avis something at least, close to home indeed.

"Yes, I understand. All authorities and governments use that line. Not that it isn't often true but you have to admit sometimes it's just to cover up big messes those in charge created. But I get it. That's a no comment then," Avis conceded, disappointed but used to that sort of thing.

The commander gave her a look. This reporter may have been barely out of high school, but she wasn't stupid and she wasn't afraid of power. Hmph. "Lieutenant Tessaro and Commander Ryan have charge of the investigation. If they feel that they can generate leads through your organisation, I am sure they'll be happy to talk to you."

Avis had to smile, "The very Ryan who is now awaiting the consequences of his run in with the press? Well then it certainly seems he will not be suffering any suspension of duty."

The temperature in the room dropped a couple of degrees. "Commander Ryan was suspended from duty yesterday, and will be making a statement later today."

Avis pounced then, "Wait a minute. You just said he and this Lt. Tessaro were in charge of the investigation. Now you are saying he was suspended from duty. So which is it? How can he be suspended from duty and lead an investigation? I do not understand."

"A slip of the tongue. Before he was suspended from duty, he was in charge of the investigation. As Lieutenant Tessaro's direct superior officer, he would have had oversight of the investigation. That oversight now falls to me until he is reinstated." Soran regarded the young woman across from her with a frostiness that was palpable. "Mr Reyes has indicated a certain desire to let bygones be bygones, having not made a formal complaint. We are taking that into account, but Commander Ryan has been relieved of duty whilst we determine a suitable form of rehabilitation."

"OK, slip of the it. I won't include that in the interview then, don't worry. I'm not doing this to make you look bad regardless of what you might think. And yeah, if Reyes isn't going to push it then he must feel like he had to have been at least partly at fault," Avis smiled.

"Anyhow guess I just need to wait and see how all this pans out, right?"

"We do indeed." Soran replied crisply. She knew that there needed to be a certain level of transparentness, but she didn't like dwelling on the stations misfortunes. "Any other questions?"

Without even realizing the other woman's thoughts, Avis had come to a similar conclusion. She wouldn't mind including positive stories too even if the bad stuff drew a bigger audience. She did try to be balanced, mostly.

"Well, before we wrap this up, one last question. Would you like me to include anything in particular that would show the station is more than simply dealing with problems but is also celebrating successes? You give something like that and I promise I will try and get that included in my report too. Deal?" she smiled.

That was an unexpected offer. She wondered if she was being lulled into a false sense of security. Soran thought about it for a minute.

"Deep space Five. This station. Our home. Over the last few years, the last few months, it has faced challenges from the extreme, to the improbable, to the unprecedented. Various factions in this galaxy have tried to attack us militarily, and psychologically.

"They've threatened the lives of all of us, and have struck at the co-operation and camaraderie that drives the Federation. They have stood against all the values that make this place, this little glimmer of light in the deep night, the shining beacon it is. They have tried, are still, trying to snuff out it lights.

"But I can't give you one example of how they've all failed. Or even in something where we've succeeded, because success isn't about the flashy singularities. Success isn't an 'event' its a process. Its every single one of us coming together, doing our jobs living our lives. Tirelessly, persistently, consistently, without expectation of glory, only the satisfaction of a job well done, of staying true to the calling that made us pull on our uniforms, or risk all we have to come to the edge of space in the hopes of finding something more than we have left behind.

"Our success is all around you, Ms Larant. Every time you take a breath, its because I've got the best engineers I can find transforming the stale waste of a sealed can into pleasant fresh air. I've got the best technicians providing you with technology that keeps us connected to the rest of civilization, to keep us close to those we love, even if they're light years away. I have officers on the promenade to help the lost and the confused find their way, some physically, some spiritually. I have officers sifting endless streams of data, looking for those who threaten us, to keep us safe, and to give justice back to those who've had it taken from them.

"If you want an example of success on DS5, its right out there. It works with you everyday. Its easy not to see it straight away, because it doesn't ask to be seen, but its there. Its the commitment of my people, the very best a captain could hope for, to do their best, day in, day out. To rise to every occasion. To pull together through every challenge. Never failing to make this a thriving home for everyone. Its why, after all the troubles and drama we've seen, the gains and the losses, we're still here, ready to thrive, going from strength to strength, where the darkness meets the light.

"That's success, Ms Larant. Its all the people here. So don't forget that not even for a single day. Because I don't"

Avis smiled, "Nice speech. I can see why they made you in charge here. You should go into Federation politics you know?"

"But alright, I can't promise I can put that whole thing into the story, it's too long but I will try and convey the gist of it for you," she promised.

"Do right by my people," Soran replied. "Its all I want."

"I will try but as an investigative journalist I have a duty to do right for the public too. To let them find out the truth. Good journalism is often going to be adversarial you know," Avis smiled then shut off the recorder.

"I'm really not an asshole, Commander," she declared as she stood up.

"I will reserve judgment." Soran stood up as well. "Thank you for your time."

Avis chuckled, that was blunt but she kinda liked that answer so she settled for, "And thank you for the interview."

She was about to hold out her hand to shake when Claude stepped through the door. "Ma'am. There's been activity on the surface. "We've got visitors. From a portal."

Avis went wide-eyed, "Really? Who? Or what? Can I just tag along to watch?"

Maritza gave Claude a look that promised consequences, then turned to the reporter. "Unfortunately at this stage, all matters pertaining to that complex are classified. Though as there will no doubt be a number of scientific firsts involved, I'm sure there will be a statement soon enough. I will make sure you're kept up to date."

Avis sighed but wasn't going to push it, "Alright, I had to at least try, right? I really would be grateful though if you can keep me in the loop. I'm in a very competitive career. Not complaining, I love it."

"We will endeavor to be as transparent as security concerns permit," Maritza said. She wasn't sure she could say yes, this was the best she could manage. "So stay in touch."

"Oh so you want me to keep bugging you then? I can certainly do that. I can be very annoyingly persistent," Avis smiled, the interview was over now and she knew it.

"Very well, I shall be going then, once more I thank you for the opportunity to interview you," she added.


Commander Maritza Soran

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist


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