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Security Training Pt 1

Posted on Wed Apr 3, 2019 @ 11:01pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Ensign Tizo Criteser & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Civilian Jason Haines & Ensign Jessica Mayhew

1,095 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck 24
Timeline: Day 7/ 05:47 hrs


As the training continued for SRU teams, Annora waited the arrival of the first group of the day. Even if not everyone chose to join, or didn't qualify for various reasons, it rarely hurt to have extra training.

Decked out in full tactical gear, Annora stood outside the holodeck where the others were told to report.

Jason had left a note with Alanna and arrived on time, as he had stayed at her place and didn't want her to think he was doing the sneak out the door move. He went to the quartermaster to get the gear layout that Annora had asked them to bring. He then picked up the pace so he was on time.

"Good morning, Lieutenant," Jason said with as close to a smile as he could muster this early in the morning.

Raising an almost empty coffee mug in greeting, Annora returned the smile.

"Morning, Lieutenant. You sure you don't want to trade your gray undershirt for a gold one? You seem to be spending a lot of time with security."

"That's okay, Lieutenant," Jason said. "I just figured if I surrounded myself with enough security personnel, if anything does start to go down I am in a safe spot."

"That, or you're secretly a plant to get an inside look at how we operate."

"I was going more for a shrub or a hedge," Jason said with a wink. "But plant will work."

She chuckled.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Plus, the better trained other departments are, the less work we have to do."

Ensign Jessica Mayhew arrived with one of her security team members, Petty Officer Third Travis Nottingham. Where Jessica was a petite blonde, Nottingham was tall, broad, and dark-haired. He gave proper deference to his team leader, however, as he followed behind Mayhew.

“Mayhew and Nottingham reporting,” Jessica said. She often got assigned to the front desk in the Security office, working as first Caleb’s and now Annora’s personal assistant, but she also did Promenade patrols with Nottingham.

"Morning, Ensign, Petty Officer. We have a few others on their way, so feel free to relax until then."

Jessica nodded and turned to Nottingham. “Stretch?” she offered. Since they were in full tac, it was going to be active, likely, not just some training holo to watch.

Jason went over to the ensign and petty officer and stuck out his hand and said, "Lieutenant Jason Haines."

The blonde young woman turned back and smiled, taking Jason’s hand. “Ensign Jessica Mayhew,” she introduced herself, “and my partner.”

“PO3 Travis Nottingham,” the big man said, returning Jason’s handshake.

Jason smiled at Mayhew and Nottingham and said, "Nice to meet you both."

Just then the next pair arrived, chattering as they jostled in. CPO Farrokh Caspara was showing off, trying to impress PO2 Tayla Balann as he was showing her around. She was relatively new and a little nervous about training in front of established security officers of all ranks, but Farrokh was keeping her mind off that as they entered and approached the group over by the replicator, seemingly getting acquainted.

The CPO immediately assessed the group, looking out for the person in charge to present himself and his patrol partner to first. He approached Annora and introduced himself and then Tayla, giving each of their full names and ranks and mentioning why they had come on this particular course of training. For him it was a refresher, but it was the newcomer Balann's first time in these circumstances, and despite his clear banter with her on entry, he became protective and complimentary when presenting her to the lieutenant in charge.

While the strategic training was voluntary, Annora was pleased to see a mixture of veterans and rookies. The Chief had just as much or more time in uniform than Annora, but those with less experience were more likely to think outside the box.

"Glad to have you onboard. Trust your training and instincts and you should do fine."

"Thank you, ma'am," they replied almost in chorus, and then, grinning at each other, went off to get kitted out and meet the others in the room.

Just then, Ensign Criteser rounded the corner. Having been on the night shift, he was a bit behind the others in arriving. "Morning, Lieutenants, Ensign, Chief, Petty Officer."

"Morning, Ensign," Annora replied. "I didn't get any frantic calls, so I assume all went well?"

"Yes, ma'am. A bit of trouble, but nothing we couldn't handle. It's all in the report."

As he talked, the Bajoran donned the required tactical gear.

With everyone in place, Annora got started.

"First off, this is training, not a formal assessment. Unless you do something really stupid, there's no lasting consequences. Formal tryouts for the SRU teams will be held separately. Even if you decide not to join a team, it's still good training. We have faced increasing threats over the past few months, which necessitates a stronger response from us. I envision the teams of consisting of four to six members, with one team on duty at all times. A second team will be on standby should the need arise. Most of the gear should be familiar to you, with the exception of the stun baton. Any questions before we get started with the simulation?"

“No, ma’am,” Jessica replied, and Travis nodded his assent.

Jason shook his head in the negative. He was very eager to go through this. He wanted his whole team to eventually, as they would be working closely with security, so it was only beneficial to train with them as well.

Farrokh and Tayla also shook their heads to indicate they had nothing to ask or add at this point.

"Perfect. Let's get started. Ensign Mayhew, you'll take the lead on this. Of the officers participating, you have the most experience in Security. Chief, you'll be second. How you divvy up responsibility from there is up to you. I'll be along mainly as an observer. As a reminder, while the vests provide some protection from bladed and energy weapons, they don't make you invincible."

Recycling her coffee mug, Annora lead the group into the holodeck where the security offices were recreated. As soon as everyone was in place, the simulation began.


Lt Annora Tessaro
Security Chief

Ens. Tizo Criteser
Security Officer

Ltjg. Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ens. Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer

PO3 Travis Nottingham
Security Officer

CPO Farrokh Caspara
Security Officer
NPC - Amia

PO2 Tayla Balann
Security Officer
NPC - Amia


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